Good morning FS – Tuesday 12th May ??

Here are just a few more pictures to share from last weeks hungry caterpillar week, VE Day celebrations, diary entries and bank holiday fun.

Spider week

You have created some fantastic webs, words and sentences so far. Have you had a go at writing any words to go with your web? FS2’s if you haven’t written a sentence yet, you could do that today.

Watch the story one more time then take a look below for today’s activities.


Activity 1 – Can you retell the story? This could be drawing a picture of the spider, web and the animals underneath in the correct order (you could use the web you made yesterday). You could make your own story map from the beginning to the end and label your pictures. Your grown up could draw the animals or write the names and you write the number that they appeared in the story, e.g Horse – 1. You could even order by the noise the animal makes. (Choose the activity that suits your child). This can be done on paper, taking pictures or video recording your child retelling the story. Below are some story map examples of other stories to have a look at and some resources if you can and wish to use them or look at for ideas.

Activity 2 – Can you find out some interesting spider facts? You could tell your grown up or write a sentence about something you already know about spiders. The website link below has some good facts you could read together (FS2’s have a go sounding some words out and practice your reading). You could record on paper, pictures and video.
Where can you find spiders? Can you find any spiders to take a picture of? Remember to be very careful they are only small and may be a little frightened.

Check out the blog after lunch, I will post some spider maths fun later on if you wish to have a go this afternoon. Have a great day. Miss Mc.

Good morning FS – Monday 11th May ☺️

Wow it looks like you had a lovely time celebrating VE Day and enjoyed the bank holiday weekend. Don’t forget to send me any more pictures today of your making, creating and celebrations over the weekend. Here’s a few pictures to share with you. Also don’t forget your diary page for the school display (see Thursday 7th May blog post), there are a few below for you to have a look at.

Here’s a Cosmic Kids Yoga story to start the day. Have fun joining in and listening to the story.

Spider week

Following on from The very Hungry Caterpillar, we are going to start with a story by the same author Eric Carle. Listen and watch the story below.

Activity 1

Activity 1 – Can you make your own web? Have a look at the ideas above, you could draw your web using the pictures to help you then you could make your own 3D web. You could use cello tape, masking tape, string or ribbons.

Activity 2 –

Activity 2 – Now that you have drawn/made your web, can you make your own spider word web? This would look great drawn on paper, I have also added some ideas below and attached some resources if you can print and wish to. Choose the activity that suits your child.

FS1 – You could start with the sound ‘s’ for spider, then go through the letters s-p-i-d-e-r, how many words can you think of that begin with these sounds? Have a go at writing the sounds or copying the words your grown up writes.
sit, sat, sock – pit, pat, pin – igloo, in, it – dog, dig, dip etc.
FS2 – Can you write words to go around your web? You could use the sounds in ‘spider’ too or use your phase 3 phonics to practice writing words with our sounds.
Challenge – Can you then choose a word to write a sentence about a spider? Remember to use your phonics to sound out carefully.

Have a look at the blog this afternoon as we will have some spider maths fun later after lunch.
Purple Mash – I have set 3 spider web 2Do challenges for you to have a go at this week.

Enjoy web making and have a great day. Miss Mc.

Good morning FS – Thursday 7th May ??☀️??

Well done to everyone for another great day. Take a look back over the week and be proud of yourselves. I certainly am proud of all you are achieving at home.
Below there are lots of ideas and activities to keep you busy for the next few days.

Amazing video retelling the story – created by Libby with the help of her sister Pippa and Mummy.

VE Day Celebrations ??

Our Time in History

Tomorrow, VE Day represents 75 years since the end of World War Two in Europe, a very important part of History. Just like 75 years ago, we are making History right now and maybe in the future Lockdown 2020 and the Coronavirus will be studied in schools across the world.

In school we have created a display board ready to display some of the fantastic things you have been doing during home learning. We would also like to add an area devoted to diary entries to document this time in history.

Please have a go together completing this together.
Just like The Hungry Caterpillar diary, can you write a diary entry or draw a picture to document this time in History. How do you feel? What have you been doing? What has life been like? You could pick today or a day you’ve had this week to draw and write about.
FS1 you could draw and tell your grown up – they could write what you say. FS2 you could draw and write words or a sentence or two over a few days.
This will be a special snap shot in history for years to come! I have attached some templates below if you can print and wish to use them, alternatively this would look great on paper.
Please email me your finished pictures and diaries but keep these for when we are back at school for the school display.

VE Day ??

Tomorrow is VE Day which stands for Victory in Europe. This is when World War II ended in Europe after nearly six years at war and it was a time of great celebration. Today I am posting lots of activity ideas that you might like to complete today, tomorrow and over the weekend to help you get ready for the celebrations.
To celebrate, there were many street parties across the country. Why not have your own ‘street party’ at home with your family. Tomorrow it would be great if we all dress in red, white and blue or you could put some army colours or clothes on ready for the party. You could do lots of things to make it special:

Why not start by making bunting to hang in your house or garden. Templates below or use plain paper to make your own.

