Thursday 7th January

Wow! What an amazing start to our Home Learning. I am incredibly proud of the effort you have put in at home. Below are some of the things you got up to. Please keep scrolling as today’s challenges are after all the pictures.

Well done for some great phonics work, winter walks and practising writing your names.

I was in school yesterday with children from Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. I was so impressed with how the children worked and played together! We had a great time. Look at some of the things we got up to, recreating Christopher Corr artwork, having a go at the Year 2 Lego Challenge, exploring the classroom and playing games, in addition to phonics, English and maths! Phew!

Today’s Challenges

Today our first task is maths. FS2, this week we are going to be thinking about counting, comparing numbers and introducing zero. Follow the link below to the White Rose Maths website and watch the video for session 1.

Then have a go at one or more of the following activities:

Watch Numberblocks: Zero

Below are some activity cards. Discuss the with your child. Where is zero? Count the other objects. How many are there? How do you know? Which are there less objects of? Which are there more of? How may less/more? How do you know? It’s really important that your child can talk about numbers, explain their thinking and compare numbers. Can they find a given number of objects around the house? Can they draw a picture of that number and then draw zero? Don’t forget to let me see what you have done.

FS1 When you are in the house or out for a walk, how many numbers can you find? Where are they? Can you take a photograph and send it to us? At home, have a look at packaging or in magazines. Can you find numbers, cut them out and make a number collage?

Don’t forget to send me some pictures of what you have done.

It is such a cold time of year that if we had been in school, you would have had some winter dens to explore. Mrs Laughton and I started to create some dens for you to explore and add to. Your additional challenge today is to build a winter den. This could be outdoors or indoors, you choose. Can you make it snug and cosy? Can you make it dark? What could you use to add to your den to create light or reflect light?

Who will you invite in? What will you do? You might just snuggle up with your teddies, you might take your favourite books to read or you might take some paper to draw or write messages.

Perhaps you could make some snowflakes to peg up in your den.

I think I might have a go at making my own cosy den and I can’t wait to see yours! Have fun making it.

FS2 why not have another look at Mr Mc introducing ‘ch’ and practise your letter sounds and names. Remember….. Reach for the Stars……

Mrs Atkinson

Wednesday 6th January

Welcome to our first day of home learning. Today we begin with phonics. FS2 we have a new sound today, ‘ch’. This is a digraph, which means two letters (graphemes) which together make one sound (phoneme). Watch the video from Mr Mc to practise the sounds you already know and learn the new sound. I think you will enjoy joining in with the songs!

Have a go at writing the digraph ‘ch’ in different ways. You could write it in salt or flour. You could write it in mud using a stick. How many different ways can you find? You could write it using paint, felt tips or chalk. You could make ‘ch’ from playdough or create a big ‘ch’ and collage it. Play I spy. How many different things can you find beginning with ‘ch’. Can you write some of the words? You could write them in salt as Mr Mc did or choose one of the other ways mentioned above. Don’t forget to take a picture and send it to me so I can see your fantastic work and share it with the rest of the class.

Foundation Stage 1 can you help Zoe the Zookeeper? Perhaps you could send me a video of you naming the animals. I would love to see it and share it with your friends!

Our topic to begin this term is Winter. have a look at the video below to see what we might find in Winter.

I would like you to go for a Winter walk. Think about the clothes you need to wear. Talk about what you can see. Play I Spy. What can you see beginning with different sounds….. h, t, f……. ch? What can you see when you are out and about that tells us it is Winter? Could you take a photograph? When you get home choose a photograph you have taken or draw a picture of something you have seen.

Foundation Stage 2 children, can you add a label to your picture eg tree? Some of you may be able to write a caption eg bare tree or cold fence. Some of you will be able to write a sentence eg I can see frosty grass. Have a go at listening to the sounds in the words and write what you hear. Below I have added sound mats which may help you. Don’t forget to write your name on your work!

Foundation Stage 1, can you draw a picture of something you saw on your walk? Perhaps you can tell an adult what you have drawn so they can write a label or caption for you. Or you may want to send a picture of yourself on your Winter Walk. Can you have a go at writing some or all of your name on your picture?

Don’t forget to send what ever you do to me via the class email or Evidence Me. I can’t wait to see them and share what you have done with your friends!

Happy New Year!

I do hope you had a lovely Christmas, albeit a very different one. This is definitely not the way I wanted to start the new term! All of the Foundation Stage Team were really looking forward to welcoming you back and hearing about your Christmas and what you got up to.

For the next few weeks, this blog will be our link to learning. Each day I will post activities for you complete. For FS2 I will alternate with a phonics activity one day and a maths the next. There will be plenty for you do over two days for each if you would like to. I will also post an additional activity daily, which might be creative, physical or investigative for both FS2 and FS1 to have a go at. For FS1 I will also include activities based around phase 1 phonics.

Please take pictures of anything you do and send it to me either via the class email or Evidence Me. I will then share these on the blog the following day so that you can see what everyone has been busy with. If you have problems accessing any of these or sending images, please contact me through the school email and if you have any queries, however small, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Parents, please check out the links on the main website to support keeping your child safe on line. We did some work in the Autumn Term on internet safety so hopefully the children will know to always check with you if something goes wrong. There are some lovely age appropriate resources which can be accessed by following the link:

We are beginning this term with all things Winter including winter walks, cosy dens, cooking and winter art work. There are lots of lovely things to do in Winter and lots of opportunities to get outdoors and I can’t wait to see what you get up to! Take care, stay safe and look after each other.

Mrs Atkinson

Room on the Broom

We have had another busy week in Foundation Stage. We have continued the theme of Funny Bones and introduced Room on the Broom focused activities.

Foundation Stage 1 children have continued with lots of listening activities in their phonics sessions. There are lots of listening activities on You Tube you can play to practise with your child.

Foundation Stage 2 children are building their recall and recognition of the sounds s,a, t, p, i, n, m and d. They are continuing to practise rhythm and rhyming and blending sounds together for reading. As soon as each set of letters is introduced, children are encouraged to use their knowledge of the letter sounds to blend and sound out words. For example, they will learn to blend the sounds s-a-t to make the word sat. They will also start learning to segment words. For example, they might be asked to find the letter sounds that make the word tap. It is important that children can blend both real and nonsense words, eg pat and tis. While they are developing these skills, we continue to practise listening skills, identifying sounds at the beginning of words and matching the written letter (grapheme).