Another fab day of home learning activities – Foundation Stage you are just wow’ing us. Here’s a selection of your fab activities from yesterday.

Minibeasts – Superworm week

Activity 1 – With the sun shining today let’s get outside. Can you go on a minibeast hunt? Head outdoors this could be in your garden or for a walk in the sunshine, what can you find? Remember to be really careful if you find any and look after them. Where do you think you’ll find different minibeasts? On the ground? The grass? The soil? In water? Can you record and write down what you find and how many? This could be a picture or a label with lines, dots or the number for how many. You can do this on plain paper or I have attached some resources below if you wish to use for ideas. What’s the biggest minibeast you can find and the smallest? How do you know it’s a minibeast? I am also going to head out and see what I can find. I would love to see pictures of what you find. Have fun.
Activity 2 – Did you find any minibeasts? Think about what you saw (if anything). What is a minibeast? Now choose your favourite minibeast and see if you can find out any facts or interesting information about that minibeast. You could copy some facts of the internet, tell me anything you already know or record one cool fact you found out. You could tell me what your favourite minibeast: can do, looks like or what it does. This could be on paper, your grown up could write it down for you or you could ask your grown up to record you saying your fact. I have attached some resources below if you want to use for any ideas.
FS2’s you could make a minibeast fact file with what you found out.
I have found out some funny facts about worms that I will share with you for tomorrow’s activity. Below are some great websites if you wish to use.
Minibeast counting
Have a sing and count along. How many different types of minibeasts can you see in the video?
FS2 challenge – After you’ve counted along, can you count in 10’s after each set of minibeasts?
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine. I look forward to seeing what you get busy with today. Miss Mc.