Wednesday 3rd February

Welcome to Wellbeing Wednesday! What an amazing way to start…… A huge congratulations to you all for the amazing work you have done since Friday. I cannot believe how many photos you have sent in. Be warned! This is THE longest celebration post ever!

Children’s mental Health week 2021

Today we are having a full day of well-being activities and challenges as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme this year is ‘Express yourself’ so read on to see what exciting activities you can take part in. You may remember that I put a link to this website on Monday’s blog. Many of the activities are from this site. If you don’t want to complete them all today, you can of course, do them whenever you choose to. Do remember to upload your photos to Evidence Me or email them as we love to see what you are doing. Hopefully the activities are the same or similar to siblings in other year groups so that you can all do them together.

Self-expression is a great way to free your mind. It is about finding creative ways to share feelings, thought and ideas through doing things that make you feel good. Share something that you enjoy doing and makes you feel good. I love being out in nature and going for long walks – whatever the weather. I also really enjoy gardening and growing things. The clip below shows some of the different things that make us feel good.

Activity 1

This is quite easy –  it is take a photo of yourself wearing your brightest clothing – that’s right, really express yourself!

Sometimes wearing bright colours can really cheer us up can’t it, especially as we are still in the middle of wintertime.

Activity 2

Another way to ‘Express yourself’ is to create a self-portrait. You can do this in any way you choose; paints, felt-tips, pencil crayons, collage, you choose! If you can upload a photo of your portrait when it is completed, we can post some on the class blog and you can try and guess who’s who. Here are just a few ideas to help you.

Activity 3

Try the Squiggle challenge.

Now you know what to do, have a go at creating your own squiggle drawing. What will you end up with?

Activity 4

If you would rather make something than draw something, have a go at making this cute origami dog then give him a name!

How could you personalise you dog? Add some googly eyes maybe if you have some, or use some sparkly glitters or anything else that you can find.

Activity 5

You will need some of your family or your classmates to join in.

Imagine you have been stranded on a desert island. (Don’t worry a ship comes to rescue you later).  You have to use your imagination to share these ideas and take turns to listen to everyone else’s ideas.

What did you find out? Were your ideas the same or different to everyone else’s? Remember it is ok to express yourself differently.

Activity 6

It’s really important to be able to express ourselves to people that we trust so that they can help us understand our feelings. Have a look at these emotion cards.

Talk about the different emotions with someone else. Have you ever felt like this? Can you remember when? What was happening? What do you think happened to make you feel this way? Who were you with? Where were you? What did you do?

Grown ups – this is just an opportunity to explore with your child their understanding of these emotions. Can they identify when they might have felt this way? Do they understand what it is to be embarrassed or confused? As with everything, your child is building up their vocabulary and this is crucial for them to be able to express themselves. Often children appear to have ‘tantrums’ or ‘strops’ but this can be because they are frustrated at not being able to express themselves. Introducing new vocabulary and making sure they understand what it means and how to use it can really help. Another way to help is to discuss feelings and actions in the stories you read. This helps them put those words and feelings in to context and can help them see any consequences resulting from actions because of those feelings.


I thought it would be good to finish with a story. Reading is another one of my favourite activities which helps me feel good. This one seems very appropriate as Brandesburton pupils have kindness as their superpower!

Have a fantastic day and I can’t wait to see all of your pictures and videos.

