We made it… Happy Summer Holidays!

Well that was a rather hot last week 🥵 We have enjoyed lots of ice investigations to keep cool. FS2’s enjoyed their sports day on Thursday morning. It’s been a great end to the school year.

Foundation Stage, what an amazing year we have all had. You have all been so fantastic. A huge well done for everything you have achieved, you should be so proud. We couldn’t be any prouder of you all. Thank you for giving us a wonderful year filled with the best memories.

Parents and carers, thank you for your continued support throughout the year and for all of the kind and thoughtful gifts and messages at the end. We can honestly say it has been a real honour, privilege and pleasure to work with your children. They are definitely ready for FS2 and Year 1.

We hope you all have a fantastic summer, have fun, stay safe and we will see you all in September.

From The FS Team x

Healthy Eating and FS1 Sports Morning

This week we have been learning about healthy eating. We have been using our fine motor skills to cut out foods to make a healthy packed lunch. We have been sorting foods that are healthy and unhealthy and looking at different food groups. We even tried different types of infused water and tasted Elsie’s homemade jam.
We had a fantastic morning on Tuesday for FS1 sports morning. Thank you to everyone that came to watch, the children thoroughly enjoyed it.

Can you remember what we infused the water with? What was your favourite? The overall favourite was cucumber. We also discovered cucumber was the strongest flavour.

Where we live

This week we have been learning all about where we live and where we are in the wider world!
We read the story ’Me on a map’ and created our own maps of our bedrooms. We enjoyed our walk around the village looking at what we could see and even showing some of our houses. When we got back we mapped out our walk using Google Earth. We looked at where we are in the world and we made our own ’me on a map’ and also our own Brandesburton village.

We also harvested our first strawberries and made strawberry milkshakes, we had great fun making and tasting them.

Finally, the sports day practise has begun…

Our families

This week our focus has been families. We have been doing our own family trees, writing about our families and talking about who lives in our house. We have had lots of fun outdoors too!

On Wednesday it was world ocean day. We watched some live videos of rock pooling, learnt why we should keep our ocean clean and ways to help and made our own ocean scenes.

We did subtraction in Maths using the compare bears

In our Jigsaw PSHE session we looked at the human body. We thought about all the different body parts we knew and we labelled them. We used mirrors to draw self portraits and had a go at labelling our own pictures.

The children have also loved some gardening this week and helping to tidy up our outdoor area.

The Royal Jubilee week 🇬🇧👑🎉

We’ve had a fantastic week preparing for the celebrations and learning about the Queen and the Jubilee.

We have been observing our caterpillars closely and had the excitement of arriving on Tuesday to our first butterfly. We moved them into their butterfly garden and gave them food and sugary water. By Wednesday we had 3 butterflies and on Thursday we released them. We have loved watching their lifecycle.

We enjoyed lots of outdoor play – working on our gross motor physical development skills.

We all had a fantastic day on Friday for our whole school History day to celebrate the Jubilee.

We made sandwiches for the whole school picnic!!

Have a lovely half term holiday.

Mad About Minibeasts

We started the week by hearing the story ’Mad About Minibeasts’. We have been busy with lots of different activities linked to minibeasts. FS2’s have all written a page for our minibeast fact file ’the biggest book ever’, some children even wanted to write more pages about minibeasts. We have been using our creative skills…

We went on a nature hunt to collect bits to make a minibeast collage.

We also went on a minibeast hunt to see what we could find and observe.

We planted some potatoes and made our own signs for the bag.

We had great fun making minibeast biscuits!!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 🐛

The children are thoroughly enjoying our ‘All creatures great and small’ theme and this week we have continued with the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have been observing our caterpillars and talking about their life cycle.

We have been sorting types of food in various ways and we even used numicon to represent the different amounts in each group.

Lots of fun in the classroom….

Fun in PE this week practising ball skills…