Where the learning begins!
Well done to those that completed activities and challenges from yesterday’s blog post. There was some fantastic hero posters I will be posting them on the blog after this.
Today we are going to have a ‘finishing off Friday’ even though its only Thursday ? as tomorrow I will be posting lots of activities and challenges for over the Easter holidays.
Please take time today to look back over the FS blog posts and make sure you have checked and are up to date. I have posted lots of activities and challenges over the last 2 weeks. If you scroll back and press previous at the bottom you can go back to my first home learning post on 19th March that starts with some great reading links.
Lots to choose from to keep you busy today – shadow mark making, alphabet scavenger hunts, something from the 28 days of activities – take photos, design and fairy or superhero house, set up a tent or den in the house or go on a minibeast hunt.
Please also spend some time looking at the Literacy, Phonics and Maths challenges over the last 2 weeks.
Literacy – Have you been practicing your name? If not why not try it with water and a paintbrush outside or with shaving foam or salt in a tray. You could ask an adult to write the letters from your name on stones that you find then put your name in the correct order. Have a look at the phase 2 phonics mat on a previous post – how many sounds do you recognise? You could play eye spy with a family member or have a go copying/writing some CVC words with the sounds – cat, pat, tin, mat. Please choose the challenge that suits your child.
Reading and stories – Please continue to share and read stories and listen/watch stories online.
Maths – Keep practicing counting, number recognising and ordering to 10 – extend to 20 as a challenge, singing number songs and have a go at writing numbers – with paint, outside or in the air. Did you go on a number hunt around your house or on your daily walk? Remember to take some photographs to send to me.
Literacy/Phonics – So far you should be constantly recapping phase 2 and phase 3 sounds – we are up to ‘air’. Please take time today to practice all the sounds – we will be doing the last 2 sounds after the holidays and I will set some challenges for them then. Today you could spend some time on the tricky words. The children love the two tricky word songs we use at school so it would be nice to watch those. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY
If you haven’t completed the challenge activity from 24th March (making and writing a card/letter to a family member or friend that you are missing, you could have a go today and practice your sentence writing. Think about your phonics – use the phonics mats if you need and don’t forget capital letters and finger spaces. I would love to see your finished cards/letters – don’t forget to take a picture to show me.
Reading – Ideally your child should be reading 3 times a week. My first blog post on 19th March listed lots of good online and ebook links. On twinkl there are lots of EYFS reading comprehension activities to have a go at if you are able to print – I have added one below. Please spend some time today on reading – this could be spotting words on food in the kitchen cupboards or reading sentences that an adult has written for them.
Maths – Number work practice to 20 then extend as appropriate for your child. Keep working on counting, ordering, more/less, adding, subtracting, doubling, halving/sharing – this can be done practically with objects at home or written down number sentences. Some great halving work has already been completed by lots of you. Keep working on that number writing too.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is a comprehensive suite of online learning tools and content. We use Purple Mash in the classroom and many of the children really enjoy completing activities on it independently. There are hundreds of activities, paint projects and more for your child to explore. I have been setting all the FS children up with logins. Please email me fsbrandesburton@gmail.com and I will give you your child’s login details.
Please remember it’s not about ‘teaching’ your children it’s most importantly about providing ‘fun’ learning at home and a safe place. Everything on the blogs are just ideas and activities to help you along the way and to keep the children busy with some kind of routine. Have a fun and lovely day – I look forward to seeing your pictures later.
Good morning, again I want to start with a thank you to everyone that has been completing challenges from the blog.
Why not start today with some wake up yoga to get you ready for the day ahead. https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
There are lots of people who help us especially through these tricky times. Today we are going to think about some of these people.
Today’s challenge – Can you create your own Heroes poster? You could draw your own or have a go at colouring the one below if you can print it.
Literacy challenge –
FS1 – Can you write your name on your poster and tell a grown up some of the special things they do? You could ask the adult to video your answers or get the adult to write them down for you.
FS2 – Can you label and write a sentence to go with your poster using your phonics? Remember capital letters and finger spaces. You could film yourself telling me some of the special things the heroes do.
Maths challenge – Below are some people who help us counting activities. If you are not able to print you could count on the screen and write your answers down. Please choose the challenge suitable for your child.
I would love to see your finished posters and Maths challenges either by email fsbrandesburton@gmail.com or upload them to 2Build a Profile.
2Build a Profile
If you’re not sure how to upload a photograph or video – please email me fsbrandesburton@gmail.com and I will talk you through the few simple steps. It is easy and takes just a few minutes to send pictures and videos straight from your mobile phone or iPad.
When you send pictures please try to add a comment of what your child has done – this only needs to be short – 1 or 2 lines. If you have more than 1 picture of your child doing the same activity it would be great if you could collage the pictures together, this is easily done with the Pic Collage app. Again I can talk you through this if needed. A single photo is great too.
Time for a song – watch the video below, can you spot the rhyming words?
Well done everyone that completed some challenges and activities from yesterday’s blog post and thank you for the fantastic pictures and observations on 2Build a Profile and email.
If you haven’t done the alphabet scavenger hunt from yesterday why not have a go today. See how many different objects you can find around your house beginning with the letters of the alphabet.
Today’s Literacy challenge:
FS1 – Can you complete the alphabet scavenger hunt? Can you copy any letters from the alphabet?