Mrs Atkinson

Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning. What a lovely day it was yesterday! I hope you managed to get out and enjoy the sunshine. I definitely did!
You have been sending in some amazing work again, well done everyone. I will be sharing what you have done and celebrating all of your efforts tomorrow.
We have a another day of usual activities today but tomorrow we are going to take some time out and enjoy a full day of Well Being Wednesday activities. Here is what we have in store today:

Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Mark making on a big scale!
English FS2 – The Three Billy Goats Gruff – Sing and map the story
Maths FS2 – Subtraction part 2 – you will need your Purple mash log on
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 4 – finding vehicles with 4 wheels
Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Make a raft for the Three Billy Goats Gruff
Storytime –



Remember, it is important to recap all of your sounds every day so you can use videos or go to Phonics Play to do this.
or go to ict games

Today choose the game you want to play to practise blending. You can play Buried Treasure, Picnic on Pluto or Dragons Den or you could even play all 3! Or you can choose another game you have played previously. Can you beat your score? Click on the link and choose your game. Click start and then choose Phase 3, then click on the sound +oo. This will ensure all sounds learnt so far are included.

Test your memory as well as practising your digraphs.

Keep practising reading sentences. What is a sentence? What do you notice? Are there spaces between each word? What does each sentence begin and end with? Click on the link and go to week 6 and click ‘oo’.

Look at the activity below. Can you spot the words? Have a go at writing some of the other words too. It is important to keep practising writing too.

FS1 Take your mark making outside – if the weather allows! Grab a large roll of paper (leftover wallpaper works well), some paint and a variety of accessories – anything goes – and get mark making!


Today you are going to map the story. Can you remember how you drew a story map of the Three Little Pigs with a beginning, middle and end? Well, today’s task is exactly the same but this time using the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff.


FS2 Today we look at subtraction again. Watch the video and then try some of the activities. Don’t forget to use your equipment. Try not to guess, check to make sure you are correct and explain to someone else how you know. Don’t forget to count back from the first number rather than count how many are left.

Follow this link to Purple Mash to complete subtraction within 20. You will need to log in to Purple Mash first. Your log in was stuck in your yellow Home/School book. If you can’t find it please let me know. You will need to have your tens frames, number track or manipulatives ready to help work them out.

FS1 Have a look through your toy vehicles. Do any of them have 4 wheels? Count carefully. Do any of them have a different number of wheels?

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

In the story, The Three Billy Goats Gruff went across the bridge to get to the delicious green grass. That is where they met the troll! I wonder if they could have got across the river in a different way at a different place and then they wouldn’t have met the troll. Could they have gone across the river on a raft? Your task today is to build a raft to take the Three Billy Goats gruff across the river. Experiment with different materials and see what you think will make the best raft. Test it out and let me know what you find out. Did it work? I wonder if you can explain why……

I can’t wait to see what you build. Enjoy your day and have fun!

Mrs Atkinson

Monday 1st February

I do hope you enjoyed the weekend and feel refreshed and ready to start again. Today we begin week 5 of Home Learning. Today is also the start of Children’s Mental Health Week and you can find lots of information and activities on the following web site:
More than ever, in the current situation, it is really important to look after our mental health and this week I would like you to pay particular attention to how you are feeling. If you are finding things tricky and are fed up, do something you enjoy, get outside and importantly make sure you are getting enough sleep.
It is so important to remember that activities are posted on the blog for you to choose what is suitable for you. There is absolutely no pressure to complete everything. It is week 5 and we are all getting tired and ready for half term so be kind to yourselves, you are all doing brilliantly so take a break if you need to.

Something to celebrate! Today we have 2 people celebrating their birthday. Happy Birthday girls. I know you are in school today so I hope you have a fantastic day!

So, today’s activities are as follows:

Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Mark making
English FS2 – The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Maths FS2 – Subtraction.
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 4
PE – Keepy-Uppy challenge and 10 minute Disney Shake Ups
Storytime – The Three Billy Goats Gruff


FS2 In phonics this week we will be practising the sounds we learnt last week. I have put together another pack which may help during the week and which is available to be collected from the office from today.
You can go back to the videos and watch again if you choose to, choose activities you enjoyed or have a go at those you didn’t manage to do. Each day I will post a selection of alternative activities for you to have a go at to practise and consolidate your learning from last week.

