Welcome to another week of Home Learning. I do hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the sun and frost and managed to get outside at some point.
This week we move on to the topic of Traditional Tales and lots of our activities will be based around some of these. Today we have the following activities:
Phonics FS2 – new sound ‘igh’
Phonics FS1 – Oral segmenting
English FS2 – The Three Little Pigs
Maths FS2 – Subitising – don’t worry there is a video to help explain what this is.
Maths FS1 – Number of the week: Number 3
PE – Arctic workout
This week we will be doing things a little bit differently. Although a number of you send pictures every day, some of you send them weekly or save up a few and send them all together. In order to relieve the daily pressure a little bit and hopefully share more of the same activities together I will be sharing your photos and videos on Wednesday and a Friday. If I do get a large build up then I will add some in between. However, to celebrate the end of last week, have a look at the pictures and videos below.

Apologies for the really long post today. I have added quite a bit of information to the maths section which I do hope you will find useful.
FS2 Unfortunately if you enjoyed Mr Mc, he has no videos for our next sounds. However, the videos this week cover exactly the same learning as Mr Mc. Watch the videos and the have a go at the activities. Today’s sound is a trigraph (3 letters making one sound) – ‘igh’
Choose the game you want to play to practise blending. You can play Buried Treasure, Picnic on Pluto or Dragons Den. Can you beat your score? Click on the link and choose your game. Click start and then choose Phase 3, then click on today’s new sound +igh.
Now practise reading your new sound ‘igh’ in sentences. Again click on the link and click start. Click next in the bottom right and click on today’s sound ‘igh’.
Why not have a treasure hunt around your house or garden. Ask a grown up to hide words and when one is found you must blend and read the word before hunting for the next word. An extra challenge could be to hunt for sentences. Here is a word list for ‘igh’. You could add words with previous sounds as well.

FS1 Grown ups – Oral segmenting is the opposite of oral blending that you did last week. This time the children say the sounds in ‘robot talk’. It is the precursor to writing and spelling. Again, it requires no letter recognition at this stage, just careful listening. It too can be tricky for the children at first so they may require lots of praise and encouragement – make it fun! They will be copying the ‘robot talk’ you modelled last week and will most likely love taking on the role of the robot. If you made a robot last week, now is the perfect time to use it!
Please don’t worry if your child finds this tricky. They will not be able to do this over night. Lots of practise and encouragement will help. You can go back to oral blending and come back to this when you think the time is right. Even if you are having a go at this don’t forget to keep practising oral blending and all the other activities eg alliteration. Little and often is the best way to learn.
Have a look at this video for information and examples of oral segmenting in action, then choose one of the games to have a go at. The games at the start of the video are the ones that will be most suitable for FS1 children but choose the ones you feel suit your child the best.
We begin our new Topic with the story of The Three Little Pigs. Most of you will know this story, some of you will know different versions. It is really important to be able to retell stories like this and this week there will be a few different activities to help you retell the story. Watch the video and have a go at the activities.
FS2 You did brilliantly last week adding by counting on. It is really important to count on from the first number eg First there were 5, now there are 6,7,8 to calculate 5+3, rather than go back and count all the objects beginning at 1 to find the total. So, this week we are going to practise a couple of skills to help us be able to do this really effectively.
First of all, I would like you to practise counting on and back from a number within 10, every day. Just spend a couple of minutes doing this and you will soon become super speedy! Play a game to do this.
Roll a dice and whatever number it lands on count on from that number to 10, eg if you roll 3 count on 4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Then roll it again and count backwards to zero eg if you roll a 4 count back 3,2,1,0.
You could also do this by using cards numbered 0-10. Turn over a card and count on or backwards.
You could even practise when you are out and about, just spot number and get counting. Or find numbers around the house, on food packets, in magazines or books.
As you get super speedy you could make the numbers bigger by using 2 dice or number cards 0-15 or 0-20. Don’t try to go too big too quickly, make sure you are really fast at the lower numbers first. You could time yourself and try to beat your time each day or play with someone else. Who can do it quickest?
Equally, if you find numbers tricky, just begin with numbers 0-5. You will be surprised at how quickly you can move on to bigger numbers.
The other skill we are going to practise this week is subitising. This means – To instantly recognise a small quantity, without having to count how many there are eg when you roll a dice you know how many dots there are without having to count them. You need to be able to do this in many different ways.
Grown ups – This video explains subitising and why it is so important. Research shows that that subitising may provide the basis for understanding many counting principles, as well as arithmetic ideas so it really important that we spend time practising this skill.
Children, watch the numberblocks episode. We have watched this before but today while you are watching see how many things you can identify four of without counting. You might need to stop the episode as you go along.
Now have a go at playing a game.
Play a pairs game with number cards and dice. Turn over a card and then roll a dice. If they match, keep the card. The winner has the most cards.
Play splat. Lay number cards on the floor. Roll a dice and then splat the corresponding numeral.
Here is a fun video thinking about counting down from 10.
Grown ups – You might adapt the dot game below to suit your child’s ability.

FS1 Grown ups. It is worth watching the video above: What is subitising and WHY is it so important in young children’s maths? Counting is really important but there are other skills which are equally, if not more important, one of which is subitising. All is explained in the video!
Number of the Week : 3 This week we will be learning all about the number 3. Watch this video to get started.
Physical Development
Now let’s get active. Try this arctic workout.
I can’t wait to see what you have done. There are lots of activities on here today. Remember you don’t have to complete them all. Pick the ones you enjoy and just have a go.
Mrs Atkinson