Welcome back to a very different and strange summer term. I hope you all managed to have a bit of a break over Easter and ate lots of chocolate. I certainly have and now need to stop. ? It’s been lovely to have the sun shining, I’m sure you’ve all been busy in your gardens and going for walks. We have enjoyed time in our garden whilst also keeping busy in the house.
Thank you for all the emails, pictures and videos over the holidays of what you have been getting up to. It’s been, lovely to see and has kept a smile on my face. Below is a selection of your fabulous pictures.
Supertato week
This week we are going to be looking at the story Supertato. I’m gutted I can’t read you the stories myself but all my books are in the classroom at school and I can’t access them so have posted the story below. Lots of you will know this story and FS2’s we looked at this last year when you were FS1 but let’s have some fun at home with it. Have a read with your child and have a go at completing some or all of the activities this week that I post on the blog. All the activities can be done with or without the book, so don’t worry if you don’t have it. You can email me completed activities/pictures or upload them to 2Build a profile.
FS1 – Supertato begins with the ‘s’ sound – can you think of or find any words in your house that begin with this sound? Have a go at copying them. Can you spot what veggies Supertato saves in the story?
FS2 – Can you use your phonics to write a list of all the veggies that Supertato helped in the story? How did he capture the evil pea? Can you write a sentence or 2 to tell me how?