Grown ups – remember, don’t feel you have to play different games each day. If you find a game your child likes and it can be adapted for different things eg tricky words, sounds, blending words with new sounds, then please use and repeat. Each time a new game is introduced, children need to learn to play the game which takes away from their phonics learning. The more familiar they are with how a game or activity works, the more they can concentrate on their phonics so please don’t feel that repetition is boring, it definitely isn’t!
I have posted activities and on line games but all of the learning can be done by playing games, phonics hunts, bingo, whatever you and your child enjoys.

Remember it is so important to recap all of the sounds you have learnt every day so you can use last weeks videos or go to Phonics Play or even play Splat to do this. Click start and then pick individual graphemes. Choose ‘oo’ from set 10. How many can you get in one minute? Can you beat your score?
or play Grab a Giggling Grapheme
This is an alternative game, still practising recognising the sound you have learnt. Click on the digraphs you know, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo and oo

Practise blending with vowel digraphs. Click on the sounds you want to practice. Pick some words from the list to create your bingo board and copy the words. Now use the game to pick words to play bingo.

Read the sentence and pick the matching picture.

Play I spy and find the picture. Can you sound out and write the word?

FS1 This week we are going to be concentrating on ‘mark making’ in lots of fun ways. Spread a thin layer of shaving foam in a shallow tray. Use you finger to make marks in the tray. Can you draw a circle/line/zig zag? Maybe you’ve been practising certain letters or numbers or your
name? You can also use tools to make different marks in the foam (sticks, paint brush, vehicles, feathers). Talk about the marks you are making.

Grown ups – Talk to your child whilst they are mark making and take your mark making outside. Grab a large roll of paper (leftover wallpaper works well), some paint and a variety of accessories – anything goes – and get mark making!


This week we are going to Look at another traditional tale; The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Today, I would like you to read or listen to the story. Do you think it is similar to the story of the Three little Pigs? I wonder if you can spot any similarities?

Did you spot anything that was similar?
There are 3 pigs and 3 billy goats
There is a baddie in each story – the wolf and the troll
There is a problem they need to overcome – building a strong house and getting across the bridge
There is a beginning, middle and end to each story. Can you remember what they were in the Three Little Pigs? Look back at your story map to check. Can you spot the beginning, middle and end in this story?


FS2 Today we start to think about subtraction, taking away or counting back.

Interactive tens frame. This is an on screen tool that your child may like to use to help them with adding or subtracting.

Roll the dice or turn over number cards to calculations to solve. Remember to use your tens frame and manipulatives to help.

Or have a go at the Three Little Pigs Subtraction using your equipment to help.

FS1 Number of the Week : 4 This week we will be learning all about the number 4. Watch this video to get started

Physical Development

Mr Barnes set a challenge for everyone:

Today I’d like to introduce to you a bit of a challenge for the next two weeks. As you can see by the title it’s called the Keepy-Uppy challenge!! All I want you to do it to try and keep an object in the air either with your body or with some form of equipment for as long as you can!!
Some of the staff have been having a go at school to give you some ideas. Have a look at the PE blog to watch the videos.

Have a look at the following web site for some 10 minute Disney shake-ups.


Watch and listen to the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Can you spot any rhyming words?

Don’t forget to send in your photos or videos.

Have a great day!

Mrs Atkinson

Friday 29th January

I can’t believe we have come to the end of another week already! Your tasks today are:

Phonics FS2 – Tricky words
Phonics FS1 – Bath time
English – Three Little Pigs – writing sentences
Maths FS2 – Lots of practice
Maths FS1 – Number 3 Numberblocks
Fun Friday – Winter scavenger hunt

FS2 Next week we will have a phonics consolidation week again, giving you time to practise and become more confident with your new sounds. I have put together a pack to help you to do this. Some of the activities included are the ones which will be posted on the blog. The packs will be ready for collection from School Reception on Monday.