Colour some flags or design your own ?? There is a Union Jack flag 2Do on Purple Mash you could have a go at too.

Design your own VE Day poster or have a go colouring one in.

Make a party hat – template below or use the template as a guide.

Have a go at making your own Spitfire glider.

World War II colouring

Make your own war heroes medal

Wartime recipes

Why not join Mr Biggins for a ‘Stay at home Street Party’ live at 3pm.

Why not learn a new VE Day dance – take a peek at Class 3’s blog – Mrs Altoft has posted a special VE Day dance done by Clare from Dancestars (do you remember Clare that came into school?) Have a go joining in. I’m sure you’ll love this.

The Hungry Caterpillar ?

Please also have a go at finishing your hungry caterpillar diary and completing what he ate on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and any other activities you would like to. I would love to see your finished diaries and any more activities you do.

Purple Mash 2Do’s

I have set some 2Do’s that you might like to have a go at linked to VE Day. The Hungry Caterpillar 2Do challenges are still there if you want them too if you haven’t yet completed any.

I hope you enjoy completing some of these activities. Please remember they are there if you want them, you could do 1 of them or pick a few. Have a fab long weekend and enjoy making, creating and joining in with the celebrations. Don’t forget to send me pictures of your celebrations and what you’ve been making or upload them to Evidence Me. I would love to see a picture of you tomorrow on VE Day in your red, white and blue or army colours.

Have fun. Miss Mc

Good morning FS – Wednesday 6th May ??☀️☺️

Another fab day of home learning and so many different and amazing activities competed. You really have been busy – take a look.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar ?

As tomorrow I am going to be posting some VE Day ideas and activities you might like to complete ready for the celebrations on Friday, please spend today catching up on anything you haven’t done and would like to do from this week. Look back over the last few days and see if there’s anything else you want to do or work a bit more on. There a few activity ideas below if you would like them today.

You could watch the days of the week song I posted on Monday again.

An activity you might like to do today is your very own diary or make your own story of the Hungry Caterpillar.

Activity 1 – You could make a diary of your week just like the Hungry Caterpillar diary. This could be pictures of what you have done so far and any plans you have for the rest of the week. You could draw 1 thing you have done each day or label/write a sentence about what you have done each day, you could even tell your grown up and they could record you. This would look great on paper with days of the week labelled like above or there is an idea attached below if you can and wish to print it.

Activity 2 – Why not make your very own story. You could retell the Hungry Caterpillar story or you could tell your own story of what you have eaten each day (if you can remember) or make it up and have some fun. What would you like to eat on each day of the week if you had a choice? Below is a video that Mrs Altoft put together with her family when they retold the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. It has been created using ‘Quik’ which is a free video editor for photos, video clips etc. You could have a go at creating your own video or take pictures using some of the artwork and dairy days you have created so far to retell the story.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar days of the week diary challenge

There has been more amazing diaries made and they are looking great. If you haven’t yet started one and want to, take a look back at some of the different diaries that you have been creating.
Activity – Can you keep your very own diary of what the Hungry Caterpillar ate? Each day I will ask you what he ate on that day. You could draw what he ate and tell your grown up, FS2’s have a go at labelling/writing a sentence to go with your picture in your diary – remember to use your phonics to sound out.
Yesterday was Tuesday, what day is it today? Can you remember what he ate on W……..? 

Remember these are just activity ideas, you could have a go at 1 of them or try all of them. Lots of you have also been experimenting with butterfly symmetry patterns – this is something you could have a go at with paints (paint one half then fold over to create butterfly) or again I have attached an idea below if you can and wish to print.

Don’t forget there is some 2Do’s on Purple Mash if you would like them too. I can’t wait to see what you get busy with today. Miss Mc

Good morning FS – Tuesday 5th May ?????

What a fab start to ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. There has been some amazing diary writing and pictures, artwork, projects and displays created so far. You really have WOW’d me with your creations. Take a look below.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar ?
As always below are lots of activity ideas and challenges – remember you could complete 1 or have a go at them all.

Let’s start today with some hungry caterpillar cosmic kids yoga – inspired by Matthew who had a go at this yesterday.

Activity 1

Activity 1 – Can you make your own caterpillars? You don’t have to use paint, you could use pens/pencils and draw different length caterpillars. What shape will the body parts be? How about making a caterpillar family. Can you make a longer one? A shorter one? A bigger one? A smaller one? Once you have made your own caterpillars have a go at counting and adding how many body parts your caterpillar has. Can you make one that has 1 more body part, 1 less body part? Then have a go at using different colours to create a pattern caterpillar or a funky pattern mini beast.

