Wednesday 24th February

What a great week so far! Let’s have a look at some of your amazing hard work.

Today’s activities:

Phonics FS2 – New sound ‘or’
Phonics FS1 – Syllables
English FS2 – Retell the story
Maths FS2 – Sequencing and words which help
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 6


FS2 We continue today with the new sound ‘or’.

Keep playing games to help you recognise the sounds (phonemes) as they are written (graphemes). This is really important now that you are learning different digraphs/trigraphs so that you can recognise them instantly without sounding out each individual letter.

Click on the link then start. Go to week 6 and click ‘or’

Segmenting is as important as blending. Sat the words, count how many sounds you hear and then decide how to write the letters (graphemes) which represent those sounds. (Fork, corn, port, horn, north, short)

FS1 Counting the syllables or beats in a words can be quite tricky but is very important. Start simply with one or two beats and gradually increase the number as your child becomes more confident.

Collect some objects from around the house, line them up and clap the syllables. Can someone guess which object it is? Or you could use the pictures below.


Today I would like you to watch this fantastic retelling of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Mrs Altoft and her family made this video and kindly let us watch it. I would like you to have a go at retelling the story and filming it in a similar way. If you don’t have all of the items needed at home, perhaps you could make them out of playdough or draw pictures of them. Perhaps you could get the whole family involved in the retelling as Mrs Altoft did. Mrs Altoft and her family are very excited and can’t wait to see how you get on and so am I!!
Because this is quite a big task, I won’t be giving you anything else to do this week so that you have plenty of time to complete this.


FS2 To help us to put things in the correct order, we need to use special words to be organised. Today we are going to learn what these words are and how to use them.

Remember when talking about the pictures to use the time words to help; first, next, the, after that.

Don’t forget to keep practising your numbers as well.

FS1 Do you have a dice at home? Maybe you have a giant one to use in the garden? Or one in a ‘popper’ as part of a game? Can you count the spots on each side of your dice? Play a game where you roll the dice then someone must do that many jumps/hops/claps or whatever you choose!

Can you spot 6?

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Well Being Wednesday

We have all been learning at home since Christmas and that seems such a long time! I have really missed seeing you all but we now know you will all be able to come back to school very soon. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see you!
It might seem very strange thinking about coming back to school and some of you might have some questions or worries. This is all very normal. Even though I am really excited I still get a butterfly feeling in my tummy when I think of it. I think….. Will I have everything ready for you all? Will I remember everything I have to do? Will I get to school on time? My day is going to be very different as is yours. What is going to be different? How does that make you feel?

You might not complete this activity today. You might just start to think about how you feel about coming back to school. It is really important to try and talk about how you are feeling because that can help to find ways you can feel better about things, someone may be able to help or if you are feeling really happy and excited you may be able to help someone else by sharing. Have a think and complete this, it will really help me to know how you are feeling so that I can help you too.

Have a fun day.

Mrs Atkinson

Tuesday 23rd February

Good morning! Wow, you had a super first day back, well done. I can see that you are all keen and eager to be learning again which is fantastic! I am sure you now know that we will all be returning to school on Monday 8th March. That’s 14 sleeps! It seems a long time away but it will soon be here. Over the next two weeks we will be thinking about returning to school, what that will be like and how that makes us feel. Look out tomorrow for an activity to help us begin to think about this. Grown ups, I am here to help with that transition back in to school so if there is anything I can help with, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Phonics FS2 – New sound ‘ar’
Phonics FS1 – Alliteration
English FS2 – The Very Hungry Caterpillar animated film
Maths FS2 – Days of the week
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 6
Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World – Life cycle of a butterfly


FS2 So, now you have refreshed your memory and had a practice, today we are learning the new sound ‘ar’.

Remember to use phonics play to practise.

When using sentence substitution be careful to pick the sentences with only the sounds you have learnt so far.

Segmenting is as important as blending. Sat the words, count how many sounds you hear and then decide how to write the letters (graphemes) which represent those sounds. (Bar, car, card, jar, park, farm)

FS1 Today we are thinking again about alliteration. Remember to listen carefully for the same sound at the beginning of the words.

Why not make a sound box and play the same game as Felix? Or follow the link below to go to Phonics Play and play Super Smoothie.


Today I would like you to watch the animated film – The very Hungry Caterpillar and think about the following questions. Talk to a grown up about them.
Is the story the same?
What is different and what is the same?
Which do you like best, the film or the storybook. Can you tell a grown up why?
Did you like the music in the film? How did it make you feel?
What was your favourite part of the story?