You have been so busy practising your phonics in so many different ways this week. We had some great Three Little Pigs story maps and you showed me how great you are at knowing how many there are without having to count and making numbers in different ways. You also did some many other amazing things including building and testing the Three Little Pigs houses, painting, using dough, having picnics, counting and so much more! There are lots, and I mean LOTS of pictures to look at.


FS2 It’s tricky word time again!

Follow the link to the tricky words trucks. How quickly can you read them? Click start and then phase 3. Let me know how you do.

Did you find some difficult? Follow the link to Train your Brain to help you learn them.

Now have a go at reading sentences. Again click on the link and click start. Click next in the bottom right and go to week 5. Click on the Tricky words to practise sentences including tricky words.

Have a go at writing a sentence which includes tricky words and words containing one or more of your sounds from this week; igh, oa, oo (short) and oo (long).

FS1 Bath time fun! Before your bath, choose some items that your grown up tells you are ok to take in the bath. Examples would be
You will also need a sieve. Take it in turns to tell the other person to ‘Go fish for a c-u-p’ and they must scoop the correct item out with the sieve. This could also be played in a paddling pool or in a bowl or bucket of water.


Today, I would like you to use your story map to write a sentence about each part of the story. Watch the video which will help you to do this.


FS2 Today, just pick an activity or two and practise some of the things you have been doing over the last couple of weeks.

This fun video looks at counting within 20.

FS1 Learn about 3 with the number blocks

Fun Friday!

Last week you did an indoor scavenger hunt. This week I would like you to wrap up, put your wellies on and get outside for an outdoor scavenger hunt.

Have a fabulous day and a wonderful weekend. Take care.

Mrs Atkinson

Thursday 28th January

Great work again yesterday Foundation Stage! You keep amazing me with how much you are doing and I love seeing the big smiles as you are completing your activities. Today we have the following:
Phonics FS2 – new sound ‘oo’ as in moon
Phonics FS1 – A trip to the farm
English – Three Little Pigs – thinking about feelings
Maths FS2 – Making numbers in different ways
Maths FS1 – making 3 with playdough
Knowledge and Understanding of the World – The ‘Puff Test’


FS2 Today’s sound is ‘oo’ as in moon or boot.

Choose the game you want to play to practise blending. You can play Buried Treasure, Picnic on Pluto or Dragons Den Can you beat your score? Click on the link and choose your game. Click start and then choose Phase 3, then click on today’s new sound +oo.

Have a go at writing some ‘oo’ words. Children look away now…… Answers – zoo, tool, moo, moon, boot, tooth

Now practise reading your new sound ‘oo’ in sentences. Again click on the link and click start. Click next in the bottom right and click on today’s sound ‘oo’.

FS1 Have a trip to the farm! You could use toy animals, photos, cards from a game you already have or maybe even draw your own! Good ones would be
Take it in turns to say ‘I went to the farm and I saw a p-i-g and the other person has to find the animal you are saying.


Today we think about how the characters were feeling to help us retell the story.


FS2 Well done for practising recognising quantities without having to count them. Don’t forget to keep doing this, along with counting on and back. Today, we are going to think about how we can make numbers in different ways. Again this is a crucial early skill which supports later mathematical concepts.
Grown ups – we start to introduce the idea of part, part, whole. The whole can be made up of different parts for example, 4 can be made up of 2 and 2, it can also be made up of 3 and 1, but it can also be made up of 1 and 1 and 1 and 1. Today the children need to explore how many ways different numbers can be made. Obviously as the numbers get bigger, there are more ways it can be made. Watch and see if your child’s thinking is systematic in any way which helps them to find all the different options. Don’t worry if it isn’t, just let them explore.
Children – today you will need number cards, 1-5 or 1-10 and some counters, blocks, buttons or something to count with. Turn over a number cards and see how many different ways you can make that number, just like the numberblocks did. You might want to record the different ways. You choose how to do that. You might use pictures or digits, it’s up to you.

