What a week!

Foundation Stage have had another great week! We have been playing in our shop, in shaving foam, with play dough and so much more. We also had great fun doing PE with our parachute. Take a look below…

We also had a phone call from Mr Potato Head to say he had had an accident and needed our help. He then sent a txt with a video and a letter which Woody helped him to write. Foundation Stage are doing well with trying to help him and have so far found his eyes and 1 ear. Let’s hope we can help save him.

Getting the classroom ready

We hope everyone is well and enjoying the summer holidays. We are very much looking forward to welcoming everyone back next week. It’s all been busy in school over the summer getting the classroom ready. There are still bits to do but we thought you might like to see a few pictures of progress so far.
You should have received an email from school regarding drop off and pick up times and other important information. . You will also receive a class newsletter with more information about Foundation Stage specific things in the first week.
Enjoy the last week of the holidays, we look forward to seeing everyone next week.
The FS Team

Getting ready for Foundation Stage 😊

We hope everyone is well and enjoying the start of the summer holidays. We thought it might be helpful to add some bits below that may help everyone to prepare for school in September, whether you are starting FS1 or 2. Lots of the activities I’m sure will happen most days but just a few ideas if you need them. There is the ‘road to school’ information and a ‘getting ready for school’ document below.

We can’t wait to see you all in September ready for lots of fun learning. Have a lovely summer and stay safe.

The Foundation Stage Team x

Here Comes Summer!

Well, Foundation Stage, what an amazing year we have had. It’s hard to remember that we spent a full term Home Learning! You have been fantastic. You have been enthusiastic, excited, curious, resilient and the most brilliant TEAM! I couldn’t be prouder of you all. Thank you for giving me a wonderful year filled with the best memories. Parents and carers, thank you for your continued support throughout the year, for your amazing engagement during lockdown and for all of the kind and thoughtful gifts and messages as we finished. I can honestly say it has been a real honour, privilege and pleasure to work with your children. They are a real credit to you all! They are definitely ready for FS2 and Year 1. Thank you also to the FS Team. I couldn’t have done it without them.

It was a very strange end to the year yesterday…… we got so close and I missed saying a proper goodbye to everyone. However, we did have our party and we had a lovely time. The children spent the week preparing, getting the classroom ready and making sweet treats for the big day. They had lots of fun playing party games and finished with a party picnic on the front lawn.

We even managed to squeeze a visit in from Bobby the horse!

Take a look at the Summer Learning Packs below to help you keep practising the things you have learnt throughout summer and prepare you for Year 1.

Have an amazing summer and good luck for next year.

Mrs Atkinson

School Learning Packs

A message from our assistant head, Mrs Plant:

Summer learning packs have been set to support children in continuing to read and practise key maths and writing skills over the holidays. There are also ideas linked to our themes for next term and outdoor exploration. 

The activities are not compulsory as we know that there are many ‘fun’ ways to incorporate reading, writing and maths into the holiday period -from calculating scores in games to following instructions in recipes!!

So please just enjoy your holidays and use the ideas when needed. 

In light of today’s school closure, you may wish to use some of the activities for home learning.

Zero Waste Day

We have had a fantastic couple of weeks, the children have been so busy!

This week finished with the whole school working on Zero Waste Day. In Foundation Stage we listened to a story about how waste can affect animals. You can listen to it below.


The children the had great fun becoming caring superheroes and thinking about making sure our waste goes in the correct place.

We watched a short film about climate change.

We made a wormery.

We need to wait for about two weeks to see what happens……. In the meantime the children continue learn in lots of different ways.

FS2 children have been busy learning about money, counting out the correct money to buy pets in the shop.

We had an unexpected visitor which caused great excitement.

What a half term!

The first full half term since the autumn! Wow, it has been brilliant! The children have been curious, enthusiastic and eager to learn. They have grown in confidence and without a doubt made so much progress in so many areas. They have thoroughly enjoyed our Under The Sea theme and worked and played together in lots of different ways. We made fish for our Rainbow Fish display and enjoyed listening to and creating ocean themed stories. FS2 have been busy adding, subtracting, investigating patterns, learning and applying new phonics sounds and even practising writing sentences! FS1 have been learning and investigating new sounds and numbers in lots of different ways, they have enjoyed going in to the hall and joining some of our Special Mention assemblies on a Friday morning. Their listening skills and confidence have really grown. All of the children are continuing to develop their abilities to work as a team and play together, taking into account each others’ wants and point of view. We were very fortunate to be able to watch the progress of caterpillars turning into butterflies and given the privilege of releasing the butterflies! So exciting! Below are just a few pictures showing what the children have been doing.

A huge THANK YOU to all who contributed to our sponsored activity which raised a whopping £745. We have used this to enhance our outdoor learning experience. Some of the money went towards our renovation project and we have purchased outdoor games; snakes and ladders, jenga and dominoes, a mark making trolley, created a dinosaur area and a huge sandpit, among other things. The children will benefit enormously.

Thank you also to the parents who helped paint our sheds which have really brightened up the area and to Mr Todd, our caretaker for making our sand pit and doing numerous other jobs to help.

The Foundation Stage team are looking forward to the next half term when our theme will be Animals. Thank you for all your continued support this half term. Have a wonderful break and enjoy spending time together. It looks as though the weather will be kind to us at last!

The FS Team