Well, what a wet day it was yesterday, but it didn’t stop all the great work! Another fantastic day. Lots of you are enjoying the videos and games online. With that in mind, don’t forget all we know about keeping safe when you are online. If something happens or pops up that you are not sure of, remember what you need to do – Tell an adult! I know how sensible you all are so look after yourselves and stay safe. Grown ups – there are lots of child friendly clips which might be worth a revisit for your child on https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk

Today we have the following activities:
Phonics – FS2 practising last week’s new sounds
Phonics – FS1 making a robot
English – Stick Man. Retelling the story and making up your own adventures
Maths – FS2 counting on when adding using a number track
Maths – FS1 printing with 2
Knowledge and Understanding of the World – Ice experiments

Before you begin, have a look at what everyone got up to yesterday.



Start by recapping your sounds, using Mr Mc or Phonics Play.



Practise blending by using a game on Phonics Play or an activity. Remember you can play with tricky words, words from the word lists or sounds depending on what you want to practise.


FS1 Grown ups – When learning about oral blending, we often refer to ‘robot talk’ as this is how we sound when we are speaking in sounds!
Today, make your own robot! It can be a painting, from junk modelling or a cereal box or even a robot mask. If it can have a hole to post cards in it can be used in a variety of activities in the future. Something like this or create your own.


Have you still got your stick family? I hope so. Today I would like you to have a go at retelling the story of Stick Man using your stick family. Remember on Monday I posted a video of Zack retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs? Maybe you could video yourself telling your story. You could use some of your toys as props. Perhaps you could make up a new story of an adventure the stick family have. Don’t forget to send your video to me so I can share it with your friends.


FS2 Today we are going to be counting on but this time using a number track. Adding two numbers using a number track to count on


FS1 Ask a grown up to help you cut out a simple ladybird or butterfly outline. Use finger paints to add 2 spots to each side, counting aloud as you do. While you have your paints out find different things to print with eg sponge, stamps, fingers, hands, leaves, sticks or whatever you can find. Can you print 2 of each?

Knowledge and Understanding of the World: The World

Watch the video to explore hot and cold.


Today I would like you to have a go at an ice experiment. Last week we looked at hot and cold water melting ice cubes. This week I would like you to investigate what else might make ice melt quickly.

First of all you need to freeze an object. You might add some food coloring to your ice. Will this make a difference? There are some ideas below. You could freeze a toy or toys and help them escape! Theo had a go at this last week and I hope he will be able to tell us which toy escaped first!

Then I would like you to have a think about what will make the ice melt quickly and test it out. You might try washing up liquid, salt, sugar, bath salts….. or you might have your own ideas. Remember to take lots of photos and lets us know what happened. You might even make a photo collage of your experiment at different stages. I can’t wait to see them.

Have a great day.

Mrs Atkinson

Thursday 21st January

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