FS1 Use playdough to make 3 balls. Now squash one of them! How many do you have now? What about if you squash another? Can you make it so you have 3 again?

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

Earlier in the week you had a go at building the Three Little Pigs houses and testing to see which was the stongest. Today I want you to have a look at other materials and see which can stand the ‘Puff Test’.

Whatever you do today, remember to do it with a smile and enjoy it. I can’t wait to hear about it!

Mrs Atkinson

Wednesday 27th January

It’s been a fantastic start to the week! Well done to all of you and once again a special thank you to all the adults involved in helping with your learning at home, you are doing a great job!

Today we have the following activities:
Phonics FS2 – new sound ‘oo’ as in book
Phonics FS1 – I spy using ‘Robot Talk’
English – Three Little Pigs – retelling the story
Maths FS2 – Playing games to practise subitising
Maths FS1 – Counting out 3
Well Being Wednesday – Kindness Calendar

Here are some of the things you have been doing this week so far.


FS2 Today’s sound is ‘oo’. We can say this two ways and today we think of the sound ‘oo’ as in book or look.

Choose the game you want to play to practise blending. You can play Buried Treasure, Picnic on Pluto or Dragons Den Can you beat your score? Click on the link and choose your game. Click start and then choose Phase 3, then click on today’s new sound +oo.

Now practise reading your new sound ‘oo’ in sentences. Again click on the link and click start. Click next in the bottom right and click on today’s sound ‘oo’.

Or read the sentences below.

Now have a go at writing sentences using the sounds you have learnt so far this week, igh, oa and oo (book). Here are word lists to help.

FS1 Play I-Spy with your vehicles or other toys. Collect a selection of vehicles/toys. Examples would be
Say ‘I-Spy with my little eye a b-u-s’ and the other person must pick up the correct vehicle. Now swap over and the other person has a go.
Grown ups – It’s always best to have the objects or pictures in front of the children for help and inspiration!


We continue with the story of the Three Little Pigs learning another way to help us remember and retell the story.


FS2 As you watch today’s episode on numberblocks, what patterns do you notice?

Today play board games, dominoes, bingo. Can you recognise the number without counting? Can you go on a number hunt walk and identify objects and how many there are without counting?

FS1 Ask a grown up to help you set up some bun cases or muffin tray, with some pasta or similar. Can you put 3 pieces of pasta into each section? You could use a spoon to complete the activity to make it a finger gym exercise too!

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Well Being Wednesday

Have a look at the Kindness Calendar below. Perhaps you could make your own Kindness Calendar for the next week. You could use these ideas or add some of your own. Remember to include things to do to be kind to yourself as well as others! Don’t forget to let Mrs Ledingham know when you have completed an act of kindness so that she can add it to the Kindness Tree.

Have a great day.

Mrs Atkinson

Tuesday 26th January

Good morning everyone. I’ve had lots of great work from yesterday which I will share with you tomorrow. Today we have the following activities:
Phonics FS2 – new sound ‘oa’
Phonics FS1 – Teddy Bears Picnic
English – Three Little Pigs – creating a story map
Maths FS2 – Playing games to practise subitising
Maths FS1 – Stories with the number 3
Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Build the houses for the Three Little Pigs and test which is the strongest

FS2 Today’s sound is another digraph ‘oa’

Choose the game you want to play to practise blending. You can play Buried Treasure, Picnic on Pluto or Dragons Den Can you beat your score? Click on the link and choose your game. Click start and then choose Phase 3, then click on today’s new sound +oa.

Have a go at writing some ‘oa’ words. Children look away now…… Answers – goat, soap, loaf, road, toad, toast

Now practise reading your new sound ‘oa’ in sentences. Again click on the link and click start. Click next in the bottom right and click on today’s sound ‘oa’.

Or read the sentences below.

