Another great day yesterday, well done! I’m really pleased to see lots of you getting outside in the fresh air and being active. It is also lovely to see some of you sharing your older brothers or sisters learning and doing things together. It seems to me that lots of you have the ‘Kindness Superpower’! Don’t forget to share your acts of kindness so that Mrs Ledingham can add it to the ‘Tree of Kindness’ at the front of the school.
Today we have the following activities:
Phonics – FS2 practising last week’s new sounds
Phonics – FS1 more oral blending
English – Stick Man. Using your stick man and family to act out activities
Maths – FS2 counting on when adding
Maths – FS1 counting 2
Well Being Wednesday – making a positivity jar
Let’s have a look at some of the things you did yesterday.

FS2 Start by recapping your sounds, using Mr Mc or Phonics Play.
Practise blending by using a game on Phonics Play or an activity.
You could make a snakes and ladders game using words from the word lists. You could include tricky words to practise them too!

FS1 Watch the video and see how many you can get.
I would like you to get your stick family. Think about what activities your sticks could do in different seasons. For example – would they go outside and pick flowers in the winter? Have a look at the ideas below. What do sticks do? Can you act these activities out through role-play with your stick characters? Take some photographs of them doing the activities or you could draw them and send them to me so I can see what they have been doing and share them with your friends.

FS2 Today we are looking at different ways to help us count on when adding: Using manipulatives to count on when adding. Parents, please encourage your child to follow how the teacher models the activity, particularly with the tens frame. It is modelled in this way to support mental arithmetic later on. Some children will use the tens frame and put their counting objects randomly on the frame. They should fill in the consecutive boxes to support counting on.

Use your tens frame to help counting on to find the answers. Remember to count on and not go back to 1.

If you want to try this challenge, you will need two tens frames.

Extra challenge:
Using dice, cards or dominoes, roll or turn over two numbers. Can you find the total by counting on? Use the method which helps you; tens frame, number track, objects. Can you record the calculation? Repeat. Maybe try using a different method to help you each time.
FS1 Use Lego, pasta, raisins, sticks – anything! Can you count out 2? Don’t forget to show me what you have found.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Well Being Wednesday
Things are very different at the moment and sometimes we find ourselves feeling a bit fed up because we can’t do all the things we like to do, can’t see the people we would like to see or we are finding our home learning tricky. This is all very normal and it happens to everyone. The trick is finding ways to help cheer ourselves up when this happens, so today I would like you to have a go at making a Positivity Jar. If you don’t have a jar, you could use a box or any container. Decorate it however you like, make it special to you.
Follow the instructions below but I would like you to add other things too. I would like you to think of the people who are special to you. Perhaps you could draw a picture of them and add that to your jar so that when you see the picture it makes you think about them and the happy times you have together. Think also about times you have enjoyed and which have happy memories. These could be holidays, birthdays but could also be very simple, the day you played snakes and ladders with Granny or the day you went to the park with your best friend. Draw a picture and add that to your jar. You may even add a label or caption or ask an adult to help you to do that.

Have a fantastic day.
Mrs Atkinson