Christmas has arrived in FS this week and we are having so much fun! Our Elf, ‘Chippy’, has come to stay and is causing all sorts of mischief!! The children are so excited to see what he has been up to each morning!! We have also had fun dressing as elves and reindeer in our home corner. The children have been counting decorations onto Christmas trees, making paper chains and baubles as well as drawing things they’d like for Christmas on a stocking. FS is such a magical place to be at this time of year and the team are enjoying it as much as the children!

What we’ve been working on…
In computing, this week, we’ve been exploring different paint tools to help us create seasonal pictures.

In an afternoon, we’ve been learning the nativity story. The children have some great knowledge and can recall the main events. They have had a go at writing sentences to show their understanding.
What’s coming up?