FS1 Have a picnic and invite a special toy/teddy. Your toy can only understand ‘robot talk’ so you will all need to speak to them in your robot voice. For example ‘Would you like a b-u-n?’ ‘Here is a r-e-d plate’.
Grown ups – Throughout this week’s activities, keep modelling your robot talk too. Take turns or do it together and keep it fun. Using words with 2 or 3 sounds, 4 at the most is best whilst your child is getting the hang of this skill


Today we are going to think about the story of the Three Little Pigs again and this time we are going to draw a story map to help us retell the story. Learning how to create a story map is really useful for when you move in to different classes. Yesterday, Class 3 also were looking at a story and creating their own story map. Have a look at their blog to see what they were doing.


FS2 Today watch the Numberblocks episode Stampolines and think about how you recognise the different numbers without counting.

Now play a game. You could play Bingo. I try not to add resources which need printing but this is a good game to play. If you would prefer to pick the resource up from school then please let me know via the FS email: and I will arrange for a pack to be ready for collection.

or play Beetle Drive

or have a number hunt and then sort the cards into eg 3 or not 3. The following questions could help prompt discussion about subitising.

You might use other numbers to sort eg 6 or not 6?

FS1 Watch this video about stories with 3 in them.
Read a story with the number 3 in it.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

Your challenge today is to make three houses for the Three Little Pigs. You might use the materials the pigs used in the story or you might think of some of your own. There are some ideas below. Think about which materials will make the strongest house. When you have built them, test them out! You could use a small fan if you have one. If not, try using a clean empty squeezy bottle to use as wind. What did you find out? Which was the strongest? Why do you think that is?

Don’t forget to take lots of photos. You could even video testing the houses. Let me see how you get on!

Have a great day and remember to have fun!

Mrs Atkinson

Monday 25th January

Welcome to another week of Home Learning. I do hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sun and frost and managed to get outside at some point.

This week we move on to the topic of Traditional Tales and lots of our activities will be based around some of these. Today we have the following activities:
Phonics FS2 – new sound ‘igh’
Phonics FS1 – Oral segmenting
English FS2 – The Three Little Pigs
Maths FS2 – Subitising – don’t worry there is a video to help explain what this is.
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 3
PE – Arctic workout

This week we will be doing things a little bit differently. Although a number of you send pictures every day, some of you send them weekly or save up a few and send them all together. In order to relieve the daily pressure a little bit and hopefully share more of the same activities together I will be sharing your photos and videos on Wednesday and a Friday. If I do get a large build up then I will add some in between. However, to celebrate the end of last week, have a look at the pictures and videos below.

Apologies for the really long post today. I have added quite a bit of information to the maths section which I do hope you will find useful.


FS2 Unfortunately if you enjoyed Mr Mc, he has no videos for our next sounds. However, the videos this week cover exactly the same learning as Mr Mc. Watch the videos and the have a go at the activities. Today’s sound is a trigraph (3 letters making one sound) – ‘igh’

Choose the game you want to play to practise blending. You can play Buried Treasure, Picnic on Pluto or Dragons Den. Can you beat your score? Click on the link and choose your game. Click start and then choose Phase 3, then click on today’s new sound +igh.

Now practise reading your new sound ‘igh’ in sentences. Again click on the link and click start. Click next in the bottom right and click on today’s sound ‘igh’.

Why not have a treasure hunt around your house or garden. Ask a grown up to hide words and when one is found you must blend and read the word before hunting for the next word. An extra challenge could be to hunt for sentences. Here is a word list for ‘igh’. You could add words with previous sounds as well.

FS1 Grown ups – Oral segmenting is the opposite of oral blending that you did last week. This time the children say the sounds in ‘robot talk’. It is the precursor to writing and spelling. Again, it requires no letter recognition at this stage, just careful listening. It too can be tricky for the children at first so they may require lots of praise and encouragement – make it fun! They will be copying the ‘robot talk’ you modelled last week and will most likely love taking on the role of the robot. If you made a robot last week, now is the perfect time to use it!