Now I would like you to draw your favourite part of the story, this can be from the book or the film. I would like you to label your picture. Challenge yourself! Can you write a caption or a sentence to go with your picture?


FS2 Today we are going to be looking at the days of the week. It’s quite tricky remembering them in order so it might help you to think of different things you do on each day.

Today add days of the week to your calendar. You could add a picture to help you remember the day, for example if you go the park on a Tuesday, draw a picture of the park as well.

Today’s number activities for you to choose from if you wish.

FS1 Number of the week: Number 6. Have a look at this powerpoint to learn more about number 6.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

Out story this week tells us about the caterpillar who turns into a butterfly. I wonder if you can remember what happens to the egg we saw at the start of the story. Have a look at this episode of Maddie’s Do You Know?

Can you put the pictures of the butterfly’s life in the correct order? You can print the download and cut and stick the pictures in the correct order or just draw pictures in the correct order. Can you add labels to your diagram?

Enjoy your day and have fun!

Mrs Atkinson

Monday 22nd February

Good morning and welcome back. I do hope you had a really good break and enjoyed the rest. I wonder how many of you enjoyed celebrating Valentines Day and Pancake Day. I would love to hear about what you did. We are beginning this week thinking about the change of seasons and looking forward to Spring. Our book this week is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I am sure lots of you have this book at home and know it well. It is a fantastic book to help us think about time and new life which we will be exploring in other activities. First of all lets have a look at how you finished the last half term.

Today’s activities are as follows:

Phonics FS2 – Because you’ve had a short break, we will begin by recapping the learning form last half term
Phonics FS1 – Environmental sounds: Drumming
English FS2 – The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Maths FS2 – Calendar and Time
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 6
Physical Development – The Very Hungry Caterpillar Yoga
Expressive Arts: Music – Sing The Very Hungry Caterpillar


FS2 Today I just want you to refresh your memory with the sounds you have learnt and get back in to the practice of blending. I have added lots of games on phonics play which will help you to do that. If you have other games you prefer to play, whether on line or not then please use these. Today is all about getting back into the routine of learning.

When using sentence substitution be careful to pick the sentences with only the sounds you have learnt so far.

FS1 This week we are going to recap the Phase 1 learning so far. It is really important to keep using all of the skills to help with developing fantastic listening which is so important before learning to read and write. I think lots of you will enjoy today, it can be as noisy as you like. Sorry Grown Ups! Take it outside if the weather allows or have a go inside if it won’t disturb too many people!


This week we are going to read The Very Hungry caterpillar. I think many of you will know this story. It is a really good story to read again at this time of year. I wonder if you can think why?

Over the last few weeks you have been thinking about the different parts to stories. Today I would like you to think about The Very Hungry Caterpillar and draw a picture for each of the following. Perhaps you could write a label for each. You can use the download but you don’t need to, just ask an adult to copy the headings (or you can) and then draw your pictures.


FS2 Grown ups: This week we are going to be thinking about Calendar and Time but it is really important to keep going back to some of the number learning from the last half term. This can be done easily throughout the day without it being too formal, spotting numbers in the environment, talking about numbers, counting things at home, playing board and card games. If your child enjoys watching Numberblocks, these episodes are a good way to recap numbers. Revising numbers to ten includes all of the learning we covered, numbers, subitising, more, less, adding and subtracting. Alternatively I will add number activities/games each day if you choose to use them.

Today we are going to be looking at time and the seasons. When we think about time in Foundation Stage, we are not learning to tell the time but beginning to have an awareness of a sense of time, understanding what time is.

Can you make your own calendar? Draw pictures of the seasons and different weather or use the template below.

Today’s number activities:
Mathematical Bowling

FS1 Number of the Week : 6 This week we will be learning all about the number 6. Watch this video to get started.

Physical Development

Learn the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar through yoga moves.

Expressive Arts: Music

You can sing the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar to the tune of ‘Old MacDonald’.

Have a great day and I hope you have enjoyed getting back to learning.

Mrs Atkinson

Friday 12th February

What a great week again. Well done everyone, you have made it to the last day! Thank you all for your hard work. Grown ups, thank you for all your hard work too and all the support you are giving! Below is a final round up of what you have been doing for this half term. I will share any photographs received after posting this and from today, the first day back.

Today we finish the week with the following activities:

Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Rhyming
English FS2 – Goldilocks and the Three Bears – write sentences about the setting
Maths FS2 – Recap subtraction
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 5 – Numberblocks
Fun Friday!


FS2 For the final time this week, here is the alphabet song. Don’t forget to practise recognising all of your sounds by using phonics play, flashcards, splat or however you like to do it.

