
Over the last 2 weeks of the term we are learning all about Easter! The children are very excited about the Easter bunny and have loved going on an Easter egg hunt around the classroom this week. They have also tasted hot cross buns and FS2 have written some super sentences about them. They have all loved making Easter bunny headbands, decorated Easter eggs and lots of other fun things.


We are almost at the end of our Spring 2 PE unit. We have loved practicing our ball skills. We have gained so much more confidence throwing, catching and rolling the ball.

Happy Mothers’ Day!

We don’t want to give too much away but we have loved making a few special things for Mothers’ Day. We really hope that you like your little treats!


What’s coming up?

Just one more week until we break up for Easter! We have lots more Easter fun planned next week and then we will be away for 2 weeks. Back to school, Tuesday 22nd April!


We have had a great week in FS and have been reading the story ‘Supertato’. The children have made their own superhero capes and masks. They have been on a vegetable hunt around the classroom and FS2 have written some super sentences linked to the story. In addition we have continued with our junk modelling, which the children love! Thank you for all the junk donations! We have also had lots of fun playing outside.


This week we have been practising ordering numbers to 10. We have been placing number tiles on a number line and then mixing them up. This is a fun game to play at home too. Take it in turns to be the cheeky muddle monkey!

What’s coming up?

Jasper’s Beanstalk

This week we have continued our theme on growing and enjoyed reading Jasper’s Beanstalk. We have made our own Jasper pictures and written sentences about the story. The children have also had a great time junk modelling and created lots of exciting things! It was fantastic to see you all at parents evening and lovely to share your child’s progress. Thank you as always for your continued support.

Championing Science

On Wednesday afternoon of this week, we had so much fun biscuit dunking. We were conducting an experiment to find out which biscuit is the strongest. We began by reading the story of the Gingerbread man and discussing why he wouldn’t swim across the river. We then talked about if we thought all biscuits were equally as strong. We were really surprised by our results!

Computer Skills

What’s coming up?

The Enormous Turnip

This week in FS we have been reading the story of The Enormous Turnip and we have thoroughly enjoyed it. We have also been thinking about flowers and how they grow. The children have done some amazing observational drawings of some tulips. The weather has also been kind to us and we’ve loved playing outside.

World Book Day!

Thank you so much parents for helping your children to celebrate World Book Day in style with all of their amazing David Williams inspired costumes.
Here are FS2 looking super cool.

Fruit Kababs

As part of our DT unit this half term, we have learned all about how to keep ourselves safe in a kitchen and food hygiene. We then put our knowledge of healthy eating to good use by creating our own fruit kanas. They were delicious!

What’s coming up?

Jack and the Beanstalk

A huge welcome back to you all. Our first week of the half term has been fantastic focusing on Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have loved making their own magic beans and beanstalks as well as learning about how beans are planted. They have planted their own cress seeds and we have set up an experiment to compare how it grows in different conditions.

We are so pleased to see lots of FS2 children have been reading during the holidays, well done. Please can we ask that you read with your child at least 3 times a week, the impact of this is enormous on their progress.


In maths this week we have been focusing on combining groups of objects. The children have been challenged to say the number sentence and find the total. For example, 2 + 3 = 5

Have a go at these together at home.

What’s coming up?


The Little Red Hen

We have had a super last week of the half term in FS and our book has been The Little Red Hen. We have talked a lot about being kind and helpful to our friends and have loved doing lots of activities related to The Little Red Hen. We hope you all have a lovely half term holiday and look forward to seeing you again when we return to school. Thank you as always for your continued support.


This week, in DT, we have been practising our sewing skills. We designed a puppet and then had to use the running stitch to join our two puppet pieces together.
Here are our final puppets!

What’s coming up!

The Ugly Duckling

Over the last 2 weeks we have been reading The Ugly Duckling and learning about Chinese New Year. The children have thoroughly enjoyed it and have made their own swans, ducklings and pond pictures. They have also picked ducks out of a pond (pretend!) to help them write their numbers.
We have loved learning about Chinese New Year and particularly enjoyed tasting a variety of Chinese food and making our own Chinese lanterns.
The FS2 children are blowing us away with their sentence writing and FS1 are continuing to work really hard in their phonics lessons. All of the children love exploring the classroom and engage brilliantly in all the activities available.

What’s coming up?

The Three Little Pigs

Another super week in Foundation Stage. The Three Little Pigs has been our theme for the week. We have explored materials to use for the pig’s houses and sorted things into hard and soft groups. The children have loved painting their own pigs and houses, as well as cutting clothes out to dress each pig. We are so impressed with FS2’s writing, keep it up everyone!

Fire brigade visit

We were super lucky today as the fire brigade came for a visit. They began by telling us all about how to keep safe at home and they read us a story about a fire dog. They then took us outside to explore their fire engine. Mr Mallison even got dressed up as a fire fighter! After sitting in the fire engine, we were allowed to squirt the fire hose….just like the characters in the story that we had read about! We were all so excited.

This week we have all been continuing to work on out handwriting and presentation. We have been practising our letter formation and using Fred fingers to help us with our spelling.
These are just a few of the great pieces we have seen this week.

What’s coming up?

The Gingerbread Man

This week we have been reading the story of The Gingerbread Man. The children have been really enthusiastic exploring the classroom activities and loved decorating their own gingerbread men. FS2 are working so hard on their handwriting and number formation. FS1 are also working hard at writing their names and recognising their numbers.

We had fun in computing this week, using the paint tools to decorate our own Gingerbread Man. Look how cute they are!

Special Mention

This week Noah was awarded the special mention for his super effort in phonics and writing. Look at his amazing sentences this week!

What’s coming up?

Goldilocks and The Three Bears

Happy New Year to you all! It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. They have all come with positive attitudes and have been so excited to see their friends again. This half term, our main focus is going to be on traditional tales. We have started this week with Goldilocks and The Three Bears. The children have made bear faces, cotton bud painted the bear’s cottage and have loved acting out the story in the home corner amongst many other things!

Porridge making and tasting

Goldilocks loves porridge! We thought it would be fun to make and taste some porridge, just like the three bears made.

Here are our little bears in action!

Reading book reminder!

We send home library books on a Wednesday, which you can enjoy together as a family. These books then need to be returned the following Wednesday to be changed.

Some children will also bring home a reading book, which they need to read to a grown up. These books help the children to develop their reading fluency. Please could you encourage the children to read them daily. We set a target for every child to read a minimum of three times per week!

What’s coming up?