Please don’t worry if your child finds this tricky. They will not be able to do this over night. Lots of practise and encouragement will help. You can go back to oral blending and come back to this when you think the time is right. Even if you are having a go at this don’t forget to keep practising oral blending and all the other activities eg alliteration. Little and often is the best way to learn.

Have a look at this video for information and examples of oral segmenting in action, then choose one of the games to have a go at. The games at the start of the video are the ones that will be most suitable for FS1 children but choose the ones you feel suit your child the best.


We begin our new Topic with the story of The Three Little Pigs. Most of you will know this story, some of you will know different versions. It is really important to be able to retell stories like this and this week there will be a few different activities to help you retell the story. Watch the video and have a go at the activities.


FS2 You did brilliantly last week adding by counting on. It is really important to count on from the first number eg First there were 5, now there are 6,7,8 to calculate 5+3, rather than go back and count all the objects beginning at 1 to find the total. So, this week we are going to practise a couple of skills to help us be able to do this really effectively.

First of all, I would like you to practise counting on and back from a number within 10, every day. Just spend a couple of minutes doing this and you will soon become super speedy! Play a game to do this.

Roll a dice and whatever number it lands on count on from that number to 10, eg if you roll 3 count on 4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Then roll it again and count backwards to zero eg if you roll a 4 count back 3,2,1,0.
You could also do this by using cards numbered 0-10. Turn over a card and count on or backwards.
You could even practise when you are out and about, just spot number and get counting. Or find numbers around the house, on food packets, in magazines or books.
As you get super speedy you could make the numbers bigger by using 2 dice or number cards 0-15 or 0-20. Don’t try to go too big too quickly, make sure you are really fast at the lower numbers first. You could time yourself and try to beat your time each day or play with someone else. Who can do it quickest?
Equally, if you find numbers tricky, just begin with numbers 0-5. You will be surprised at how quickly you can move on to bigger numbers.

The other skill we are going to practise this week is subitising. This means – To instantly recognise a small quantity, without having to count how many there are eg when you roll a dice you know how many dots there are without having to count them. You need to be able to do this in many different ways.

Grown ups – This video explains subitising and why it is so important. Research shows that that subitising may provide the basis for understanding many counting principles, as well as arithmetic ideas so it really important that we spend time practising this skill.

Children, watch the numberblocks episode. We have watched this before but today while you are watching see how many things you can identify four of without counting. You might need to stop the episode as you go along.

Now have a go at playing a game.

Play a pairs game with number cards and dice. Turn over a card and then roll a dice. If they match, keep the card. The winner has the most cards.

Play splat. Lay number cards on the floor. Roll a dice and then splat the corresponding numeral.

Here is a fun video thinking about counting down from 10.

Grown ups – You might adapt the dot game below to suit your child’s ability.

FS1 Grown ups. It is worth watching the video above: What is subitising and WHY is it so important in young children’s maths? Counting is really important but there are other skills which are equally, if not more important, one of which is subitising. All is explained in the video!

Number of the Week : 3 This week we will be learning all about the number 3. Watch this video to get started.

Physical Development

Now let’s get active. Try this arctic workout.

I can’t wait to see what you have done. There are lots of activities on here today. Remember you don’t have to complete them all. Pick the ones you enjoy and just have a go.

Mrs Atkinson

Friday 22nd January

I can’t believe it’s Friday again! Another brilliant week. You have been so busy, well done. Activities today are:

Phonics FS2 – Tricky words
Phonics FS1 – Storytime – with a few ‘Robot’ words
Maths FS2 – Stickman maths – measuring with sticks
Maths FS1 – Number 2 Alphablocks
Storytime – Once Upon a Wild Wood read by Chris Riddell
Fun Friday – Indoor scavenger hunt

Here are the fantastic things you did yesterday.


FS2 It’s Tricky Word time again!

