What a fab week?‍☠️☺️

I hope you have all enjoyed the pirate themed activities this week. You are all amazing and what you are creating and keeping busy with is just fab! I am so proud of all of you. I want to say a big thank you and well done to all the grown ups too. I know it’s a tricky time but everyone is doing so well and should be proud. I will post all the pictures and videos from today in the morning as I am still getting bits emailed now. I also have 1 more pirate story to share with you in the morning so check the blog again tomorrow.
Have a lovely weekend ☺️ Miss Mc

Pirate day ?‍☠️

I have seen some amazing pictures and videos so far. Lots of you have become amazing pirates and are having lots of pirate fun. Libby and family have even created a Pirate TikToc video. Why not give it a go.
Let’s have some more fun this afternoon and through the weekend if you would like to.
Why not count along with the pirate numberblocks.

Can you make up your own pirate dance for some PE?

Or have a go at Pirate Cosmic Kids Yoga.

Treasure chest fun
Well done to everyone that found where ‘X’ marked the spot. Have a look and see what was in that treasure chest. Just a few things from school to remind us what a special place it is for us all. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to get back and see you all and our school.

Good morning FS – Friday 1st May – it’s pirate day ?‍☠️?

It’s been lovely to see so many of you enjoying the pirate themed activities this week. You really have created some amazing things and have been so busy at home. Below is just a selection of what you’ve been getting up to. Loved seeing your treasure maps and treasure chests being filled with some of your favourite things yesterday.

PIRATE DAY ?‍☠️?⛵️⚓️⚔️

Today we are going to have ‘Dress like a pirate day’. So if you haven’t already go and get dressed like a pirate. I am all dressed with what I could find (and also what would fit ?). Don’t forget all the pirate objects you have made so far. Here is me all dressed and ready . . .

Today we are going to have a fun filled pirate day. There are no new activities as such but it’s your time to make or finish any pirate objects you would like to from this week. Every day there has been a few options of things to make so have a look back through this week’s posts on the blog and see if there’s anything else you want to make.

Pirate pictures ?
When you are all ready and dressed like a pirate ask your grown up to take a picture of you. Once I have all your pictures I will upload them onto the blog throughout today and tomorrow.

Talk like a pirate ?‍☠️
I thought you might like to start today by learning how to talk like a pirate. Watch the video below (obviously not September 19th but our very own rhyming ‘1st May pirate day’). I would love to see some of you talking like a pirate so why not learn some pirate phrases and ask your grown up to video you saying a few for us all to see.
Grown ups – If you email me short clips I can put them on the blog (you can download Vimeo and upload a longer video if you would like – email me if any questions).

Pirate Phonics ?‍☠️ abc – choose what suits your child.
Watch the video below and see if you can learn any new alphabet pirate words. Why not have another treasure hunt, can you find any alphabet treasure beginning with ‘s’, ‘a’, ‘t’ or anything beginning with ‘p’ for pirate. Tell you grown up what you can find.

FS2’s you might like to have a play on ‘Poop deck pirates’. Practice those phase 3 sounds and words and have a go at the phase 4 words for a challenge.


I have attached some more pirate activities below. There is colouring, maths and phonics activities – they are there if you would like them. You could also create your own pirate pictures, maths, activities and games. You could even use the pirate alphabet symbols with help to write your name. Remember there are 5 pirate Purple Mash 2Do’s if you would like too.

You could even have some fun making some pirate food at lunch time.

Have a fun filled pirate day, can’t wait to see all your pictures and videos later. We will have another sing song at lunch time. Miss Mc

The Night Pirates by Peter Harris read by Miss Mc ?

Sorry guys took longer to upload last night, was a little slow. ? Have a listen and watch Friday morning to start pirate day.

Did you find where ‘X’ marks the spot? Had lots of great pictures so far. I will post these later.

Some fab activities completed today. Here is the full story ‘The Night Pirates’ for you to enjoy before bed or in the morning. Fingers crossed if it uploads.

Good morning FS – Thursday 30th April ?‍☠️?

Another day of fantastic home activities. I am so proud of what you are all keeping busy with and achieving at home. Looks like lots of you are enjoying pirate week. Remember to scroll right down to find today’s activities – there’s quite a few which cover today and tomorrow.

More amazing hats, pirate ships, eye patches and more.
Kip and family were playing around with the green screen app – Kip also wanted to record his own message – all his own ideas. WOW Kip this is just fab! You certainly are looking the part.

Pirate week ?‍☠️
We have lots of pirates in the making and it’s all taking shape for our ‘Pirate day’ tomorrow. So far you may have a pirate telescope, a flag, a pirate ship, an eye patch or a hat. As well as hopefully your own pirate name for you and your ship. If there’s anything you haven’t made yet that you would like to you could do that today.

Below there are 3 activities you could choose throughout today and tomorrow. Tomorrow will be catch up time and ‘Pirate day’ fun and games. Lots of positional language, finding treasure and treasure map making in these activities.

Activity 1 – We’re going to start with some treasure hunt fun. Below is a treasure map and some directions for you to follow to find the treasure. You will need to do this with your grown up. Do you recognise where it is? Follow the instructions step by step moving your way around the map. Can you find where X marks the spot?

I have attached the map below in case you can and wanted to print it out.

Can you mark on the map or screen shot if using iPad, tablet or phone and make a mark where you think ‘X‘ marks the spot and where the treasure is hiding? I will reveal all later this afternoon.

Activity 2 – Once you have had a go at following the instructions and using the map, why not make your own treasure map. You could make a map of a room in your house or of your garden – what treasure would you hide and where?
Grown ups you could set up a treasure hunt with clues for your child to find ‘some treasure’. Below are a few ideas if you would like them and a blank treasure map if you need. Plain paper will work great – you could even have a go tea bag staining it to look like an old map.