Don’t forget your letter formation practise. Today we have a new ‘family’ of letters to practise.

We finish the week with the ‘oo’ phoneme.

Can you spot the 2 different sounds the digraph ‘oo’ makes?

Cut out the cards, mix them up and put them back together to make sentences or just read them and match them up to make silly sentences.

FS1 Watch the video and have a go at the rhyming game.


Now you have thought about the setting in the story, drawn a picture and written labels, today’s task is to write sentences to describe the setting.


FS2 We will finish the week with a recap of subtraction.

Have a look at the fist, then, now stories and see if you can completed them. There are some different ones in the download if you want to try some more.

FS1 Number of the Week: Number 5. Learn about 5 with the number blocks.

Fun Friday

To finish the week i would like you to wrap up warm and get outside in the fresh air. Here are two scavenger hunts to choose from.

We have some birthday celebrations during half term. If it is your birthday, have a fabulous time.

Everyone, have a great week and enjoy the break and that means grown ups too! Stay safe, look after each other and enjoy spending time together.

Mrs Atkinson

Thursday 11th February

Another brilliant day yesterday, well done. We continued to enjoy the snow in school and I know lots of you did at home too. More pictures of snow fun tomorrow.

Today we have the following activities:
Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Rhyming
English FS2 – Goldilocks and the Three Bears – draw and label the setting
Maths FS2 – Number bonds to 10
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 5
Expressive Arts and Design – Exploring media and materials – A choice of activities


FS2 I am sure you know the song by now but here it is again to help you practise. Don’t forget to practise recognising all of your sounds by using phonics play, flashcards, splat or however you like to do it.

Don’t forget your letter formation practise.

The phonemes we are focusing on today are, ‘igh’ and ‘oa’.

FS1 Play an odd one out rhyming game. Ask an adult to make a collection of pictures/objects. You then have to identify the odd one out. Maybe they could be buried in your sand pit? Or scoop them out the washing up bowl or bath with a sieve? Or maybe even hidden around your home!


After thinking about the setting yesterday. Your task today is to draw and label the setting.


FS2 Number bonds to 10 are today’s skill to practise.

FS1 Number of the Week: Number 5. Use a construction toy (Lego, Duplo, wooden bricks etc) to make towers of 5. Or you could put your favourite toys into groups of 5 – 5 teddies, 5 cars, 5 crayons.

Expressive Arts and Design: Media and materials

There is a choice of activities this afternoon. Choose which you would like to do; repair Baby Bear’s chair, design bowls for the bears or design a delicious tasting porridge.

With an adults help, why not have a go at repairing the chair that Goldilocks broke.

Make the Three Bears’ bowls.

Make some porridge. What could you add to make it more tasty? Or healthy? Sometimes I like to add strawberries and blueberries to my porridge. I also really like peanut butter and banana! What would you add to yours?

Have a fab day!

Mrs Atkinson

Wednesday 10th February

Another great snow day yesterday! I was really pleased to see that many of you got wrapped up and went out to enjoy yourselves. Here are a few more photos of what you got up to.

Even with all the snow, you are all working so hard and are having another fantastic week so far. Well done everyone for continuing with the hard work. Be prepared, there really are so many photos of what you have been doing. They show fantastic phonics, great Goldilocks and the Three Bears work, handwriting practice, so much amazing maths and number work, super mark making and so many other things you have done! I am so proud of you all.

Today we have the following activities.

Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Rhyming
English FS2 – Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Settings
Maths FS2 – Number facts for 7
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 5
Personal, social and emotional development: Wellbeing Wednesday – Grow a Rainbow


FS2 Today we begin with the alphabet song again. Don’t forget to practise recognising all of your sounds by using phonics play, flashcards, splat or however you like to do it.

Don’t forget your letter formation practise. Today we have a new ‘family’ of letters.

Today we are recapping the phonemes (sounds) ‘ai’ and ‘ee’

Can you spot the phonemes in the story? Remember you can read one picture at a time or read with an adult taking it in turns.

FS1 Can you spot the rhyming words in the story?

Play with rhythm sticks. Use sticks from the garden, wooden spoons, lolly sticks, chop sticks or even just your hands. Use your sticks to tap out the syllables in words. For example, tap out your names – Mrs Atkinson would have 5 taps. Make a collection of objects with varying number of syllables (cup, teddy, dinosaur). Each .person then has to tap out the word as they say it (one tap per syllable). You can also use your rhythm sticks to tap along to your favourite songs.


