We have had great week and the children are settled in our new routines. Children in FS2 have completed their Baseline assessment and have really impressed us! All of the children have loved exploring the classroom, painting, collaging, playing in the sand and water as well as the home corner and construction area. They also enjoyed going on a ‘listening walk’ around school. Next week we will begin our Read Write Inc lessons in FS2 .


We started our maths this week! We have learned how to finding matching objects and pictures, identify sets and sort into groups. We had a super tricky challenge of sorting Grandma’s buttons lots of different ways!


Wednesday is our library day and on Wednesday of this week the children took home a library book. Could we ask that you return these books each week to be swapped, please. These books are for you to share and enjoy as a family.

What we are working on!

This half term, our focus is ‘All about me!’ We will be exploring things we like and dislike, what it means to be part of a family or community and our local environment. We will also be practicing our name writing. We’d love to see any writing the children work on at home.


A big well done to all of the children in Foundation Stage! This week our attendance was a fantastic 100%!

New beginnings

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