Wow – what an amazing ‘Under the Sea’ week it’s been!

WARNING ⚠️ Long post below full of pictures, videos and more – keep reading to the end! I hope you all enjoyed the first week of the new ‘Home learning blog’ (don’t forget to check there for today’s activities too) and had fun ‘Under the Sea’. There has been some amazing activities completed. Here is just a selection of your fab pictures and activities from this week (there was soooo many fab activities uploaded/emailed), can you spot yourself or your picture? At the bottom is a little Friday treat just for foundation stage?.

I also received some fab videos I had to share them …

Password: fish

Let’s have some Friday fun … dress up and party under the sea.

To end a fantastic under the sea week why not get ready to go down into the ocean. You could have some fun today creating your own costume or under the sea equipment. I have posted some ideas below if you fancy having a go. You could become an ocean animal or even a deep sea diver. You could use those cardboard delivery boxes, clothes or paper. Then check out the video below ready to party.

Now, I hope you’ll join me with one of my favourite Disney songs. Let’s all join in with this Just Dance Disney party under the sea.

Have fun and well done again on such a fab week. Remember to check the ‘home learning blog’ for next week’s activities, then check back here next Friday. Have a great weekend, Miss Mc.

What stars you are ? more pictures from this week below.

First of all I want to start by saying WOW! You really have wow’d us with everything you have been getting up to and achieving at home. What superstars you are! I also want to say a HUGE thank you to all the grown ups who have supported you whilst you have been at home.
Some of you will be returning to school next week and some of you will continue with home learning. The new whole school home learning blog will make it easier for all to access and ensure what is happening at school is what you have access to at home. Remember you can choose which activities you do or have a go at them all, you can change or adapt them to suit your child if needed.
Keep being stars ?

For those that are coming back in the next few weeks the story below might be nice to share with your child to help them understand that it will be a bit different. They will see and work with different adults in school Mrs Brompton, Mrs Atkinson, Mrs Gell and lots more of our wonderful staff. I am very sad not to be retuning to school just yet, but I am always here if you need anything. Feel free to email me on the FS class email if you have any questions or queries. I will be working from home and continuing to grow my bump ?

You are all amazing! Look what you’ve been busy with this week. Keep sending me or uploading your activities and pictures, I will be posting on this blog every Friday a celebration of what you get up to.

I thought you might like this snail activity and story this afternoon seeing as it’s a bit rainy.

Have a fab weekend! Missing you all lots, Miss Mc x

Good morning FS – Friday 5th June ??

It’s Friday yay! Sorry another longer post today. Today’s activities at the bottom.

Just a reminder that today will be the last time I post activities on this blog. This FS blog will change to a Friday only blog post celebrating photos and activities of all that you have been busy with from the home learning blog at home and in school. Remember there may be a Friday FS treat so check back on here every Friday and don’t forget to still send me pictures of what you have been getting up to and the activities you complete. Upload to Evidence me or email them to the FS class email.

We have some great fun activities planned and there will be 3 activities posted each day by all of us teachers on the home learning blog. I can share with you that we are starting with ‘Under the Sea’ theme to link to world ocean day on Monday which I know you’re going to love. Why not take a sneaky peek at some of the things you could join in with as well as all the activities set on the blog. Type in Google

Now back to today’s activities

Remember to look back over the week’s activities to see if there’s anything you haven’t done that you would like to.

Activity 1 – The snail goes on an adventure and yesterday lots of you thought about where you would like to go if you were the snail. To go on an adventure you need to take a backpack with you. What would you pack into your backpack? It might be some of your favourite toys, some special things from home or you might even want to pack your family ?
Can you draw or write what you would take with you on your adventure? FS2’s you could do both. I have attached a template below if you wish to print or this can just be done on plain paper. Once you have done this why not have a go at actually packing a bag at home with some of your favourite things. If you want to take your family see if they will squeeze in your bag but be careful – they might not! ? Have fun packing.

Activity 2 – Have you ever held a snail? What did it feel like? How do they move? See if you can find any snails in your garden and look closely at it.
Can you label a snail? Below is a sheet to print if you wish or why not have a go at drawing your own snail to label. You could follow the instructions of ‘How to draw Super Snail’ below.
If you find a snail, with the help of an adult only you could very carefully hold one on your hand if you’re brave enough.

Fun activity for over the weekend – Snail trails can look a little slimy. Have you ever made slime? George and his family made some earlier this week – it’s so much fun to play with and it really isn’t too messy. It’s easy to make but you might need to see if you can get the ingredients to make it.

