Good morning and welcome to the last week of Home Learning! I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine as much as I did!
At the end of the week there will be some exciting activities to celebrate World Book Day, watch out for more information.
Preparations are underway to have all the FS areas ready for you to come back and enjoy. Later this week I hope to be able to show you some of the things you will see and be able to use when you are back next week. Let’s have a look at what activities we have today.

Phonics FS2 – Consolidate new sounds
Phonics FS1 – I Spy
English FS2 – The Very Hungry Caterpillar – sequence the story
Maths FS2 – Measures
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 7


FS2 In phonics this week we will be consolidating the learning from last week, along with all the sounds you know. As I have said before, it is really important to practise so that you know these really well. It is especially important with digraphs and trigraphs so that you recognise them immediately and don’t see them as separate sounds. I have put together a pack for you to use throughout the week and this can be collected from school today. I will post the activities daily here on the blog as well. Don’t forget all the practical ways you can practise as well, such as splat, high five, hunt the word or sound and lots more.

Don’t forget to keep practising both the name and sound of each letter. Knowing the name of letters really helps when writing digraphs and trigraphs.

Watch the Alphablocks to remind yourself of the digraph ‘ar’.

Use your favourite Phonics Play games to practise.

FS1 This week we are going to continue to practise the different aspects of Phase 1 Phonics. Each day I will post some activities for you to choose from. Today, play I Spy. Can you find the items on the checklist? When you have found them, can you find items which begin with the same sound?


We are going to continue with The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the next few days and today I would like you to listen to the story again. Then I would like you to sequence the story – put the events in the correct order. You can use the download if you wish or draw your own pictures and write the days of the week.


FS2 This week in maths we are looking at measures. This includes; length, capacity and weight. I know lots of you can order objects by size as we have had lots of activities in school like this. However, the most important part of this weeks learning is using the correct words to describe when things are longer, shorter, heavier or full. Later in the week you will be thinking about how to explain why things are longer, shorter, heavier or full and how you know. So, although these are maths lessons, we learn that words and vocabulary are really important along with being able to explain why and how. Today we begin with thinking about ordering by size.

FS1 Number of the week: Number 7.This week we will be learning all about the number 7. Watch this video to get started.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

Last week definitely felt like Spring had arrived! I really enjoyed the sunshine and having a look outside to see the signs of Spring. Watch the video and learn about all the changes that happen in Spring.

Go out and see if you can find any signs of Spring. Take a photograph or draw a picture of what you see. I know I can see signs of Spring in my garden. Here are a few photographs I took.

You might find this checklist helpful.

Physical Development

Have a go at this Spring themed yoga.

Have a great day everyone.

Mrs Atkinson

Monday 1st March

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