Wow there has been some fantastic retelling of the story and story maps created. Also some great spider facts have been researched and super spider maths. Well done for all your hard work, I hope you are enjoying ‘Spider week’ so far. Here’s a selection of pictures of what you have been busy with yesterday. Keep scrolling down for today’s activities.

Spider week
Today we are going to look at using positional language. Watch the video below to start today (American video – when he says ‘by’ – we would say ‘next to’).
Then watch it again and see if you can pause it every time he asks ‘Where is the spider?’ Can you tell your grown up where the spider is in relation to the box – on the box, in the box, under the box or by (next to) the box.

Activity 1 – Can you use positional language to describe where the fly is in each picture. There are 7 challenges for you to have a go at. Can you tell your grown each time?
You could write numbers 1-7 and make a list by writing some of the positional words – on, in, under, next to, on its leg etc. FS2 you can use your phonics to sound out these words to write on your list. Your grown up could also video you describing where the fly is.

I have attached some more positional activities if you can and wish to print them. There’s also some word cards if you need ideas. You could cut out and match with the pictures.

Activity 2 – Now have your own positional language fun. You could use yourself, your family or an object in the house. Can you use positional language to describe where you or the object is in the house or garden. You could create an obstacle course and move on, under, next to etc. You could use a teddy or toy and a box. Can you put the teddy in, on, under, next to, in front of the box? Make sure you get lots of pictures of the different positions to show me and others what you get up to.
Check out the blog after lunch as I will be posting a reading challenge and some maths fun. Don’t forget there are 3 Purple Mash 2Do challenges for you to have a go at this week linked to our story. Why not have a go on Mini Mash – there is phonics, counting and many more activities to play with.
Have a great day, Miss Mc.