Welcome back!

It is lovely to see all of the children again after half term. They have all settled back into our classroom routines very well. We have continued learning about Autumn and the seasons this week. The children have decorated trees according to the season, made hedgehogs out of play dough, finger painted Autumn trees and so much more.


This week we have been exploring who is in our family, making family trees and completing lots of matching and sorting activities such as pairing up socks and sorting bears by colour and size.

FS2 have been writing a list of what they would take in their rocket to the moon. Just like baby bear in the story Whatever Next by Jill Murphy.

Another great week!

The children have had a super week. We have talked about growing up and the things they can now do that they couldn’t do when they were babies and things that they’ll be able to do when they get bigger. They have made paper chains, collaged faces and drawn self portraits. The weather hasn’t been very kind to us but we have still managed to get outside and they have loved joining in circle games. We have also started teaching Read Write Inc lessons to FS2 and they have made a fantastic start. If all children in FS2 could keep practising writing their name at home that would be amazing.