Jack and the Beanstalk

What a fantastic first week back we’ve had! The children have loved the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. They have made their own magic beans and paper chain beanstalks, as well as planting their own beans. They have loved exploring all different types of beans on our curiosity table, using magnifying glasses and microscopes. FS1 children are continuing to work hard at writing their names, any additional practise at home would be fabulous! FS2 children are doing really well with their writing and their enthusiasm is fantastic.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

We have had a lovely week in Foundation Stage before the half term holiday learning all about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have made bears, designed a bed for Goldilocks, written our names in porridge and loved acting out the story in the home corner. We have also talked about healthy and unhealthy eating and the children have done a great job at sorting different foods. The children in FS2 have also been working really hard on improving their handwriting and FS1 are trying really hard to write their names. If FS1 would like to keep practising over half term, that would be fabulous!

FS2 RWI home learning.

This week you will find a log in card and letter in your child’s book bag regarding home reading. You will now be able to log in to Oxford Owl and access your child’s reading book and a quiz that we have done in class that goes alongside the book bag book. We would like the children to practise reading at home as often as possible but ideally no less than 3 times a week. Please record all reading in your child’s reading record (monkey record book).

Most books have story green words, speedy green words and red words. These are the key words to practise each week alongside reading the story. These can be found on the ‘How to help your child read this book’ page. If your child’s book hasn’t got this page or words to practise please just read the words in the book.

The Three Little Pigs

We have had so much fun this week learning all about The Three Little Pigs story. We have acted out the story in the home corner, made pig house, pig faces and loved making the Big Bad Wolf! We have also enjoyed using play dough to make the characters and explored different materials to find out which would be best to make a roof for the little pigs houses.

We were very lucky to have a special visitor in school on Friday. Meet Digger the week old piglet!

FS 2 RWI Home learning

This week you will find a log in card and letter in your child’s book bag regarding home reading. You will now be able to log in to Oxford Owl and access your child’s reading book and a quiz that we have done in class that goes alongside the book bag book. We would like the children to practise reading at home as often as possible but ideally no less than 3 times a week. Please record all reading in your child’s reading record (monkey record book).

Most books have story green words, speedy green words and red words. These are the key words to practise each week alongside reading the story. These can be found on the ‘How to help your child read this book’ page. If your child’s book hasn’t got this page or words to practise please just read the words in the book.

Winter, ice and the polar regions ❄️

Exploring ‘icebergs’…

We have thoroughly enjoyed making igloos – big and small using different materials…

FS2 RWI Home learning

This week you will find a log in card and letter in your child’s book bag regarding home reading. You will now be able to log in to Oxford Owl and access your child’s reading book and a quiz that we have done in class that goes alongside the book bag book. We would like the children to practise reading at home as often as possible but ideally no less than 3 times a week. Please record all reading in your child’s reading record (monkey record book).

Most books have story green words, speedy green words and red words. These are the key words to practise each week alongside reading the story. These can be found on the ‘How to help your child read this book’ page. If your child’s book hasn’t got this page or words to practise please just read the words in the book.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas🎄

We are so proud of all the children for their singing and performances in the Christmas play.
A huge thank you to all that helped learn words at home and provide costumes.

FS2 RWI Home Learning

This week group 1 have learnt set 2 sounds ‘ir’, ‘ou’ and ‘oy’. Group 2 have worked on previous Set 1 sounds to ensure we are retaining taught sounds. Please ask your child what group they are in and what sounds they have done this week (you may need to look back at the sound links on previous blog posts to recap previous sounds).

Group 1 reading at home –

ir – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/N5f2FvBf/PvZnJXgY

ou – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/AlgRdM4e/TZHhXpoY

oy – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/H1naRBMF/sCY0Uymu

Groups 1 spelling at home –

ir – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/Yp1yrNCI/KzMYeeRX

ou – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/7ugQcAWH/ltKcsziS

oy – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/vk4eJetq/elX67kSZ

Group 2 word time reading 1.6-


Group 2 word time spelling 1.6 –


All about The Nativity

We have been very busy practising our Christmas performance and in the classroom we have been learning more about ‘The Nativity’.

Some amazing writing has been done!

FS2 RWI home learning

This week group 1 have learnt set 2 sounds ‘ar’, ‘or’ and ‘air’. Group 2 have worked on previous Set 1 sounds to ensure we are retaining taught sounds. Please ask your child what group they are in and what sounds they have done this week (you may need to look back at the sound links on previous blog posts to recap previous sounds).

Group 1 reading at home –

ar – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/FarOE2cU/sW1bzsMn

or – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/KZONNrqr/hNDwAhpM

air – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/xcyy1P0V/NuDy1UPU

Group 1 spelling at home –

ar – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/RxzIviw1/g9L9fYIL

or – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/IzWPCQTY/0niOa7tM

air – https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/ZTasrHDI/baUdXcNa

Group 2 word time reading –


Group 2 word time spelling –


Celebrations continued…

This week we have been learning all about Christingle. The children have been amazing at remembering all the parts and their meanings.

We have also been very busy practising our Christmas play. If your child had words that came home to learn – please continue to practise these at home in a nice loud clear voice.

We had lots of fun trialling a new resource to help our handwriting called ‘Pegs 2 paper’ we are hoping to purchase this so it can be a regular activity in our classroom!

FS2 RWI home learning

This week group 1 have learnt set 2 sounds ‘ow’ (as in snow), ‘oo’ (as in zoo) and ‘oo’ (as in look). Group 2 have worked on previous Set 1 sounds to ensure we are retaining taught sounds. Please ask your child what group they are in and what sounds they have done this week (you may need to look back at the sound links on previous blog posts to recap previous sounds).

Below is the link to the RWI. Phonics virtual classroom, please use the link to find the videos to support and extend learning at home.

Ruth Miskin School Portal (hopefully the link will work) if that one doesn’t work the one below will give you lots of support using your child’s Oxford Owl login.

Use the Set 1 and Set 2 tabs – by clicking on them you will then see – set 1 ‘set 1 at home’ and under set 2 ‘set 2 at home’ you will find – ‘set 2 reading at home’ and set 2 spelling at home’. For set 1 ‘set 1 word time’ is a good one too.

Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics – Oxford Owl

There are lots of other helpful videos on the virtual classroom too, please take some time to explore.

Any questions or queries feel free to speak to one of us.

Many thanks, The Foundation Stage Team.