Another day of some amazing activities completed at home. Below is a selection of pictures of Supertato challenges and other activities you have been getting up to.
Supertato week
To finish Supertato week let’s have some Friday fun. Today’s activities are all about the story ‘Supertato Veggies Assemble’. Read and listen to the story then have a go at some of the activities.
Have a go at making, creating or drawing your own super veggies team. You could decorate or add any junk modelling you have at home to any veggies you have left over. You could even use fruit and have fruit superheroes. How about just drawing some eyes on your veg and bring them to life or you could turn your teddies and toys into superheroes.
Can you list or write a sentence to explain what your veggies superhero powers are and what you would call them?
I have attached some resources if you are able to print and would like any more ideas/activities.
Number challenge – There is also a superhero number line challenge , you could print, complete on tablet or iPad or you could practice your numbers and see if you can fill in the missing gaps. Can you complete up to 10 on your own? Up to 20 on your own?
Have a look back over this week’s activities – is there any activities you’ve not had a go at? Don’t forget the Purple Mash 2Do veggie challenge. I will be posting all the completed ones over the weekend.
Supertato’s extra location check challenge
Did you guess the first 3 locations – remember to keep your list and tick them off along the way if you guessed correctly. Feel free to send me pics of your lists at any time. All areas are Evil Pea safe so far!
Location No.4 –
Remember there will be more locations posted throughout the day. Have a fun Friday.
Amazing work Foundation Stage. I love the printing!
From Mrs Ledingham