We are going to think about the setting in the story today. This means, the place where the story happens. In this story it is the woods and the bears’ cottage.


FS2 Today, we are thinking about number facts making the number 7.

FS1 Number of the Week: Number 5. Play the interactive game Teddy Numbers, to help practise your numbers up to 5 (or beyond if you can).

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Well Being Wednesday

This is a really nice activity and fun to watch as the rainbow grows.

Have another fantastic day.

Mrs Atkinson

Tuesday 9th February

Good morning. I hope you enjoyed the snow yesterday. Here are just a few snow pictures.

Great work yesterday, you have been practising hard, well done. Today there are suggestions of some different activities along with a bit of art.

Phonics FS2 – Practising all of the sounds you have learnt
Phonics FS1 – Rhyming
English FS2 – Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Map the story
Maths FS2 – Number facts for 6
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 5 – Decorate your hand
Expressive Arts and Design – Design a duvet for the bears


FS2 Today we begin with the alphabet song again. Don’t forget to practise recognising all of your sounds by using phonics play, flashcards, splat or however you like to do it.

Don’t forget your letter formation practise.

Today we are focussing on ‘th’ and ‘ng’. There are two Alphablocks episodes to help you.

Can you spot ‘ng’ and ‘th’ in the story?

Why not play a different tic-tac-toe game?

FS1 Can you spot the rhyming words in the story?

Play Cake Bake on Phonics Play. You will need to log in with jan21 and home.


Today you are going to draw a story map.

You might find the download useful.


FS2 We are continuing with making numbers in different ways and today looking at the number 6. Watch the Numberblocks episode.

Practise subitising by spotting different ways the number 6 is shown.

FS1 Number of the Week: Number 5. Ask a grown up to help you make a painted handprint or draw round, decorate and cut out your hand. Count your fingers and ask a grown up to help you label them with the numbers 1,2,3,4,5.

You could try sorting the numbers.

Expressive Arts and Design

I wonder what duvets the Three Bears had on their beds. Do you think they were cosy and warm? I wonder what colour they were. Do you think they had patterns on them or even pictures? What do you think they would like? Today I would like you to design a duvet for one of the bears. Would Baby Bear’s duvet be different to Mummy’s or Daddy’s? You choose which one you would like to design.

Monday 8th February

Good morning everyone. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. This week is the last week of learning before half term. You have all worked so hard and I know lots of you are feeling tired so this week we are going to use the time to practise the things you have learnt over this first half term. That means there are no new phonics sounds and new new maths ideas to learn. We all need some time to practise and play with what we have learnt so that we become really familiar and comfortable with it. So, I have put activities and ideas on the blog this week but if there is something you found especially tricky or know you need to have another go at, then please do that. If there are games and activities you have particularly enjoyed, then play them again. This is your time to do the things which will help you.
Grown ups, if there is anything I can support with to help with this, do please let me know either through Evidence Me or the class email

Todays activities are as follows:

Phonics FS2 – Practising all of the sounds you have learnt
Phonics FS1 – Rhyming
English FS2 – Golidlocks and the Three Bears
Maths FS2 – Recapping number bonds
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 5
Physical Development – Bear Yoga or The Three Bears movement to music


FS2 This week I would like to pick up on some other bits as well as practising your sounds. When we are in school every day we practise the alphabet as well as the sounds. We think about the names of the letters as well as the sounds they make. The first video is a song to help you practise both of these.
We also practise our letter formation daily and for some of you that includes holding your pencil correctly. The second video helps you to remember how to form your letters, remembering to always start at the top. I have then put a group of letters for you to practise. These letters belong to the same ‘family’. That means you begin to write them in the same way. I would like you to practise these today and tomorrow and then on Wednesday there will be another ‘family’ to practise.
There is an episode of Alphablocks to watch, reminding you of the phonemes (sounds) ‘sh’ and ‘ch’.
I have also put on a ‘phoneme spotter’ and today we are looking for the phomeme (sound) ‘sh’. Most of you should be able to have a go at reading some of this. You don’t have to read it all at once, break it up and read bits through the day. Perhaps you could read it with an adult taking it in turns to read it.

Letter formation

FS1 We are going to think about rhyming again today. Rhyming is really good fun and we can’t do enough of it to help us listen carefully. Watch the video and then see if you can look around for things that rhyme, in the house or when you are out and about.

I wonder if you can spot the rhyming words in the story.


This week we are going to think about the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Each day we will practise telling the story in different ways and then have a go at writing a few sentences at the end of the week. Today, listen and join in.