FS2 – Well done those of you that looked at the ‘air’ trigraph. Can you write some silly sentences today using this new sound. Maybe make a list of as many ‘air’ words as you can think of first. Ask an adult to support and check spellings if you need. Chair, fair, pair etc. If you haven’t yet looked at this sound take a look at the phonics video, it also has lots of ‘air’ words if you need some ideas – https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=uZHKK9jnfFQ
Today’s Maths challenge:
FS1 – This week’s challenges are counting, recognising and ordering numbers to 10. Can you challenge yourself past 10?
FS2 – Well done to everyone that completed the halving challenges from yesterday. If you haven’t yet have a go today. Extra challenge for those that have – Can you solve these word problems? Can you write it down? E.g Half of 6 is ..
Reading – Oxford Owl have free ebooks you can access and read online, all you need to do is join as a parent – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ If you have a school reading book at home you can look at the colour book band (coloured sticky label on spine) to see what level would be appropriate for your child or email me if you’re not sure. fsbrandesburton@gmail.com
I hope you all managed to have a nice weekend and found things to keep busy with. Have you been doing Joe Wickes live on You Tube every day at 9am? If not it’s a great start to the day and certainly wakes you up. I have been joining in as much as possible.
A huge thank you for all the fantastic pictures you have emailed and pictures and videos sent in on 2build a profile so far, it is lovely to see what you are busy with at home. Keep them coming – they certainly brighten up my day.
The weather doesn’t look so great this week and is definitely colder. Start collecting some junk modelling – cereal boxes, yoghurt pots, egg boxes etc as I will be setting some Easter craft making challenges later in the week. It’s a wet start today so a day to do some inside activities.
Todays challenge for Literacy is:
Can you do an alphabet scavenger hunt around your house? You could write the alphabet letters on scraps of paper. FS2 you could also write as many words as you can beginning with that sound.
FS2 Phonics – Please keep recapping all phase 2 and phase 3 sounds. There were just 3 sounds left of phase 3 that I hadn’t taught yet – ‘air’ as in ch-air chair, ‘ure’ as in m-a-n-ure manure and ‘er’ as in r-u-bb-er rubber. Please spend time with the children looking at these sounds – there are lots of activities on Twinkl home learning phase 3 and also some great phonics sound videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNcBWSBxSp0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU2vWZKS7rY
This week’s Maths challenges:
FS1 – Lots of counting, matching number and quantity activities. This link has great counting and number matching activities. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/ladybird-spots Can you count how many tins are in one of the cupboards in the kitchen? Can you get someone in your house to write numbers 1-10 and can you find the correct number of objects? You could print these number cards if you have a printer at home. Can you challenge yourself past 10?
FS2 Halving challenges:
Well we made it to Friday – 1 and a half weeks down of home learning for FS! ? I hope you are enjoying some of the activities so far.
After Joe Wickes why not try out ‘Dough Disco’, it’s a finger workout for children. It is shown to improve fine motor skills, literacy and counting. This is a great activity for indoors. Join Shonette Bason-Wood at 9.30am everyday for live Dough Disco on her YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj0shfH3pzhrf3dOrSj_pRw?fbclid=IwAR1st85sGHrXhIkXh5fx29QnuxXTtfiBAtpHi-DbhfrkumKKlYjltkabOBk
Today’s challenge: Can you make your own play dough? If you have the ingredients at home why not have a go at making your own play dough. You can help to measure out the ingredients you need then mix it together. If you have any food colouring you can add to make it colourful.
Here’s how to make easy homemade play dough! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAIAm6BF0fs
❋ Ingredients: • Flour – 1 cup • Salt – 1/2 cup • Water – 1/2 cup • Food colour or washable paint (optional) you can also add a little vegetable or cooking oil if needed.
Have you sung the alphabet phonics song yet? Why not have a sing song over the weekend and see if you can get your family to join in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zKr44iBFT0
Maths – Can you go on a number hunt around your house or on your daily walk – what numbers can you see? I would love to see pictures of what you can find.
Phonics – Keep practicing and recapping your phonics. The link below has a great selection of phase 3 games and videos to help you practice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHDDJiiS2Y0 https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB&search_query=simply+phonics+phase+3
Maths – Number work practice – keep working on counting, ordering, adding, subtracting, doubling, halving/sharing – this can be done practically with objects at home or written down number sentences.
Please keep the observations and photographs coming – it is lovely to see what you are keeping busy with.
Why not take a trip to the zoo today – if you have Facebook you can live stream from 10am.
It’s going to be another sunny day but Jack Frost has been to visit this morning.
Today’s challenge: it’s lovely to be seeing signs of spring in our gardens. Have a listen to the spring song and see if you can sing along. Why not then go into your garden and see what signs of spring you can see. You could go on a minibeast hunt, take some pictures if you can get close enough. Remember to look after any minibeasts or animals you find. You could even make your own bug hotel like we have in our outdoor area at school. I would love to see more pictures so don’t forget to send them in: inbox@2buildaprofile.com, email them to me: fsbrandesburton@gmail.com or add a comment below.
Extra Literacy challenge: Can you hear any rhyming words in the song? Can you tell an adult or write them down. FS2’s can you write your own spring song using your phonics? Remember to sound out carefully and use the phonics mats posted yesterday to recap your sounds.
Parents – please feel free to email me if you have any questions or queries with anything at all. This is new to us all and anything I can do to help or support please let me know. fsbrandesburton@gmail.com I know we are all missing life at Brandesburton very much so it’s lovely to see your pictures from home. Thank you for all the observations and pictures so far.