Happy New Year to you all! It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. They have all come with positive attitudes and have been so excited to see their friends again. This half term, our main focus is going to be on traditional tales. We have started this week with Goldilocks and The Three Bears. The children have made bear faces, cotton bud painted the bear’s cottage and have loved acting out the story in the home corner amongst many other things!
Porridge making and tasting
Goldilocks loves porridge! We thought it would be fun to make and taste some porridge, just like the three bears made.
Here are our little bears in action!
Reading book reminder!
We send home library books on a Wednesday, which you can enjoy together as a family. These books then need to be returned the following Wednesday to be changed.
Some children will also bring home a reading book, which they need to read to a grown up. These books help the children to develop their reading fluency. Please could you encourage the children to read them daily. We set a target for every child to read a minimum of three times per week!
What’s coming up?