FS2 In maths we are going to recap and consolidate our number learning including counting, comparing numbers, subitising, adding, subtracting, number facts and finding different ways to make numbers. Today we begin with practising number bonds to 5. How many different ways can you make the number 5 using counters or blocks? Can you spot number 5 shown in different ways without needing to count?

FS1 For your maths, we will continue with Number of the Week and this week it is the number 5. Watch this video to get started.

You can have a go at spotting the number 5 shown in different ways.

Physical Development

Today have a go at a bear pose and then go on a bear hunt!

You might want to listen to the song, When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears and make up a dance of the story. I would love to see what you create.

Have a great day and Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Atkinson

Friday 5th February

It’s Friday again and I can’t believe how quickly it has come around. We have another birthday girl today. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day.

Once again there has been some great work this week. Let’s have a look.

Todays activities are:

Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Make your mark making vanish!
English FS2 – The Three Billy Goats Gruff – ‘Boxing’ the story and writing sentences.
Maths FS2 – Ordering numbers to 15
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 4 – Numberblocks
Fun Friday!


FS2 Today I would like you to just play some games to practise using those sounds in words. I have put a few below which can be used for both recapping and blending or you can go back to Phonics play and use some of those games. You choose!

Remember you can use words from yesterday’s word lists in any of these games.

FS1 Make your marks vanish! Ask a grown up or older sibling to chalk some shapes, lines, letters or numbers onto a chalkboard or outside. Use a wet paintbrush to carefully trace over them to make them disappear!


Remember last week when you put your story map of the Three Little pigs in to a ‘box’ and wrote sentences to go with your map? Some of you were brilliant at having a go even though it was a bit tricky.

Today, I would like you to use your story map of the Three Billy Goats Gruff to do the same. Put your pictures in to boxes and then have a go at writing a sentence about each part of the story. If you find this really tricky, pick your favourite part and write one sentence or ask an adult to write the sentences for you. You have to tell them what to write though!


FS2 Today we look at counting and ordering to 15.

This is a really good game for reconising numbers presented in different ways and being able to subititise.

FS1 Learn about 4 with the number blocks

Fun Friday!

It’s Friday and you’ve worked so hard again all week that it is time to have some downtime and some fun! When you have finished your tasks for today I’d like you to have some family time. This could be doing something creative together; drawing, painting, cooking or putting on your favourite film and sitting down to watch it together. It might be reading some stories together or playing a board game or two. Alternatively you might have a go at another Disney shake up and get everyone involved.

Whatever you choose to do, have a great time and a wonderful weekend. Snow is promised……

See you next week.

Mrs Atkinson

Thursday 4th February

Good morning. I do hope you enjoyed your day yesterday. You sent lots of pictures of your outfits and what you got up to so I just have to share some.

Today’s activities look like this:

Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Mark making with vehicles.
English FS2 – The Three Billy Goats Gruff – Miming the story
Maths FS2 – Adding and subtracting using a number track – you will need your Purple mash log on
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 4 – number 4 number track
Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Make a bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff


FS2 Today as usual I would like you to recap the sounds you have learnt so far. Start by recapping your sounds, using last weeks videos or Phonics Play
Test your memory as well as practising your digraphs.
Play the game in your pack.

You could make your own using words from the lists below

FS1 Use any vehicles to make marks in paints. You could try to follow a ’road’ that has been drawn for you by a grown up, or just have fun exploring the various track marks! Grown ups – Talk to your child whilst they are mark making and find out what they are thinking. Can they tell you about the marks they are making?


Practise retelling the story by miming it. That means using actions and no words.


FS2 Today we are going to recap both addition and subtraction using a number track. I know some of you have found subtraction a bit tricky. Don’t worry, that is quite normal. It is really quite a tricky thing to understand. Just have a go and if you are really struggling with it go back to adding or counting forwards and backwards. We can come back to subtraction another time.

Follow this link to Purple Mash to complete subtraction within 20. You will need to log in to Purple Mash first. Your log in was stuck in your yellow Home/School book. If you can’t find it please let me know. You will need to have your tens frames, number track or manipulatives ready to help work them out.

FS1 Ask a grown up or older sibling to make you a big number 4 road! This could be with chalk, tape or on paper. Choose a vehicle to drive along the road to practise writing the number4

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

Your rafts have been brilliant and I have some more pictures to show later in the week. Today we are going to think about the original story and the bridge that they crossed. Your task today is to build the bridge for the goats. Think again about the materials you will use. Will it be strong enough for the goats to walk across it? Test out different ways and let me know which works best.

I am looking forward to seeing your designs. Have fun.

Mrs Atkinson