Hello! I hope you have had a fab day and enjoyed the World Book Day activities.

Mrs Laughton and I have just about finished setting up the EYFS unit for you to return on Monday. Here are some pictures of what you can expect to see and play with. I wonder what you are looking forward to the most?

On Monday, when you arrive, things may be a bit different. We are asking you to enter the playground and leave your red bags in the boxes under the canopy. If you want us to see a message in your yellow book, please take it out of your bag and place in it the box before putting your bag in. There is then a whiteboard where grown ups can leave any messages, such as who will be picking you up if it’s not Mum or Dad. This is a new routine to keep everyone as safe as possible in the current climate.

Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Mrs Atkinson

Sneaky Preview!

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