Good morning! Another great day of learning from Team FS yesterday. Well done! Today we have the following lessons:
First let’s have a look at what you got up to yesterday.

Don’t forget to keep having a go at those fine motor activities. Here are a few more ideas.

It is important to recap all of your sounds every day so you can use Mr Mc or go to Phonics Play to do this. Today’s game on Phonics Play is Speed Trial. The children like this as they get to choose different designs. Click start and then pick individual graphemes. Choose ‘ee’ from set 9. How many can you get in one minute? Can you beat your score?
Today choose the game you want to play to practise blending. You can play Buried Treasure, Picnic on Pluto or Dragons Den or you could even play all 3! Or you can choose another game you have played previously. Can you beat your score? Click on the link and choose your game. Click start and then choose Phase 3, then click on the sound +ee. This will ensure all sounds learnt so far are included.
You could try some of the following ideas:
Choose cvcc/ccvcc from the menu to practise reading sentences.
These are really easy activities. You could use words containing the sounds you are practising (see the word lists on the blog previously (Friday 8th and Thursday 14th), tricky words or sounds.

Or have a go at a different activity on yesterday’s post.
FS1 We continue to think about oral blending and listening carefully for sounds in words. Play Simon Says with a grown up.
Grown ups – During the game, say some of the words in sound talk. For example “Simon says sit d-ow-n”.
An extra challenge children – can you give someone else an instruction by sound talking one of the words?
Read, watch or listen to the story Stick Man again, discussing the story as you go along. Can you identify sounds within the story? ‘ee’ ‘ai’ ‘ng’ etc or tricky words. The link below takes you to the book being read by Alex Scheffler.

Don’t forget to send me a picture of your stick family! Keep them safe as we will need them later in the week for some more activities.
FS2 I am continuing with the Oak Academy series of videos which are sequenced to build learning. You will notice that within them there is an emphasis on talking. This is such an important part of learning in Foundation Stage. If children can begin to reason and explain what they are doing, why they are doing it and how they know they are correct, it supports their learning development hugely as they get older. Please let me know your thoughts. Are these lessons working for you and your child?
Today we are thinking about ordinal numbers: Using key vocabulary associated with ordinal numbers 1st to 10th. Watch the video than have a look at the activities.

Have a go at one or more of the activities below.

FS1 Number of the week is number 2. Help with the washing! Can you help pair the socks up? What else can you find in the house that comes in 2’s?
Expressive Arts: Music
I have added music again this week. I know lots of you love to join in with songs and making music. Music is a great way to support developing listening skills, rhythm and rhyme which in turn supports speaking and listening, reading and literacy among other things. Let me know if you have joined in and whether you are enjoying these music lessons.
I hope you have a great day. Let me know how you get on. Keep those photographs and videos coming in so that I can share them with the rest of the class. Parents, please let me know how it is going. What is working for you and your child? Are the videos helpful? You can let me know via email or Evidence Me. Remember, there is no pressure to do everything, pick what works for you and your child.
Mrs Atkinson