Supporting parents during COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Please take time to have a look.??

The link below has been created to support parents during COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Each fortnight, it will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will spending more time online at home.

Good morning Foundation Stage – Wednesday 25th March?

I hope you are all well. Thank you for the home observations so far, lovely to see what you have been busy with at home. Today is going to be bright and beautiful day and the sun is already shining.

Today’s challenge: is to get outdoors in your garden and enjoy the sunshine (wrap up – still a bit chilly). Can you mark make outdoors and create some artwork? This could be drawing your garden, your family in the garden, practice your name or numbers on the patio with chalk or water/paint brushes or can you find any shadows to try some shadow drawing?

I would love to see any mark making and art work you can create and see you enjoying time in the garden. Don’t forget to upload to: (from your registered email) or email pictures to:

More useful links and resources ?

Below are phase 2 and 3 phonics mats and tricky words for you to keep practising your sounds at home, along with our letter rhymes for when you are practising letters and writing. – some useful projects for at home. – more resources to print if you are able to. – alphabet and reading – a nice alphabet/phonics song – counting songs

Good morning Foundation Stage ⛅ Tuesday 24th March

Todays challenge: Thinking about family and friends we cannot see and spend time with at the moment – Can you tell your Mummy, Daddy or someone in your house some lovely words about them or sing them a song.

Think about ways you could do/record this – you could paint or colour a rainbow for your window, make a card or letter (FS2’s you could use your phonics to write your own, FS1’s can you copy some letters or write your name in it?), with help you could video it or ask someone to write something down for you.

I would love to see anything the children do so don’t forget to send as an observation to from the email you registered with – remember this can be done straight from you mobile phone, tablet or iPad, alternatively you can email me any pictures or videos to or comment on here.

I can’t wait to see what you can come up with. ?

Home activities – Little Learners ??

Little Learners helps you support children’s learning. Based around the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS), Little Learners can help you prepare your child for school (Reception) and with their ongoing learning journey in the early years. It is a fantastic you tube channel created by a primary school teacher working in early years. She has created a video playlist – I would definitely recommend checking it out.

Understanding Phonics?Lots of reading but might be helpful and some useful links.

Early phonics teaching in pre-school and nursery (FS1) focuses on developing children’s listening skills. Early years environments do a lot of aural work, training children in awareness of sounds.

In Phase 1 phonics (FS1), children are taught about:

  • Environmental sounds
  • Instrumental sounds
  • Body percussion (e.g. clapping and stamping)
  • Rhythm and rhyme
  • Alliteration
  • Voice sounds
  • Oral blending and segmenting (e.g. hearing that d-o-g makes ‘dog’)

Typical activities for Phase 1 phonics include ‘listening’ walks, playing and identifying instruments, action songs, learning rhymes and playing games like I Spy. This phase is intended to develop children’s listening, vocabulary and speaking skills.

In Phase 2 (generally begins in FS2), children begin to learn the sounds that letters make (phonemes). There are 44 sounds in all. Some are made with two letters, but in Phase 2, children focus on learning the 19 most common single letter sounds.

We follow the Letters and Sounds scheme ( ) but use the Read Write Inc. letter formation rhymes ( ) I did change a few (I will attach the rhymes we use below).

By the end of Phase 2 children should be able to read some vowel-consonant (VC) and consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words, and to spell them out – c-a-t – cat. They also learn some high frequency ‘tricky words’ like ‘the’ and ‘go.’

Phase 3 (FS2) introduces children to the remaining, more difficult and/or less commonly used phonemes. There are around 25 of these, depending on which scheme is followed, mainly made up of two letters that make one sound (digraphs) such as /ch/, /ar/, /ow/ and /ee/ and three letters which make one sound (trigraphs) such as /igh/, /ear/ and /ure/. We need these sounds to be able to read and form useful words.

Alongside this, children are taught to recognise more tricky words, including ‘me,’ ‘was,’ ‘my,’ ‘you’ and ‘they’. They learn the names of the letters, as well as the sounds they make. Activities might include learning mnemonics (memory aids) for tricky words, practising writing letters on mini whiteboards/paper, using word cards and singing songs like the Alphabet Song.

By the end of Phase 3 (often completed in FS2 by Easter) , they should be able to say the sound made by most, or all, Phase 2 and 3 graphemes, blend and read CVC words made from these graphemes, read 12 new tricky words and write letters correctly when given an example to copy.

By now, children should be confident with each phoneme. From here on, phonics teaching is about consolidating and refining their knowledge, introducing more spelling patterns and tricky words, and increasing vocabulary.

Phase 4 phonics does not teach any new sounds, children will, among other things:

  • Practise reading and spelling CVCC words (‘bump’, ‘nest’, ‘belt,’ ‘milk’, etc)
  • Practise reading and spelling high frequency words
  • Practise reading and writing sentences
  • Learn more tricky words, including ‘have,’ ‘like,’ ‘some,’ ‘little’

Children should now be blending confidently to work out new words. They should be starting to be able to read words straight off, rather than having to sound them out. They should also be able to write every letter, mostly correctly and starting to write sentences using many of the taught sounds, tricky words and high frequency words.

To know and understand the correct pronunciation of the letters and sounds, here are a few links to some great videos.

FS2 Phase 3 Phonics sound pratise –

Tricky word songs

I know this is a lot of reading but hoping it helps a little, just covers FS1 and FS2 so have a look at what is applicable to your child. Feel free to email if you have any questions or need any help.

Daily wake up activities ?‍♀️?‍♂️

Good morning Foundation Stage, a daily physical development activity would be a great way to start the day and get you moving. Joe Wickes is doing a daily 30 minute PE workout on his you tube channel at 9am. Just click on the link.

Another great way to start the day is with Cosmic Kids Yoga – we often do this at the start of the morning so the children have seen it before. It’s a great way to help your kids become ‘stronger, calmer and wiser’.