I have posted lots more activities below that I have found that you might like to have a go at if you want to print or use as ideas to copy. Remember you don’t have to they are there for ideas.
Have a great day and don’t forget to check back here later today to see lots of your fab photos and activities from this week. Miss Mc.

Good morning FS – Thursday 4th June ??

Longer post today but important blog info then today’s activities further down.
New home learning blog – As I explained on Monday, next week W/C Monday 8th June we will be changing the way we run the class blogs for home learning. We will move to a whole school home learning blog that will be followed both at home and in school. It can be found just above the Foundation Stage blog on the school website and will be called ‘Home Learning’.

It will be similar in that it will be based around one theme and there will be a range of activities set and posted each day by the teachers. Some activities will be differentiated across key stages FS – Year 6 and some will be differentiated by outcome. Feel free to adapt and change to suit your child if you would like.

Please keep uploading and sending me work and activities in the same way – by uploading to Evidence Me or emailing work/pictures to the FS class email: and on a Friday I will post a celebration of the week’s activities back on our FS class blog so you can see what everyone has been getting up to. There may also be an FS treat posted on our blog on a Friday from time to time so be sure to send me what you have been busy with.
Please email me on the FS class email if you have any questions or queries at all.

Back to this week.
It was lovely to see you keeping busy in the house yesterday – at least the plants and gardens will have enjoyed the rain. Some fab pictures from yesterday’s home activities below. Amazing maths, dens and story scenes. Today’s activities below.

Snail and the Whale Week

Activity 1 – Can you make your own snail trail? If you were a snail where would you go? You could make a trail of where you have been yesterday or this morning using objects or string. It could start in your bedroom, where did you go next? The bathroom? Into another room? The kitchen? Can you draw a simple map and make a trail on it where you have been?
You could even just make a snail trail picture if you have any glue or sellotape. Or why not go on a snail trail hunt – can you find any snail trails outside to take a picture of? The rain may have brought them out. What do you think a snail’s trail is made of? I have attached a sheet below if you wish to look at for ideas.

Activity 2 – The snail goes on an adventure with the Whale. If you were a snail where would you want the Whale to take you? Would you go the same places the snail in the story went? Or to your favourite place?
FS1’s Can you tell your grown up where you would like to go on your adventure. You could copy some words or see if you can write the first initial sound of where you would go?
FS2’s Can you use your phonics to write where you might go on your adventure. You could write words or see if you can write 2 sentences. This could be done on paper or grown ups you could draw another snail shell to write the words in.
I have attached some resources below if you wish to use for ideas.

Number time – Have a go at counting the fish – you may need to pause the video to guess or write your answer.

Have a fab day and enjoy the activities. Miss Mc

Good morning FS – Wednesday 3rd June ??

More amazing home learning from yesterday – take a look at a selection of your pictures and activities below. The activities posted today could be spread over the next few days, also don’t forget to have a look back at Monday and Tuesday’s activities.

Snail and the Whale week

Creative project activity

This activity could be planned/made/created over the next few days. Can you recreate the story in your own way? You could make some of the characters from the story, make a story scene, make a video retelling the story or make your own story map. It could be done outside or inside on paper or in a container. I have posted some pics below for some ideas. It could be as simple or as creative as you like. Have fun making.

Activity – What do snails live in? Can you guess? Watch the video below to find out.

Snails live in the shells they carry on their backs – that’s their house.

Perfect for a rainy day activity – Can you make a house or a den for you to live in and cosy up in today? Think about what you could use to make your house. You could use sheets, cushions, cardboard or chairs. How big will your house or den be? Will it just fit you or will you make it big enough for more? Can you mark make and make a picture or sign for the front of your house?
FS1’s can you write your name for the front of your house? FS2’s can you use your phonics to write some rules for going in your house? Remember to sound out carefully and use your phonics.
Grown ups I know it can be tricky as spellings will not always be right but using and applying their phonics is the best way to consolidate learnt sounds.

Maths time – Choose the activity that suits your child.

FS1’s – Can you sing along and count the whales? Can you show the numbers on your fingers as you sing? You could then play ‘Show me’. E.g. – Grown up says “Show me 3” can you show 3 fingers or go collect 3 objects from around your house.

FS2’s – Snail and friends odd and even. Have a go at the odd and even questions below.

You could use objects to represent who the snail meets and use plates or 2 piles to share the objects out to help you.

