Supertato’s location check – location No.6 –
Where the learning begins!
Another day of some amazing activities completed at home. Below is a selection of pictures of Supertato challenges and other activities you have been getting up to.
Supertato week
To finish Supertato week let’s have some Friday fun. Today’s activities are all about the story ‘Supertato Veggies Assemble’. Read and listen to the story then have a go at some of the activities.
Have a go at making, creating or drawing your own super veggies team. You could decorate or add any junk modelling you have at home to any veggies you have left over. You could even use fruit and have fruit superheroes. How about just drawing some eyes on your veg and bring them to life or you could turn your teddies and toys into superheroes.
Can you list or write a sentence to explain what your veggies superhero powers are and what you would call them?
I have attached some resources if you are able to print and would like any more ideas/activities.
Number challenge – There is also a superhero number line challenge , you could print, complete on tablet or iPad or you could practice your numbers and see if you can fill in the missing gaps. Can you complete up to 10 on your own? Up to 20 on your own?
Have a look back over this week’s activities – is there any activities you’ve not had a go at? Don’t forget the Purple Mash 2Do veggie challenge. I will be posting all the completed ones over the weekend.
Supertato’s extra location check challenge
Did you guess the first 3 locations – remember to keep your list and tick them off along the way if you guessed correctly. Feel free to send me pics of your lists at any time. All areas are Evil Pea safe so far!
Location No.4 –
Remember there will be more locations posted throughout the day. Have a fun Friday.
Supertato’s extra challenge
Remember Supertato has been checking school for us all to make sure Evil Pea hasn’t been sneaking in and causing havoc. Over the next few days (Today – Sunday) Supertato will post pictures throughout the day – all you have to do is make a list and write down (FS1 an adult to write what you say) where Supertato has checked. He has checked 12 locations, see how many you can guess right.
Location number 2 –
Supertato week
Wow – more traps made, creating stories, some fantastic obstacle courses and race tracks were all set up yesterday. Looks like you had great fun. I’ve also seen and heard some amazing ordinal language when talking about which veggies won the races and some fantastic reasoning when thinking about and explaining why certain vegetables rolled better than others.
Today’s Supertato challenge
Don’t worry if you haven’t got or don’t want to use paints. You could draw round your vegetables with pen or pencil to make a repeated pattern (you may need to ask your grown up to hold the vegetable in place while you draw). You could also use objects in the kitchen tins, cups etc to make your pattern.
Why not have a go at creating your own superhero repeating pattern using the sheet below if you are able to print.
Supertato’s extra challenge
Supertato has been checking school for us all to make sure Evil Pea hasn’t been sneaking in and causing havoc. Over the next few days Supertato will post pictures throughout the day – all you have to do is make a list and write down (FS1 an adult to write what you say) where Supertato has checked.
Starting with location number 1 –
Why not play your own game at home and hide Supertato or a veggie around the house or garden and give your family members hot and cold clues until they find it.
Have a great day, I look forward to seeing your patterns and pictures. Don’t forget to practice your phonics sounds and some reading/story time. Also the Purple Mash 2Do vegetable challenge. Have fun.
Supertato week
Another great day of Supertato activities – I am loving seeing all your pictures and fantastic creations. Some amazing masks, writing and maths work yesterday. More traps have also been constructed. Lovely to see you all so busy. Don’t forget to give yourself a superhero name – some super names so far.
Today’s Supertato challenge
Today’s activities are based on the Supertato Run Veggies Run story. Together read and listen to the story below. Why not have a bit of fun and put your PE kit or shorts and T-shirt on and pretend we are getting ready for PE at school.
You could record these activities in many different ways. You could write down which veggies came 1st, 2nd and 3rd, you could video it or take pictures. Don’t worry if you haven’t got many vegetables in the house you could use other objects for the vegetables or draw/ask an adult to draw them for you.
How about making some medals ?, rosettes or designing your own stickers for the veggies.
FS2 – Don’t forget to keep practicing the phonics sounds and tricky words up to the end of phase 3 and remember to check out the reading links and websites I posted back on 19th March – Home learning – reading which has many great reading links. One of the best I recommend is:
Some more fab pictures of what you have been up to in the Easter holidays.
Supertato week
Wow! Amazing Supertato activities completed so far. Fantastic traps have been made, vegetables have been checked and list of veggies is building.
If you haven’t yet built your trap, written the list of veggies or found ‘s’ words around the house then have a go today. FS2 did you write and tell me how Supertato captured Evil Pea?
Todays Supertato challenge
Talk with your grown up about Evil Pea’s maths facts. Can you help explain if they are right or wrong to help teach the veggies the correct maths. Can you show your working out by drawing or finding the shape, showing the number sentence or writing the numbers to prove it?
I hope you can help Supertato to help the veggies.
Seeing as you have become a hero and helping Supertato why not create your own superhero mask… You could print the mask off or ask an adult to draw one for you to decorate and make. Can you think of a superhero name for yourself?
Don’t forget to have a go at the Purple Mash 2Do linked to the veggies.
Good luck superheroes!
Below are some great videos that have all the phase 3 sounds, words and sentences to read for you to keep practicing. Please spend some time looking at the last few sounds of phase 3 – ‘ure’ manure, cure, pure and ‘er’ rubber, ladder, butter. After each video on the BBC bitesize website there are also some activities you can complete. I would love to see some phonics work with these new sounds so don’t forget to email me or add them to 2Build.
Well done to everyone that completed the Purple Mash 2Do Easter egg activity.
This weeks challenge links to the Supertato activities below. Check it out and see if you can complete this week’s Purple Mash 2Do.