What another great week of home learning. We are so proud of all you are doing and achieving at home. Few more pictures below of what you have been busy with.
Warning – long post and lots to read below so keep scrolling down. Today’s ideas and lots of phonics and reading info at the bottom.

Have you had a try at the spider counting challenge from Wednesday? It’s tricky. How could you count them all? Could you put them into groups or cross them off as you count them. If you haven’t had a try yet why not ask an adult to help you. Spiders counted so far…

Spider week
Today we are going to have a finishing off and fun Friday. It’s been another busy week and there has been lots of activities and ideas posted throughout the week. You have worked hard and I am so proud of what you are achieving. Please take time today to finish or have a go at anything else you would like to from this week.
I haven’t seen any pictures of spiders you’ve found yet, so with the weather warming up maybe today you could get into the garden and see if you can find any. You could take a picture and label it using pic collage. Why not draw your own spider. Activity below if you would like it.
Activity – Can you find a spider outside (or in the house) and take a picture of it? Or can you draw your own spider? Can you label your spider? Tell your grown up what parts of the spider you know (head, body, legs etc). Have a go at labelling your spider. What would you call your spider? FS2’s can you write 1 sentence about your spider?
Below are LOTS of resources if you can and wish to print or ideas to make your own – spider labelling, Spider life cycle, Spider-Man mask, colouring activities and more.
A real challenge – why not talk about the body parts of a spider – parts of a spider labelling below.
Some maths activities to print or use pic college on your phone, tablet or iPad.
Don’ forget the Purple Mash 2Do challenges if you would like them. I have an extra maths challenge I will post a little later if you would like to have a go. Don’t forget Matthew’s reading challenge – where is the most unusual place you can look at or read a book? Don’t forget to send me you pictures – email or upload to Evidence Me.
Most important of all today and this weekend, take lots of time to play. Whenever you are playing, you are learning so have fun and enjoy learning new things and life skills. Please remember all these activities are just ideas if you would like them.
Have a great day and a lovely weekend – enjoy the sunshine. Miss Mc
Phonics Focus
FS2 – Please keep practicing all phase 2 and 3 sounds and tricky words and phase 4 tricky words. This should ideally be done daily just a short 10-15 minutes going through all the sounds will really help to consolidate them.
FS1 – Can you join in with some of the phase 2 sounds? Why not have a try.
Phase 2 –
Phase 3 –
FS1 – Have a go joining in with the video below.
FS2 Reading
Again please keep practicing reading as much as possible. There are so many websites with great online books. Simply Phonics has some great reading activities. The videos below are great for reading sentences and longer words. Try them with the sound off.
Then try part 2 …
Online reading and resources
The link below takes you to some instant online phonics decodable books – stick to the red/yellow band books (they are American so some words you will need to swap – mom – mum).
Reading comprehension activities –
Below is the blog post from 19/3/2020 that has some great reading links.
Children can download free eBooks from the library, they just need a library membership and pin number, but it’s free to join and can be done online.
There’s lots of great children’s eBooks/eAudiobooks and some interesting magazines like National Geographic etc that may be of interest.
Join the library here (click the online option) https://library.eastriding.gov.uk/web/arena/self-registration
For eBooks and eAudiobooks, download the Borrowbox App from Play Store/App Store – guidance here: https://www.eastridinglibraries.co.uk/libraries-online/ebook-instructions/
Other links to eBooks and stories online;