All creatures great and small

Its been a short but busy week in FS. On Wednesday we had a visit from Amy the Vet. We loved hearing all about Amy’s job and what she does, we even got to dress up.

We also looked at the story of ’The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Our very own caterpillars have arrived so we will keeping a close eye on them and how they grow. We have been busy making and creating…

We had fun making our own caterpillar cakes too!

And another fun and active PE lesson in the sunshine!

Easter fun!

We have had a great week doing lots of fun Easter activities. We have made chicks, bunnies, Easter nests, decorated eggs and decorated biscuits. We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming our chicks into the world and learning about them. They will be back after the holidays so you can see how much they have grown.

You should receive an email with an update of this term and also some activity ideas for over Easter if you would like them. We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

Egg rolling!!

Jack and the Beanstalk

This week we have begun to learn about how things grow, beginning with the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and lots of activities linked to this. Counting beans, acting out the story, measuring the giants footprints and exploring our garden centre role play.

It has been lovely to get out in the sunshine this week!

We really enjoyed using the equipment in PE this week. The children really challenged themselves to climb to the top and then climb over the top of the climbing frame!

We had some excitement on Friday when we came into the classroom…..

Some of our amazing writing…

And finally some doubling in Maths. We had to fond our double partner using the numbered stickers we had!

Dear Zoo

We have had a fantastic week with so many fun activities linked to Dear Zoo!
We wrote letters to the zoo asking for a pet, we designed our own zoo, created enclosures for the animals and retold the story.

We used the balance scales to weigh and compare the weight of the Dear Zoo animals. The children used fantastic mathematical language ‘heavier, lighter, tallest and smallest’.

We retold the story of Dear Zoo….

We had a great start to our Foundation Stage family library mornings. The children loved being able to show their parent/grandparent around our classroom. We look forward to continuing with these on a Wednesday morning.

Porridge, porridge and more porridge!

We have had a great week this week making and tasting porridge, writing instructions and messy play porridge…

We made and tasted 3 types of porridge – plain porridge, porridge with brown sugar and porridge with syrup. After tasting all 3 the children voted for their favourite and we plotted it onto a big graph. Porridge with syrup was the favourite. What else could we try in porridge?

We have had lots of fun outside too…

We have been so busy doing lots of activities linked to Goldilocks and the 3 bears.

We have also been looking at repeating patterns this week…

We would like to say a big thank you for all your support this half term. We hope you all have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you all after half term.

Goldilocks and the 3 bears!

We have had great fun exploring a new traditional tale this week.

We walked into a crime scene in the classroom on Monday and had to help solve what had happened….

After hearing the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears the children were on the hunt for Goldilocks. They searched the classroom, outdoors and all around school. Goldilocks had been up to no good and we found more traces of her naughty tricks. We had to show Miss Northen what she had been up to…

We have enjoyed mark making in different ways. Making wanted posters to help catch Goldilocks, making patterns and name writing in porridge oats, colouring and painting and lots more…

On Tuesday we took part in Internet Safety Day.

We have done some amazing writing this week….

We made our own stickers!

More amazing writing….