Activity 3 – What treasure would you put in your treasure chest? Why not find some things that are special to you and put them in a box or lay them in a pile. Why are they special? Anything else you would just love in your treasure chest – maybe some gold coins or diamonds. Tell your grown up or use your phonics to have a go at writing what treasure you would put in your treasure chest. You could even draw what’s inside. I have attached a template if you can print and wish to. Again this can be done on plain paper or take pictures and add labels.

I have set 2 more Purple Mash 2Do’s so there are 5 possible pirate Purple Mash activities if you would like them.

Finally today’s phonics fun – Choose the activity that suits your child.

FS1 – What sound does ‘treasure’ begin with? Can you find as many treasure items around your house that begin with a ‘t’?
FS2 – Hopefully you have been practicing all your phase 2 and 3 sounds. Use one of the phonics videos from a previous phonics post to recap all your sounds or you could make your own speed sound flash cards using the phonics mats. The last few sounds are the trickiest and I know lots of you have been practicing.
What trigraph do you spot at the end of ‘treasure’ can you think of any more words with the ‘ure’ sound? Can you make a list to show me?

Lots of activities to choose from – remember you could choose 1 or have a go at them all throughout today and tomorrow.

I am going to finish reading the story and will post later today so you could watch and listen later before bed or first thing in the morning to start pirate day.

Have a great day, Miss Mc.

Counting and taking away with a pirate –

Have a sing song and count along with Stinky Pete.

Watch the video below and see if you can this time subtract (take away) with a pirate. There are lots of number taking away challenges – (adults – you will need to pause the video before they reveal the answer) see if you can count how many pirate objects are left to find the answer – you could write the answer or the whole number sentence. There will be more pirate maths challenges tomorrow.

Just want to say WOW and a huge thank you for the amazing video you have all created for us. Mrs Ledingham sent it to us all yesterday, it was so lovely to see everyone and see and hear your messages. It really made me smile ? I am missing you all and school lots and can’t wait to see you all again soon.

Good morning FS – Wednesday 29th April ?‍☠️⚔️

I hope you enjoyed a bit more of the story yesterday. Wow – you have been so busy, have a look below at some of yesterday’s wonderful creations and more of what you have been busy with. More pirate telescopes, flags and some amazing pirate ships and boats to carry treasure – lots of boats were tested to see if they float – you’ve all done amazing! I am so proud of what you are creating and keeping busy with at home. Today’s activities are below so keep scrolling down.

Well done to Iris who used some of her own pirate books to find and write lots of rhyming words. Amazing pirate scene Libby – well done adding labels.

Pirate week ?‍☠️

I’m glad you are all enjoying the activities so far. Remember we are making and creating so we can get into full pirate character for our ‘Pirate day’ on Friday. So far you may have a telescope, a flag and a pirate ship.

There are 2 activities today, you could choose 1 or have a go at them.
Activity 1 – Can you make or design your own pirate hat? This could be a paper or card hat, could be a hat you already have with some accessories added or if you have any material or a scarf you could wrap around your head.

Activity 2 – Can you make your own pirate eye patch? Again this could be an adaption of something you already have or you could make a paper, card or material one.

Below are some ideas for both activities, templates and instructions for a hat if you would like to use them.

Phonics challenge – Can you think of a pirate name for yourself and a name for your pirate ship if you made one? What sound does your pirate name begin – tell your grown up. FS2’s Can you write a sentence telling me your pirate name and your ship’s name?

Purple Mash – I have set some more 2Do challenges. There is a tricky one – your grown up will need to help you a little. See if you can have a go.

Remember to send me pictures of your creations. There’s lots more pirate fun to come this week – on Friday we will all dress up with our pirate creations made and we’ll have some pirate fun. Have a great day – I will post some more pirate maths challenges at lunch time if you would like to have some maths fun this afternoon.

Good morning FS – Tuesday 28th April ?‍☠️

I have loved seeing your house drawings and photographs. Well done for adding labels and those that wrote a sentence telling me about your house. There was also some fantastic telescopes created -great patterns and creativeness.

Libby getting into Pirate character.

Pirate week

This week we are going to be making and creating lots of pirate themed objects. All of these will come in handy for ‘Pirate day’ on Friday. On Friday let’s have a pirate dress up day. Start having a think about what you might wear, please don’t buy or order anything new – this could be jeans and a stripy T-shirt. Most of the pirate accessories we are going to be making and creating this week.

This morning we are going to hear the beginning of the story again and a little bit more, this time read by me ? please excuse the first video attempt (I will keep practicing).

I hope it works – if it doesn’t please have a look at the video link from yesterday – I will repost below.

There are 2 activities today – you could choose 1 or have a go at both of them.
Activity 1 –

If you can’t find anything to make your pirate ship with don’t worry – why not have a go at drawing and designing your own pirate ship on paper – think about what materials would be best if you were to make one.

Activity 2 –

I have attached a flag template below if you wanted and were able to print it out but your flag will look fab on paper or bigger on what ever you can find – grown ups you could maybe just draw the outline of the flag if your child needs it.

Extra phonics challenge – In the story so far there are a few rhyming words – did you spot any of them? Tell an adult or see if you can copy them from the book and write them down to show me.

If the link doesn’t work above watch the story again – this time please only watch up to 2 minutes 9 seconds.


At lunch time I will post a maths addition challenge if you fancy trying some Maths this afternoon.
I look forward to seeing your creations today.
Have a great day.