Extra for a rainy day – Below is a colouring activity if you can and wish to print or you could make your own simple snail and Whale colouring picture.

Lots of activities have been posted today and Monday and Tuesday, remember you can have a go at one of them or all of them. They are there for ideas.
Have a great day and have fun. Miss Mc

Below is some of your fantastic work from before the holidays and a few things you’ve been up to in half term. Make sure you check out Kip’s rain dance. There were some fantastic rain and worm dances sent in.

Kip and Nancy’s rain dance – password Rain.

Good morning FS – Tuesday 2nd June ??

What a great start to another week of home learning. Below is a selection of your fantastic activities from yesterday and a few pictures of what else you have been busy with. I will post some more of your pictures later today. Long post below with activities for today.

Snail and the Whale week


Activity 1 – More mark making today. Can you make a pattern spiral? You could use a cotton bud or your fingerprint and paint or use colouring pens or pencils. See what different patterns you can make around your spiral. Grown ups it may be helpful if you could draw the spiral today. I have attached a couple below if you wish to use.

Activity – For this activity you will need to watch the story video again and keep looking through the different pages.

Grown ups – talk with your child about the dangers first before sharing some of the answers below – see what they can come up with.

Activity 2 – Talk to your grown up about the dangers the snail could have faced throughout the story. Can you make a list with your grown up of some of the dangers? E.g – the volcano – fire could have come out.
FS1’s – your grown up could write your list once you have talked about the dangers.
FS2’s – Use your phonics to help you write your list.
You could have a go at them all or see if you can list 3 possible dangers.

Maths – Why not have a go at some snail counting and addition challenges this afternoon.

FS1’s – You could have a go at counting the snails on each picture and have a go at writing or copying the number.
FS2’s – Can you write the addition number sentence? How many snails to start with, how many more come along ( + ) and how many altogether ( = ) ?
(You may need to zoom in to count).

Please remember these activities are just ideas, you could have a go at 1 or them or all of them. Most importantly have fun whilst doing them and enjoy the story again.
Have a great day, Miss Mc.

Good morning FS – Monday 1st June ?

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the sunshine. Today we should be in school starting our last half term before the summer holidays (FS2’s your last half term in foundation stage). I don’t know about you but I am gutted and sad this isn’t happening in the usual way. Over the next few weeks more children may begin to return to school and so will most of the teachers. Because of this, it would be tricky to keep each class blog going so this is the last week it will work like this and then we will be moving to a whole school approach next week.

I will post more details about this towards the end of the week so be sure to check the blog every day.

Now for this week’s home learning activities.
I hope you all enjoyed our minibeast worm week. This week we are moving on to a story about another minibeast and a slightly bigger animal too.
Watch and listen to the story below. Not read by me this week but keep checking the blog for a surprise later this week.

Activity – The Snail and the Whale week.

Activity 1 – Can you mark make and make your own snail spiral pattern. You can do this on paper, outside with chalk or water and a paintbrush or with your finger in the air. You will need to practice making this spiral pattern for tomorrow’s creative art activity. How many different spiral patterns can you make? Can you make small ones, big ones, colourful ones? I have attached some resources below if you want to use for ideas.

Activity 2 – Thinking about other patterns in nature, can you play ‘Guess the pattern‘? Look at the patterns below, talk to your grown up about each pattern and can you tell them what you think the pattern belongs to? It could be an animal, food or a nature object. FS1’s tell your grown up and they can write down the answers – can you tell your grown up what sound each answer begins with? You could have a go at writing or copying the first initial sound.
FS2’s use your phonics to make your own list of answers. I will reveal the answers later in the week.

Number patterns

This afternoon why not watch Numberblocks – pattern palace and have a go at writing some of your own number patterns.

Have a great day and have fun. Miss Mc.

Good morning FS – Friday 22nd May ☀️??????

Can you believe it’s Friday again. What another fantastic week it’s been. You have been so busy with many home learning activities, learning new life skills, practising tricky things and having lots of fun in the sun. Very proud of everything you are achieving and keeping busy with at home Here’s a selection of pictures from yesterday. Warning long post below.

Minibeasts – Superworm week

Activity – My interesting worm information – I found out that there are World Worm Charming Championships, the contestants are given a small area of soil/grass and a time limit to encourage the most worms to come to the surface by doing a dance.

