Superheroes and Children in Need

The children have thoroughly enjoyed our superheroes week. We have had some great discussions about different superheroes and the qualities needed to be a superhero. The children enjoyed creating our Superhero Headquarters and even made signs for it.

On Friday we learned about Children in Need and why we were dressed in our normal clothes to raise money.

FS2 went on a shape hunt around the classroom, then enjoyed colouring some shape pictures.
FS1 are trying really hard with the start of their handwriting practise!

Our amazing superhero writing!

FS2 RWI home learning

This week some of us have moved on to Set 2 sounds and have learnt ‘ay’, ‘ee’ and ‘igh’. Some of us have worked on previous Set 1 sounds to ensure we are retaining taught sounds. Please ask your child what sounds they have done this week (you may need to look back at the sound links on previous blog posts to recap previous sounds).

Below the Set 2 sounds video link there is also a spelling video link to have a try at spelling some words at home. This is how we teach the spelling in class.

ay –

ay – spelling activity –

ee –

ee spelling activity –

igh –

igh – spelling activity –

Set 1 Blending sounds together to read words.
Have a go at reading some words at home. These are words similar to those in the home reading books.

Set 1 word time reading lesson 2 –

People Who Help Us

It’s been a great week learning all about people who help us. We have been focusing on the emergency services and have been dressing up in our ‘Hospital’, role playing with our fire station and learning about Remembrance Day.

FS1 have had a great week learning all about the number 2 and reading the story Dear Zoo.

We had fun decorating and eating our Poppy biscuits!

FS2 did some wonderful writing to go with their Poppy painting.

FS2 RWI home learning

This week some of us have learnt ‘qu’, ‘ng’ and ‘nk’. Some of us have worked on previous sounds to ensure we are retaining taught sounds. Please ask your child what sounds they have done this week (you may need to look back at the sound links on previous blog posts).
You will also find some activities and a blending book in your child’s book bag to read at home. Please ensure reading books are put back in book bags every day, these will usually be changed on Wednesdays. Any other activities can be returned once completed or feel free to keep for future practise.

qu –

ng –

nk –

This week’s blending videos –

Blending sounds together to read words.
Have a go at reading some words at home. These are words similar to those in the home reading books.

Set 1 word time at home video –

Many thanks for your support.

Halloween, Bonfire and Fireworks

It’s been a busy week back and we have continued our ‘Let’s Celebrate’ theme. We have been learning some halloween nursery rhymes and learning more about fireworks and bonfire night. We have all thoroughly enjoyed investigating our pumpkins – thank you again to The Butler family at The Pumpkin Patch Produce for bringing them in for us.

We made chocolate sparklers and ate them around the bonfire!

FS2 Read Write Inc. home learning

This week we have all learnt – x. Some of us have learnt sh, th and ch. Some of us have worked on previous sounds to ensure we are retaining taught sounds.

x –

‘Special friend’ sounds

sh –

th –

ch –

This week’s blending videos –

Jobs, careers and when I grow up…

It’s been another great week in Foundation Stage. This week we have been learning all about different jobs and careers. We have been lucky to have some school staff members come over and talk to us about their job roles. We enjoyed listening to Miss Northen, Mrs Irvin and Mrs Gell. We really enjoyed talking about what we would like to do when we grow up. We have also been busy learning the nursery rhyme ‘Five current buns’ and lots of other activities too, take a look…

FS2 Read Write Inc. home learning

This week we have learnt letters f, e, l, h and r.

f –

e –

l –

h -

r –

This week’s blending videos…

Lesson 3 –

Lesson 4 –

All about birthdays 🥳

What an exciting week we have had! We have had lots of birthdays recently and it was also Benny Bear’s birthday on Friday. We have been so busy making him cards, decorations and wrapping presents for him. We had some great discussions about celebrations and how people celebrate differently. We all got invites to Benny Bear’s party and enjoyed responding to him and what great fun we had celebrating on Friday!

Benny Bear’s party day

We had lots of fun for Benny Bear’s birthday. We danced, wore our party hats, played pass the parcel, decorated biscuits, sang Happy Birthday and helped Benny open his presents!

We have also been very busy in all areas of the classroom!

FS2 Read Write Inc. home learning task

Below are links to all the sounds we have learnt so far. We will aim to post the sounds we have learnt each week. We apologise that there are so many on here this week, we have only just learnt how to post these on the blog. We thought they would be helpful at home and if you get chance to sit with your child and have a watch together so your child can recap through them that would be great. Practising the letter formation at home will always help too.

m –

a –

s –

d –

t –

i –

n –

p –

g –

o –

c –

k –

u –

b –

Learning to blend at home – the following video links will support helping your child to blend by sounding out and blending to read a word.

Learning to blend at home – lesson 1 –

Learning to blend at home – lesson 2 –

Anyone questions or queries please don’t hesitate to speak to one of us.

Many thanks, The Foundation Stage Team.

My class…

This week we have been looking at our class and continuing getting to know our friends and our classroom even better. We have been playing games to encourage using each others names and have been looking at each other’s school uniform to colour and paint pictures. We have also been looking at the areas in our classroom in more detail by drawing maps and colouring pictures for the different areas.

Show and tell was a busy one this week. Here are some very proud children who brought their medals and trophies in to show. Well done! It’s always lovely to celebrate achievements out of school.

My Family…

This week we have been talking about our families. We have been discussing who’s in our family and who lives in our house. We made our own ’who lives in my house’ pictures and have been drawing our families.

In Maths we have been looking at things that are the same, matching and looking at pairs of objects.

We have also been singing nursery rhymes, listening to music and moving our bodies to the rhythm and playing games to recognise our names.

FS2’s began RWI, Read, Write, Inc. is the phonics programme we are using across the school. See RWI section on the school website for more information.

It’s been a shorter but just as busy and fun week.

We started our ’Come and Play’ sessions on Tuesday afternoon. It was lovely watching the children show their grown ups around our classroom and exploring the areas.

Settling in and having fun…

It’s been another great week in Foundation Stage. We have still been getting to know our classroom and enjoyed exploring all the areas of learning.

We had much excitement when our new painting and mark making station arrived and have thoroughly enjoyed using it.

Making patterns and moving in different ways outside…

We all want to say a great big thank you to Mr Musgrave for our amazing new fence and gate! We love it and it is already making a huge difference to us.