Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the sunshine. Today we should be in school starting our last half term before the summer holidays (FS2’s your last half term in foundation stage). I don’t know about you but I am gutted and sad this isn’t happening in the usual way. Over the next few weeks more children may begin to return to school and so will most of the teachers. Because of this, it would be tricky to keep each class blog going so this is the last week it will work like this and then we will be moving to a whole school approach next week.
I will post more details about this towards the end of the week so be sure to check the blog every day.
Now for this week’s home learning activities.
I hope you all enjoyed our minibeast worm week. This week we are moving on to a story about another minibeast and a slightly bigger animal too.
Watch and listen to the story below. Not read by me this week but keep checking the blog for a surprise later this week.
Activity – The Snail and the Whale week.
Activity 1 – Can you mark make and make your own snail spiral pattern. You can do this on paper, outside with chalk or water and a paintbrush or with your finger in the air. You will need to practice making this spiral pattern for tomorrow’s creative art activity. How many different spiral patterns can you make? Can you make small ones, big ones, colourful ones? I have attached some resources below if you want to use for ideas.
Activity 2 – Thinking about other patterns in nature, can you play ‘Guess the pattern‘? Look at the patterns below, talk to your grown up about each pattern and can you tell them what you think the pattern belongs to? It could be an animal, food or a nature object. FS1’s tell your grown up and they can write down the answers – can you tell your grown up what sound each answer begins with? You could have a go at writing or copying the first initial sound.
FS2’s use your phonics to make your own list of answers. I will reveal the answers later in the week.
Number patterns
This afternoon why not watch Numberblocks – pattern palace and have a go at writing some of your own number patterns.
Have a great day and have fun. Miss Mc.