It’s been lovely to see so many of you having a go at the positional language activities and having lots of fun with it.
Some videos and pictures to share with you today. There are lots so keeping going down. How fab is Kip and his sister Nancy’s VE Day dancing – amazing! Just enter password ‘Veday’ to watch below. Today’s activities at the bottom.
Kip’s super retelling the story. Password ‘Spider‘.
Amazing positional language from Bayden.
‘Where’s Libby’ great positional language.
Matthew confidently using positional language with Buzz Lightyear.

Spider week
I hope you are enjoying the activities this week so far. You have done amazing with ‘The Very Busy Spider’ story, so many fantastic creations and activities completed. Today I am going to share our next story about a spider with you. Watch and enjoy the story below.
Thinking about both stories you have now heard – ‘The Very Busy Spider’ and ‘Aaaarrgghh Spider’, today we are going to look at similarities and differences – things that are the same and things that are different.

Activity 1 – Can you talk about some of the things that are the same and the things that are different in the two stories? Your grown up could video you saying some of these things. You could have a go at writing using your phonics or coping some words or ask your grown up to write what you say. I have attached some resources below if you can and wish to print, they might give you some more ideas. You could make a simple list like I’ve started…

Activity 2 – Next have a go at comparing some different things. Can you tell your grown up any similarities and differences with the things below. Again your grown up could write or record what you say or FS2’s have a go at writing 1 word for each thing.

Why not have a look around your house – can you find things that are the same and things that are different? Can you find 5 things that are similar and 5 things that are different. How are you similar and different to your family members?
Remember these are just ideas, you could have a go at 1 of them or have a go at all of them. Did you manage to count all the spiders yesterday? If you haven’t had a go yet have a try today or have a guess if you’re not sure – there are so many to count you will need some help (yesterday’s tea time blog post).
Also don’t forget the reading challenge set by Matthew. He says “Where is the most unusual place you can read or look at a book or share a book with a grown up? He read his in his car. ?? Send me your pictures when you find the most unusual place – this challenge is for the rest of the week too.
I will post some Maths activities at lunch time for you to have a go at this afternoon if you would like to.
Have a great day, feel to email if you need any help or have any questions about today’s activities.
Miss Mc ?