Longer post today but important blog info then today’s activities further down.
New home learning blog – As I explained on Monday, next week W/C Monday 8th June we will be changing the way we run the class blogs for home learning. We will move to a whole school home learning blog that will be followed both at home and in school. It can be found just above the Foundation Stage blog on the school website and will be called ‘Home Learning’.
It will be similar in that it will be based around one theme and there will be a range of activities set and posted each day by the teachers. Some activities will be differentiated across key stages FS – Year 6 and some will be differentiated by outcome. Feel free to adapt and change to suit your child if you would like.
Please keep uploading and sending me work and activities in the same way – by uploading to Evidence Me or emailing work/pictures to the FS class email: fsbrandesburton@gmail.com and on a Friday I will post a celebration of the week’s activities back on our FS class blog so you can see what everyone has been getting up to. There may also be an FS treat posted on our blog on a Friday from time to time so be sure to send me what you have been busy with.
Please email me on the FS class email if you have any questions or queries at all.
Back to this week.
It was lovely to see you keeping busy in the house yesterday – at least the plants and gardens will have enjoyed the rain. Some fab pictures from yesterday’s home activities below. Amazing maths, dens and story scenes. Today’s activities below.

Snail and the Whale Week

Activity 1 – Can you make your own snail trail? If you were a snail where would you go? You could make a trail of where you have been yesterday or this morning using objects or string. It could start in your bedroom, where did you go next? The bathroom? Into another room? The kitchen? Can you draw a simple map and make a trail on it where you have been?
You could even just make a snail trail picture if you have any glue or sellotape. Or why not go on a snail trail hunt – can you find any snail trails outside to take a picture of? The rain may have brought them out. What do you think a snail’s trail is made of? I have attached a sheet below if you wish to look at for ideas.

Activity 2 – The snail goes on an adventure with the Whale. If you were a snail where would you want the Whale to take you? Would you go the same places the snail in the story went? Or to your favourite place?
FS1’s Can you tell your grown up where you would like to go on your adventure. You could copy some words or see if you can write the first initial sound of where you would go?
FS2’s Can you use your phonics to write where you might go on your adventure. You could write words or see if you can write 2 sentences. This could be done on paper or grown ups you could draw another snail shell to write the words in.
I have attached some resources below if you wish to use for ideas.
Number time – Have a go at counting the fish – you may need to pause the video to guess or write your answer.
Have a fab day and enjoy the activities. Miss Mc