Here are just a few more pictures to share from last weeks hungry caterpillar week, VE Day celebrations, diary entries and bank holiday fun.

Spider week

You have created some fantastic webs, words and sentences so far. Have you had a go at writing any words to go with your web? FS2’s if you haven’t written a sentence yet, you could do that today.
Watch the story one more time then take a look below for today’s activities.

Activity 1 – Can you retell the story? This could be drawing a picture of the spider, web and the animals underneath in the correct order (you could use the web you made yesterday). You could make your own story map from the beginning to the end and label your pictures. Your grown up could draw the animals or write the names and you write the number that they appeared in the story, e.g Horse – 1. You could even order by the noise the animal makes. (Choose the activity that suits your child). This can be done on paper, taking pictures or video recording your child retelling the story. Below are some story map examples of other stories to have a look at and some resources if you can and wish to use them or look at for ideas.

Activity 2 – Can you find out some interesting spider facts? You could tell your grown up or write a sentence about something you already know about spiders. The website link below has some good facts you could read together (FS2’s have a go sounding some words out and practice your reading). You could record on paper, pictures and video.
Where can you find spiders? Can you find any spiders to take a picture of? Remember to be very careful they are only small and may be a little frightened.
Check out the blog after lunch, I will post some spider maths fun later on if you wish to have a go this afternoon. Have a great day. Miss Mc.