What a great start to another week of home learning. Below is a selection of your fantastic activities from yesterday and a few pictures of what else you have been busy with. I will post some more of your pictures later today. Long post below with activities for today.

Snail and the Whale week


Activity 1 – More mark making today. Can you make a pattern spiral? You could use a cotton bud or your fingerprint and paint or use colouring pens or pencils. See what different patterns you can make around your spiral. Grown ups it may be helpful if you could draw the spiral today. I have attached a couple below if you wish to use.

Activity – For this activity you will need to watch the story video again and keep looking through the different pages.

Grown ups – talk with your child about the dangers first before sharing some of the answers below – see what they can come up with.

Activity 2 – Talk to your grown up about the dangers the snail could have faced throughout the story. Can you make a list with your grown up of some of the dangers? E.g – the volcano – fire could have come out.
FS1’s – your grown up could write your list once you have talked about the dangers.
FS2’s – Use your phonics to help you write your list.
You could have a go at them all or see if you can list 3 possible dangers.

Maths – Why not have a go at some snail counting and addition challenges this afternoon.

FS1’s – You could have a go at counting the snails on each picture and have a go at writing or copying the number.
FS2’s – Can you write the addition number sentence? How many snails to start with, how many more come along ( + ) and how many altogether ( = ) ?
(You may need to zoom in to count).

Please remember these activities are just ideas, you could have a go at 1 or them or all of them. Most importantly have fun whilst doing them and enjoy the story again.
Have a great day, Miss Mc.

Good morning FS – Tuesday 2nd June ??

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