Activity 2

Activity 2 – Take a look in your fruit bowl, what can you see? How many pieces of fruit are there? Is there any in the fridge? What different fruits can you see? Can you make a pattern or another art display with your fruit? Can you balance your fruit and build a tower? Be careful nothing falls on the floor.
Can you draw a picture of your favourite fruit? Have a go at labelling or write and tell me about your favourite fruit.
An activity I love to do is make a fruit dictionary. Can you think of a fruit for every letter of the alphabet? This is tricky (you could use vegetables too). You could tell your grown up, voice record your answers or use your phonics to write them and make your own fruit dictionary. All of this can be done on paper but below are some resources if you can and wish to print.

I also love this activity below to tell me which are your favourite fruits. You could draw your own and put faces on them.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar days of the week diary challenge

There has been some fab pictures and diaries started so far. In the story the caterpillar eats different things each day.
Activity – Can you keep your very own diary of what he ate? Each day I will ask you what he ate on that day. You could draw what he ate and tell your grown up, FS2’s have a go at labelling your picture in your diary – remember to use your phonics to sound out. Yesterday was Monday, what day is it today? Can you remember what he ate on T……?  Have a look at some diary/picture examples from the children at the top of this post.

The upgrade from 2Build a Profile to ‘Evidence Me’

Yesterday you should have all received a text, an email From Evidence Me with a new activation link and then an email from me explaining the changes. Please check your emails and contact me if you have not received the emails. This new upgraded system has so many more benefits and now enables you to log on to your child’s profile and view observations from school and home, past and present. There has been so much positive feedback so far. Please take time to explore the new app/web suite online and have a go at uploading your own picture/observation from home. Please do contact me on the class email if you have any questions or queries. Please DO NOT send pictures to the 2Build a Profile email address now (if any sent they will still link to your child’s profile) but please use the new Evidence Me app/web suite.

Have a great day, I look forward to seeing your activities and creations later. Miss Mc.

Good morning FS – Monday 4th May ?☀️

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of fun activities and home learning. This week is a bit of a different one with Friday being VE Day and technically a bank holiday. We are going to have a new story Monday – Wednesday and as always I will post lots of ideas and activities. Then on Wednesday afternoon/Thursday morning we are going to do something a little different to start the VE Day celebrations and learn a little bit about it all. Lots of activities and info below so keep scrolling down once you’ve read each bit.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar ?

We are going to start today by reading and listening to this week’s story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Watch and listen as I read through the story this morning.

Did you spot what shapes the hungry caterpillar had left on the leaf after he’d munched it?

Activity 1

Activity 1 – Today you are going to become an artist. Can you create your own shape painting or picture? Tell your grown up what shapes you know and see if you can draw or paint that shape and create your own artwork. You could find something to draw round to help you.

Activity 2

Activity 2 – Can you create your own modern art display? You could choose 1 shape to collect or make different displays using different shapes. Have a hunt around your house or garden see what shapes you can find. How will you arrange your display? Can you tell me any properties of your shapes? (Have you used 2D flat or 3D chunky shapes? FS2 can you remember the difference? How many corners does your shape have? How many sides?)

Don’t forget to take a picture of your finished projects to show me and share it everyone.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar days of the week diary challenge

In the story the caterpillar eats different things each day. Today is Monday, can you remember what he ate on Monday?
Activity – Can you keep your very own diary of what he ate? Each day I will ask you what he ate on that day. You could draw what he ate and tell your grown up, FS2’s have a go at labelling your picture in your diary – remember to use your phonics to sound out. This would look great on plain paper and then folded, stapled or sellotaped together or I have attached some resources below if you can and wish to print any templates for ideas.

Purple Mash

There are also 4 new Purple Mash 2Do activities for you to have a go at throughout the week – you could do 1 each day Monday-Thursday.

After lunch why not have a listen to the days of the week song and have a sing along. Do you know your days of the week?

Phonics tricky words

Below are a selection of tricky word songs for you to watch throughout the week. Why not play a game of tricky word hunt around the house. You could write down or copy some of the tricky words and put them up around your house then see if you can remember them every time you see them – you could keep points for every time you get them right. Choose the phase that suits your child – feel free to email me you have any questions.

Have a great Monday. Miss Mc

Have a lovely weekend ?

What stars you all are. I am still receiving pictures and some videos from yesterday so I will post all these later today. Don’t forget to send me any pirate themed, other pictures or activities you haven’t sent me yet so we can all see the fab things you’ve been up to. Here’s my last pirate story for you to hopefully enjoy. You could watch it now or save it for bedtime story tonight. Have a lovely weekend. Miss Mc