Activity 2 – Seeing as we had some rain this morning (hopefully the sun will shine later) and to have some Friday fun let’s get moving. Can you create your own worm dance? Think about your favourite music or tune you could use, you could even chant the Superworm chant while moving, what will you wear for your dance? Practise your dance then ask your grown up to film your performance. Why not get your family involved and joining in too. I would love to see some of your dances or actions so feel free to email me any and I will post on the blog. If the video is too large to email you can upload it onto Vimeo for free and send me the link. Feel free to email if you have any questions about this.

I have also attached below some minibeast actions and activity challenges you might like to have some fun with.

Great Science Share – Another dancing challenge you might enjoy is the Great Science Groove-along. Mrs Platten our Science co-ordinator has given us the opportunity to be part of The Great Science Share. It is a project asking as many children and families as possible to take part in the Groove-along. You need to watch the video which takes you through the simple dance steps needed to perform and how to film it. You can submit your video to be included as part of a national video montage.

You can find out more about it on the main National Share website here: There are also weekly themes you can take part in.

Activity 2 – This week we have been looking at lots of different minibeasts and you have thought about your favourite minibeast. Can you now ask your family what their favourite minibeast is? You could even ring/video call other family members grandparents etc and ask them too. Have a go at making a list with your grown up of your families favourite minibeasts. This could be done on plain paper, I have also attached some resources below if you wish to use or for ideas. You could use these minibeasts or make a list of your own by drawing your own.

Why not have a go at completing a minibeast bar graph. You could even create your own with the results you collect.

Take time today, over the weekend and through half term to have a go at any activities you haven’t yet done and would like to. I have also posted LOTS more resources below if you wish to use them or want any more ideas for your own activities. There is phonics, maths and colouring activities.

Ongoing – FS1’s keep practising and having fun with your letters, name writing, mark making and numbers.
FS2’s Please keep practising your phonics sounds, tricky words and reading. Take some time to look back over past blog posts which offer lots of website links and videos for phonics, reading and maths. Also remember to check the ideas on the first home learning letter that came home when school first closed. Feel free to email me if you need any more support or ideas.

Have a good day and a great half term. Have lots of fun. Take care and stay safe. Miss Mc x

Good morning FS – Thursday 21st May ☀️??????

What a beautiful (and very hot) day it was yesterday. It was lovely to see and hear of you enjoying the sunshine outdoors. Have a look at what you got up to – fab minibeast hunt pictures and fun in the sun.

Something happened to Libby’s worms overnight – let’s have a look. Password – worms2.

Minibeast week – Superworm

Why not start today with some Cosmic Kids Yoga all about bugs.


Activity 1 – It’s definitely another day to get outside in the sunshine today. Can you make a nature collage picture outside. Choose a minibeast – it could be one you found yesterday or make up your own and see what you can find around your garden or out on your walk to make your collage. You could also make your own picture collage. Make sure you ask your grown up before picking things for your college. There will be lots on the ground you could use leaves, twigs etc. If you can’t find much on the ground you could use chalk or objects in your garden. Below are some pictures if you need any ideas. Have fun with it and I look forward to seeing your collages.

Activity 2 – Think about where you saw the different minibeasts yesterday. If you haven’t been on your minibeast hunt you could do that today. Where do different minibeasts live? Can you make a list of where different minibeasts live? You could pick 3 minibeasts and tell your grown up where they might like to be – in the soil, on a flower, by a pond. This can be done on plain paper – I made a quick table your grown up could help you with or write for you. I have attached some resources below if you wish to use or for ideas. FS2 use your phonics to help you sound out.

Number activity

You could watch the story “I can only draw worms” by Will Mabbitt on You Tube.
Or watch step by step how to draw your own worm.
Number lines starting at different numbers.

Number time – Can you draw your own worm number line? You could do a 1-10 or a 1-20 number line (choose the activity that suits your child). You could start at different numbers and count on. Can you count backwards using your number line? I have attached some worms below you could use instead of drawing your own or your grown up could draw some for you.

I have also attached some Minibeast counting activities you might like to have a go at.

Please remember these activities and ideas are there if you would like them, you could choose 1 or have a go at a few.
Here is the picture of the worm I found yesterday – I actually think it was the real Superworm it was that long and looked super strong. I am saving my worm fact for you for tomorrow’s fun Friday activity.

Have a lovely day in the sun and enjoy the outdoors. Miss Mc

FS2 Reading – if you haven’t already check out Oxford Owl online ebooks. It’s free to sign up and they have a great selection of ebooks online. A good one for for today is ‘An Odd Bug’.