It’s been another great week in Foundation Stage. We have still been getting to know our classroom and enjoyed exploring all the areas of learning. We had much excitement when our new painting and mark making station arrived and have…
Welcome to Foundation Stage!
Wow! What a wonderful week we have had! The children have settled so well into their new classroom and routines and we are so proud of them. We have had lots of fun exploring all the areas and getting to…
We made it… Happy Summer Holidays!
Well that was a rather hot last week 🥵 We have enjoyed lots of ice investigations to keep cool. FS2’s enjoyed their sports day on Thursday morning. It’s been a great end to the school year. Foundation Stage, what an…
Healthy Eating and FS1 Sports Morning
This week we have been learning about healthy eating. We have been using our fine motor skills to cut out foods to make a healthy packed lunch. We have been sorting foods that are healthy and unhealthy and looking at…
Transition and moving on!
This week we have spent time in Class 1 with Mr Mallison and we have talked lots about moving on, what we are good at and what we want to get better at! We have also been exploring 2D and…
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!
This week we have been exploring the seaside. We have talked about what you might need to go to the seaside, what you might do there and how to stay safe while you are there. Here a some examples of…
Around the World
This week we have been looking at different countries around the world. We have been ’packing’ our suitcases and talking about where we have been and where we would like to travel to. We have also been looking at different…
Where we live
This week we have been learning all about where we live and where we are in the wider world!We read the story ’Me on a map’ and created our own maps of our bedrooms. We enjoyed our walk around the…
Our families
This week our focus has been families. We have been doing our own family trees, writing about our families and talking about who lives in our house. We have had lots of fun outdoors too! On Wednesday it was world…
The Royal Jubilee week 🇬🇧👑🎉
We’ve had a fantastic week preparing for the celebrations and learning about the Queen and the Jubilee. We have been observing our caterpillars closely and had the excitement of arriving on Tuesday to our first butterfly. We moved them into…