Jungle Animals

Welcome back to you all. We have had a brilliant start to the new term. This half term our theme is ‘Animals’ and this week we have focused on the jungle. We have made giraffes, snakes and lions. The weather has been great for lots of outside fun too!


We have ended the term learning all about Easter. The children have listened to the Easter story, sorted eggs by colour, decorated eggs, been on an egg hunt around the classroom and so much more! They also thoroughly enjoyed the disco and their dance moves were amazing! We hope you all have a lovely Easter break.


The children have loved reading the Supertato stories this week! They have written about the Evil Pea, done some vegetable printing, designed their own super vegetables and so much more. We are still working really hard on our reading and well done to all the children who managed to read at home at least 3 times last week! Keep it up!

Jasper’s Beanstalk

We have continued our theme of growing this week. The children have enjoyed listening to the story Jasper’s Beanstalk. They have loved making flowers and gardens as well as lots of junk modelling! We are really focussing on our reading in FS2 and the children are doing very well. Please can we ask all children to read at home at least 3 times a a week and for you to record this in their reading diary. Practise at home is so important to help the children become fluent readers.

The Enormous Turnip

Another fabulous week in Foundation Stage. This week has focused on the story of The Enormous Turnip. The children have retold the story with stick puppets, used cotton buds to paint their own turnips and explored various different vegetables. They also have done a great job doing observational drawings of daffodils and collaged their own flowers.

The Ugly Duckling

We have had a super week learning about The Ugly Duckling. We have made play dough ducklings and weighed them to compare. We have made our own swans with paper plates and cotton wool. FS2 did a great job of sequencing the story and FS1 are continuing to work really hard during phonics and maths. The weather has also been kind and we’ve had lots of time exploring and playing outside.

The Gingerbread Man

We have had an exciting week learning about The Gingerbread Man. We have collaged foxes, designed gingerbread men and baked our own. FS1 are working so hard in their phonics lessons. FS2 are continuing to work really hard during RWI lessons and their handwriting is amazing. FS2 have also enjoyed learning about capacity and loved playing with the balance scales.

The Three Little Pigs

This week we have been learning all about The Three Little Pigs. We loved experimenting with different materials to find the best roof for one of the pigs houses. The children have also made houses and dressed their own pigs. FS1 have been working really hard in maths learning the number 3 and playing bingo. FS2 have been learning how to find one more and one less than a number.

We had great fun exploring the cold weather and ice outside!