Good morning FS and welcome back ?? Monday 20th April

Welcome back to a very different and strange summer term. I hope you all managed to have a bit of a break over Easter and ate lots of chocolate. I certainly have and now need to stop. ? It’s been lovely to have the sun shining, I’m sure you’ve all been busy in your gardens and going for walks. We have enjoyed time in our garden whilst also keeping busy in the house.
Thank you for all the emails, pictures and videos over the holidays of what you have been getting up to. It’s been, lovely to see and has kept a smile on my face. Below is a selection of your fabulous pictures.

Supertato week

This week we are going to be looking at the story Supertato. I’m gutted I can’t read you the stories myself but all my books are in the classroom at school and I can’t access them so have posted the story below. Lots of you will know this story and FS2’s we looked at this last year when you were FS1 but let’s have some fun at home with it. Have a read with your child and have a go at completing some or all of the activities this week that I post on the blog. All the activities can be done with or without the book, so don’t worry if you don’t have it. You can email me completed activities/pictures or upload them to 2Build a profile.

FS1 – Supertato begins with the ‘s’ sound – can you think of or find any words in your house that begin with this sound? Have a go at copying them. Can you spot what veggies Supertato saves in the story?

FS2 – Can you use your phonics to write a list of all the veggies that Supertato helped in the story? How did he capture the evil pea? Can you write a sentence or 2 to tell me how?

Friday fun ?

I thought we could have a bit of Friday fun – I am borrowing (stealing ?) Mrs Altoft’s blog post idea and I thought it would be nice for us all to see each other’s faces. Send me a selfie if you can – ask an adult at home to help you then email me your picture. It’s also ‘Fancy dress Friday’ apparently – so if you fancy getting your best dress up outfit on and make everyone smile feel free! Email to: I will put them all together tonight and post tomorrow – so send today if you can. Can’t wait to see everyone’s faces. ?

Good morning FS – Friday 3rd April ? Lots to read today – info to help at home.

Another great day of learning yesterday – you are keeping busy. I posted lots more pictures from home yesterday – i’m sorry I can’t post them all as there are so many fantastic things you have been up to but I am trying to vary the selection. I am also working on putting some videos together… watch this space!

So we officially finish for the Easter holidays today which seems very strange in these circumstances. I am not setting any new challenges today but want to give you some activities that you may like to do over the holidays.

Please continue to practice phonics, literacy – reading, telling stories, writing and pencil control, maths – counting, number, ordering, addding/subtracting, problem solving (lots of ideas/resources/links on the blog to look back over). Also things like learning new life skills at home like zipping up your own coat, getting dressed independently and helping to set the table and prepare tea.

Below are just a few Easter activity ideas:

Remember to check the Twinkl home learning hub – gives you a daily timetable of activities should you wish to keep some structure throughout the holidays.

I will throughout today keep posting some more Easter ideas so please check back later this afternoon.

Purple Mash – Lots of you have now been given your Purple Mash logins, there are so many fantastic activities on there. Have a play with it and see what activities you enjoy. I have set a 2Do of designing an Easter egg – I look forward to seeing the finished eggs.

Observations on 2 Build a Profile

We have received so many fantastic observations so far. It is lovely to see what the children are keeping busy with at home. 2Build have had an influx of home observations across the country with the closure of schools. What I would suggest is only send pictures/observations on 2Build if it is something new your child has learnt and can now do independently or something that has WOW’d you with links they have made or something they have said. For example – can now write their name on their own with no help, can now zip up their coat on their own or get dressed independently, made an observation of something in the environment, used new vocabulary and made links, new learning they have achieved on their own – counting, adding etc. I hope this helps. Please email if you have any questions.

Therefore please feel free to email any pictures of what your child is busy with over the holidays if you wish. You could perhaps do it at the end of the week as a pic collage. I may not be on email or the blog as much over the holidays but will be officially signing back on Monday 20th April. I will put a selection of photographs from home on the blog towards the end of the holidays. Please also feel free to email me for more activities or challenges – I am more than happy to email anything over if you wish to print more (I just might not pick this up straight away).

It’s been a tricky and unknown time for us all and you have all been amazing, both Mrs Brompton and myself are very proud of you all! I hope you manage to enjoy the ‘Easter holidays’ as much as you can, have fun but please stay safe and stay home. X

Blog activities and challenges

The blog and our school email is the way as a school we are communicating with parents and providing activities and challenges. Please spread the word to other FS families if they are not aware of the school blog and the activities and challenges. Thank you to everyone that has sent pictures on 2Build a Profile or emailed so far. There has been so many lovely pictures and positive comments about the activities and challenges on the blog. You are all doing amazing – keep going guys.