Follow the link to the tricky words trucks. How quickly can you read them? Click start and then phase 3. Let me know how you do.

Did you find some difficult? Follow the link to Train your Brain to help you learn them.

Now have a go at reading sentences. Again click on the link and click start. Click next in the bottom right and go to week 5. Click on the Tricky words to practise sentences including tricky words.

FS1 Finish the week with a story. Grown ups – As you are reading the story, choose a few words to say in ‘robot talk’.


FS2 Today we are going to do some Stick Man maths. Cut down some sticks down to the same length and ask your child to use them to measure different distances in and around the home and garden. How many stick lengths is it from the fridge to the table? How long is the door or fence?

FS1 Learn about 2 with the number blocks.


Today’s story is Once Upon a Wild Wood by Chris Riddell. Listen carefully, can you spot some characters from other stories?

Fun Friday

Have a go at the Indoor Scavenger Hunt. How many can you find? Play with someone else. Who finds the most in 10 minutes? Who finds them all first?

Make sure you have a rest at the weekend and have some fun – adults as well! Try and get outside if you can, enjoy some fresh air and get rid of some energy.

Take care, stay safe and look after each other.

Mrs Atkinson

Thursday 21st January

Well, what a wet day it was yesterday, but it didn’t stop all the great work! Another fantastic day. Lots of you are enjoying the videos and games online. With that in mind, don’t forget all we know about keeping safe when you are online. If something happens or pops up that you are not sure of, remember what you need to do – Tell an adult! I know how sensible you all are so look after yourselves and stay safe. Grown ups – there are lots of child friendly clips which might be worth a revisit for your child on

Today we have the following activities:
Phonics – FS2 practising last week’s new sounds
Phonics – FS1 making a robot
English – Stick Man. Retelling the story and making up your own adventures
Maths – FS2 counting on when adding using a number track
Maths – FS1 printing with 2
Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Ice experiments

Before you begin, have a look at what everyone got up to yesterday.



Start by recapping your sounds, using Mr Mc or Phonics Play.

Practise blending by using a game on Phonics Play or an activity. Remember you can play with tricky words, words from the word lists or sounds depending on what you want to practise.

FS1 Grown ups – When learning about oral blending, we often refer to ‘robot talk’ as this is how we sound when we are speaking in sounds!
Today, make your own robot! It can be a painting, from junk modelling or a cereal box or even a robot mask. If it can have a hole to post cards in it can be used in a variety of activities in the future. Something like this or create your own.


Have you still got your stick family? I hope so. Today I would like you to have a go at retelling the story of Stick Man using your stick family. Remember on Monday I posted a video of Zack retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs? Maybe you could video yourself telling your story. You could use some of your toys as props. Perhaps you could make up a new story of an adventure the stick family have. Don’t forget to send your video to me so I can share it with your friends.


FS2 Today we are going to be counting on but this time using a number track. Adding two numbers using a number track to count on

FS1 Ask a grown up to help you cut out a simple ladybird or butterfly outline. Use finger paints to add 2 spots to each side, counting aloud as you do. While you have your paints out find different things to print with eg sponge, stamps, fingers, hands, leaves, sticks or whatever you can find. Can you print 2 of each?

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

Watch the video to explore hot and cold.

Today I would like you to have a go at an ice experiment. Last week we looked at hot and cold water melting ice cubes. This week I would like you to investigate what else might make ice melt quickly.

First of all you need to freeze an object. You might add some food coloring to your ice. Will this make a difference? There are some ideas below. You could freeze a toy or toys and help them escape! Theo had a go at this last week and I hope he will be able to tell us which toy escaped first!

Then I would like you to have a think about what will make the ice melt quickly and test it out. You might try washing up liquid, salt, sugar, bath salts….. or you might have your own ideas. Remember to take lots of photos and lets us know what happened. You might even make a photo collage of your experiment at different stages. I can’t wait to see them.

Have a great day.

Mrs Atkinson