I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of fun activities and home learning. This week is a bit of a different one with Friday being VE Day and technically a bank holiday. We are going to have a new story Monday – Wednesday and as always I will post lots of ideas and activities. Then on Wednesday afternoon/Thursday morning we are going to do something a little different to start the VE Day celebrations and learn a little bit about it all. Lots of activities and info below so keep scrolling down once you’ve read each bit.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar ?
We are going to start today by reading and listening to this week’s story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Watch and listen as I read through the story this morning.
Did you spot what shapes the hungry caterpillar had left on the leaf after he’d munched it?
Activity 1
Activity 1 – Today you are going to become an artist. Can you create your own shape painting or picture? Tell your grown up what shapes you know and see if you can draw or paint that shape and create your own artwork. You could find something to draw round to help you.
Activity 2
Activity 2 – Can you create your own modern art display? You could choose 1 shape to collect or make different displays using different shapes. Have a hunt around your house or garden see what shapes you can find. How will you arrange your display? Can you tell me any properties of your shapes? (Have you used 2D flat or 3D chunky shapes? FS2 can you remember the difference? How many corners does your shape have? How many sides?)
Don’t forget to take a picture of your finished projects to show me and share it everyone.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar days of the week diary challenge
In the story the caterpillar eats different things each day. Today is Monday, can you remember what he ate on Monday?
Activity – Can you keep your very own diary of what he ate? Each day I will ask you what he ate on that day. You could draw what he ate and tell your grown up, FS2’s have a go at labelling your picture in your diary – remember to use your phonics to sound out. This would look great on plain paper and then folded, stapled or sellotaped together or I have attached some resources below if you can and wish to print any templates for ideas.
Purple Mash
There are also 4 new Purple Mash 2Do activities for you to have a go at throughout the week – you could do 1 each day Monday-Thursday.
After lunch why not have a listen to the days of the week song and have a sing along. Do you know your days of the week?
Phonics tricky words
Below are a selection of tricky word songs for you to watch throughout the week. Why not play a game of tricky word hunt around the house. You could write down or copy some of the tricky words and put them up around your house then see if you can remember them every time you see them – you could keep points for every time you get them right. Choose the phase that suits your child – feel free to email me you have any questions.
Have a great Monday. Miss Mc