I do hope you enjoyed the weekend and feel refreshed and ready to start again. Today we begin week 5 of Home Learning. Today is also the start of Children’s Mental Health Week and you can find lots of information and activities on the following web site: https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/parents-and-carers/
More than ever, in the current situation, it is really important to look after our mental health and this week I would like you to pay particular attention to how you are feeling. If you are finding things tricky and are fed up, do something you enjoy, get outside and importantly make sure you are getting enough sleep.
It is so important to remember that activities are posted on the blog for you to choose what is suitable for you. There is absolutely no pressure to complete everything. It is week 5 and we are all getting tired and ready for half term so be kind to yourselves, you are all doing brilliantly so take a break if you need to.

Something to celebrate! Today we have 2 people celebrating their birthday. Happy Birthday girls. I know you are in school today so I hope you have a fantastic day!

So, today’s activities are as follows:

Phonics FS2 – Practising new sounds from last week
Phonics FS1 – Mark making
English FS2 – The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Maths FS2 – Subtraction.
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 4
PE – Keepy-Uppy challenge and 10 minute Disney Shake Ups
Storytime – The Three Billy Goats Gruff


FS2 In phonics this week we will be practising the sounds we learnt last week. I have put together another pack which may help during the week and which is available to be collected from the office from today.
You can go back to the videos and watch again if you choose to, choose activities you enjoyed or have a go at those you didn’t manage to do. Each day I will post a selection of alternative activities for you to have a go at to practise and consolidate your learning from last week.

Grown ups – remember, don’t feel you have to play different games each day. If you find a game your child likes and it can be adapted for different things eg tricky words, sounds, blending words with new sounds, then please use and repeat. Each time a new game is introduced, children need to learn to play the game which takes away from their phonics learning. The more familiar they are with how a game or activity works, the more they can concentrate on their phonics so please don’t feel that repetition is boring, it definitely isn’t!
I have posted activities and on line games but all of the learning can be done by playing games, phonics hunts, bingo, whatever you and your child enjoys.

Remember it is so important to recap all of the sounds you have learnt every day so you can use last weeks videos or go to Phonics Play or even play Splat to do this. Click start and then pick individual graphemes. Choose ‘oo’ from set 10. How many can you get in one minute? Can you beat your score?
or play Grab a Giggling Grapheme
This is an alternative game, still practising recognising the sound you have learnt. Click on the digraphs you know, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo and oo

Practise blending with vowel digraphs. Click on the sounds you want to practice. Pick some words from the list to create your bingo board and copy the words. Now use the game to pick words to play bingo.

Read the sentence and pick the matching picture.

Play I spy and find the picture. Can you sound out and write the word?

FS1 This week we are going to be concentrating on ‘mark making’ in lots of fun ways. Spread a thin layer of shaving foam in a shallow tray. Use you finger to make marks in the tray. Can you draw a circle/line/zig zag? Maybe you’ve been practising certain letters or numbers or your
name? You can also use tools to make different marks in the foam (sticks, paint brush, vehicles, feathers). Talk about the marks you are making.

Grown ups – Talk to your child whilst they are mark making and take your mark making outside. Grab a large roll of paper (leftover wallpaper works well), some paint and a variety of accessories – anything goes – and get mark making!


This week we are going to Look at another traditional tale; The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Today, I would like you to read or listen to the story. Do you think it is similar to the story of the Three little Pigs? I wonder if you can spot any similarities?


Did you spot anything that was similar?
There are 3 pigs and 3 billy goats
There is a baddie in each story – the wolf and the troll
There is a problem they need to overcome – building a strong house and getting across the bridge
There is a beginning, middle and end to each story. Can you remember what they were in the Three Little Pigs? Look back at your story map to check. Can you spot the beginning, middle and end in this story?


FS2 Today we start to think about subtraction, taking away or counting back.


Interactive tens frame. This is an on screen tool that your child may like to use to help them with adding or subtracting.


Roll the dice or turn over number cards to calculations to solve. Remember to use your tens frame and manipulatives to help.

Or have a go at the Three Little Pigs Subtraction using your equipment to help.

FS1 Number of the Week : 4 This week we will be learning all about the number 4. Watch this video to get started

Physical Development

Mr Barnes set a challenge for everyone:

Today I’d like to introduce to you a bit of a challenge for the next two weeks. As you can see by the title it’s called the Keepy-Uppy challenge!! All I want you to do it to try and keep an object in the air either with your body or with some form of equipment for as long as you can!!
Some of the staff have been having a go at school to give you some ideas. Have a look at the PE blog to watch the videos.

Have a look at the following web site for some 10 minute Disney shake-ups.



Watch and listen to the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Can you spot any rhyming words?

Don’t forget to send in your photos or videos.

Have a great day!

Mrs Atkinson

Monday 1st February

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