FS have had a fantastic last week of the half term. We have been learning about the seasons with a focus on Autumn and Harvest. The children have painted amazing paper plate pumpkins and used their fingers to paint Autumn trees. They also loved making some Halloween biscuits. We hope you all have a lovely half term holiday and we will see you back for more FS fun afterwards.
What we’ve been working on…
We have been continuing to develop our understanding of numbers to 10 in maths. We have been exploring how many different ways we can make 1, 2 and 3.
Here is a great video to help the children help to understand the composition of numbers to 5.
Thank you to those who having been reading at home regularly. At Brandesburton we aim to read 3 times a week or more at home. Every little bit counts, so even just 5 minute a night can make a huge difference.
What is coming up?