Over the last 2 weeks of the term we are learning all about Easter! The children are very excited about the Easter bunny and have loved going on an Easter egg hunt around the classroom this week. They have also tasted hot cross buns and FS2 have written some super sentences about them. They have all loved making Easter bunny headbands, decorated Easter eggs and lots of other fun things.

We are almost at the end of our Spring 2 PE unit. We have loved practicing our ball skills. We have gained so much more confidence throwing, catching and rolling the ball.

Happy Mothers’ Day!
We don’t want to give too much away but we have loved making a few special things for Mothers’ Day. We really hope that you like your little treats!

What’s coming up?
Just one more week until we break up for Easter! We have lots more Easter fun planned next week and then we will be away for 2 weeks. Back to school, Tuesday 22nd April!